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SECOND TASK My name is Radhiyah Tul Miftah, a student from Ujung Pandang State Polytechnic. Students at polytechnics are equipped
with reliable abilities and skills before getting a job. This is my experience during the workshop practice from the beginning to practice until
now. The workshop that I talk is not a workshop where you can repair vehicles but the workshop that I mean is the workshop where we
practice on polytechnic campus. Before carrying out workshop activities, the practitioner is expected to apply 21 golden rules of safety, if the
practitioner does a job that uses high voltage it is expected to avoid it contact with energized electrical circuits. if there is a short circuit,
students are expected to Disconnect the power source before servicing or repairing electrical equipment. other than that it uses only tools
and equipment with non-conducting handles when working on electrical devices. and students are required to wear safety gloves and safety
shoes. Before carrying out the practice, the practitioners are given their respective jobs which will become a reference in carrying out the
practice later. But first, the practitioners are given theory and direction from the supervisor as basic knowledge about practice, students must
always be under the supervision of their respective tutors or instructors, so that any problems during practice can be resolved. And also
students are given deadlines in completing each job after which checks are held to ensure that all the series that have been made are going
well. Then do a trouble shooting analysis or giving problems to the series to train students in solving problems. In this mechanic workshop
activity in the first semester, it was held from 23 October to 7 November 2018 which lasted for about 2 weeks productively, students worked
on three jobs. The first job is the U Profile where in the process of using strong energy because you have to file with manual tools and in
accordance with the job orders so that you need good accuracy and patience, students will learn to use calipers, dripping techniques,
scratching, grinding techniques, filing, drilling. etc. The second job is duck eye training. In working with it, it takes persistence to install
cables on a wiring board with various levels of cable thickness, in this job you must have extra hand strength because you have to peel the
cable using peeled pliers and have to bend the cable according to the procedure size with sharp pliers. Then in the third job, it called
practice In wiring, students connect cables to various terminals, which is the lightest job among the two jobs above that does not require a
lot of energy. The lighting installation workshop activity in the second semester lasts for about 3 weeks, in which this workshop uses the
method of applying the meaning of images to the practicum board. In this practice, students are provided with location diagrams and one
line wiring diagrams with the aim that students are more fluent in reading pictures and easier in assembling. In this job the trouble common
happen, such as shorting the lights, this usually happens due to improper installation due to wrong reading of images, so this workshop
requires accuracy in assembling and reading detailed images. In the activity of the power installation, lighting and KWH meter workshop
activities in the third semester, held from 25 November to 13 December 2019. The practice which is carried out this semester, students
carry out the process of the Power and Lighting Installation. Students are taught to carry out the installation process according to the job
sheet that has been given. Most of the practice in the third semester is closely related to the previous semester, such as reading pictures,
pulling cables to working on panels. At the beginning of the work, the lighting installation process that is done first is to make lighting from
several types of existing lamps such as incandescent to TL lamps. After installing the lighting then it is the power installation process. In this
section, it is intended to build installations that can be used to control motors. There are several types of controls that are applied in this
practice, such as Auto Reverse, Star - Triangle controls, to DOL. In this job, trouble common happend due to the wrong image reading that
occurs like a push button which cannot be locked and works properly. In the 4th semester workshop activities are carried out on the campus
of two state polytechnics on March 3 to 13, 2020, where at this time the activity is carried out in groups so the that does not require a lot of
energy because it is done together so they are younger, students do jobs on Industrial Automation (Conventional & PLC) with the method
Conventional and PLC in the industrial world where in practice PLC has a high level of focus because it has to code correctly so that jobs
can run according to the procedure. In this practice, the furnace is used as a heating material, airblast is used as a light material carrier,
Milling is used as a material carrier while a pump is used as a water control. The use of these tools is controlling method as a controller so
that the tool works according to our wishes. The background for implementing this practice is to increase the work potential, skills, and
creativity of students so that the creation of professionals in the electricity field. Beside that developments in the industrial world require us
to know knowledge and skills in matters related to work in the industrial world. In addition there are student errors in complying with 21
golden safety rules such as wearing loose clothing (skirts). But there is also the negligence of repair shop technicians who use incomplete
materials such as switches that do not have a protector (cover) because this negligence results in a short circuit. From this incident,
students are expected to understand the 21 golden safety rules before carrying out a job

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My name is Radhiyah Tul Miftah, a student from Ujung Pandang State Polytechnic. Students
at polytechnics are equipped with reliable abilities and skills before getting a job. This is my
experience during the workshop practice from the beginning to practice until now. The
workshop that I talk is not a workshop where you can repair vehicles but the workshop that I
mean is the workshop where we practice on polytechnic campus.

Before carrying out workshop activities, the practitioner is expected to apply 21 golden rules
of safety, if the practitioner does a job that uses high voltage it is expected to avoid it contact
with energized electrical circuits. if there is a short circuit, students are expected to
Disconnect the power source before servicing or repairing electrical equipment. other than
that it uses only tools and equipment with non-conducting handles when working on
electrical devices. and students are required to wear safety gloves and safety shoes. Before
carrying out the practice, the practitioners are given their respective jobs which will become a
reference in carrying out the practice later. But first, the practitioners are given theory and
direction from the supervisor as basic knowledge about practice, students must always be
under the supervision of their respective tutors or instructors, so that any problems during
practice can be resolved. And also students are given deadlines in completing each job after
which checks are held to ensure that all the series that have been made are going well. Then
do a trouble shooting analysis or giving problems to the series to train students in solving

In this mechanic workshop activity in the first semester, it was held from 23 October to 7
November 2018 which lasted for about 2 weeks productively, students worked on three jobs.
The first job is the U Profile where in the process of using strong energy because you have to
file with manual tools and in accordance with the job orders so that you need good accuracy
and patience, students will learn to use calipers, dripping techniques, scratching, grinding
techniques, filing, drilling. etc.

The second job is duck eye training. In working with it, it takes persistence to install cables
on a wiring board with various levels of cable thickness, in this job you must have extra hand
strength because you have to peel the cable using peeled pliers and have to bend the cable
according to the procedure size with sharp pliers. Then in the third job, it called practice In
wiring, students connect cables to various terminals, which is the lightest job among the two
jobs above that does not require a lot of energy.
The lighting installation workshop activity in the second semester lasts for about 3 weeks, in
which this workshop uses the method of applying the meaning of images to the practicum
board. In this practice, students are provided with location diagrams and one line wiring
diagrams with the aim that students are more fluent in reading pictures and easier in
assembling. In this job the trouble common happen, such as shorting the lights, this usually
happens due to improper installation due to wrong reading of images, so this workshop
requires accuracy in assembling and reading detailed images.

In the activity of the power installation, lighting and KWH meter workshop activities in the
third semester, held from 25 November to 13 December 2019. The practice which is carried
out this semester, students carry out the process of the Power and Lighting Installation.
Students are taught to carry out the installation process according to the job sheet that has
been given. Most of the practice in the third semester is closely related to the previous
semester, such as reading pictures, pulling cables to working on panels. At the beginning of
the work, the lighting installation process that is done first is to make lighting from several
types of existing lamps such as incandescent to TL lamps.

After installing the lighting then it is the power installation process. In this section, it is
intended to build installations that can be used to control motors. There are several types of
controls that are applied in this practice, such as Auto Reverse, Star - Triangle controls, to
DOL. In this job, trouble common happend due to the wrong image reading that occurs like a
push button which cannot be locked and works properly.

In the 4th semester workshop activities are carried out on the campus of two state
polytechnics on March 3 to 13, 2020, where at this time the activity is carried out in groups
so the that does not require a lot of energy because it is done together so they are younger,
students do jobs on Industrial Automation (Conventional & PLC) with the method
Conventional and PLC in the industrial world where in practice PLC has a high level of focus
because it has to code correctly so that jobs can run according to the procedure. In this
practice, the furnace is used as a heating material, airblast is used as a light material carrier,
Milling is used as a material carrier while a pump is used as a water control. The use of these
tools is controlling method as a controller so that the tool works according to our wishes. The
background for implementing this practice is to increase the work potential, skills, and
creativity of students so that the creation of professionals in the electricity field. Beside that
developments in the industrial world require us to know knowledge and skills in matters
related to work in the industrial world.

In addition there are student errors in complying with 21 golden safety rules such as wearing
loose clothing (skirts). But there is also the negligence of repair shop technicians who use
incomplete materials such as switches that do not have a protector (cover) because this
negligence results in a short circuit. From this incident, students are expected to understand
the 21 golden safety rules before carrying out a job

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