Sakurai J J Modern Quantum Mechanics and Solutions

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The procedure is essentially identical to prove that [p., F{x)] =—ihOF/Px,. As for opi] = wip? — pia? = ahp — opto + opto — pint = ofe,p'] + [op Je make use of [2,p"] = shO(p?)/Op = 2ihp 00 that [2", 9") = Wh(ep-+pz). The classical Poisson bracket is (2°,p"Jesmiat = (22)(2p) — 0 = dep and so [z?,¢"] = ah[z*,2"]oendeat when we let the (classical quantities) x and p commute be 30. This is very similar to problem 28. Using problem 29, ZO) = [se (= ‘I = th ex 2(“E) =hexp (=) =150) ‘We can use this result to calculate the expectation value of 2,. First note that FOE IO = MYe70 - AUT = AY IM) - 2: FOLID =k ‘Therefore, under translation, (ez) = (orlzalex) > (axl T's Wax) = {oF (ae ex) = (eel ae +e) la) = (ee) $4 which is exactly what you expect from a translation operator. 31. This is a continued rehash of the last few problems. Since [x, 7(dx’)] = dx’ by (1.6.25), and since Jt[x, J] = JixS —x, we have Jt(dx’)xJ(dx’) = x+ THdx"dx’ = x+dx' since we only keep the lowest order in dx’, Therafore (x) + (x) + dx’, Similarly, from (1.6.45), [p, 7(dx'}] = 0, so 71 [p, J] = 7p —p=0. That is 7tpF = p and (p} + {p) 32. These are all straightforward. In the following, all integrals are taken with limite from oo to 00, One thing to keep in mind is that odd integrands give zero for the integral, so the right change of variables can be very useful. Also recall that f exp(—az®)dz = 4/nja, and fx? exp(—ax®)de = —(d/da) f exp(—ax)de = «/m/2a"V?, So, for the z-space case, fovevetaerae = [tole ? 2 wy = -# for Zowteer w o\ d af af - 5, foe (-*- i) Z [(@-2)=e (-#)] de Be 1 2\? ay ~ ie [a+ (#3) Joo(-S) id Be = e[fhse) fe 2) ee a] a - #[5+H] Bye | Mex ( BJ ar =H ate ap tag the &) Using instead the momentum space wave function (1.7.42), we have &) [ieteiererionay = fttrloyPat = free Pla fsa om A) = bg flat meen [SF] arm SEE sate Eee 33. I can't help but think thie problem can be done by creating a “momentum translation” operator, but instead I will follow the original solution manual. This approach uses the position space representation and Fourier transform to arrive the answer. Start with ‘Plz p") fovierewra - f eaeyernar _ vor) ~ mm exp [-1 i argc — ) Nov find {'|z|a} by inserting a complete set of states |p"), that is ele | foto yarioyat =k [ate aot aye Given this, the next expression is simple to prove, namely (lela [eewrerele = [aes ngZew) using the standard definition ¢y(p') = ¢p'}y). Certainly the operator T(E) = ep(iz/h) looks like a momentum translation operator. So, we should try to work out pT(E)|p’) = pexp(ix=/h)|p’) and see if we get |p +5). Take a lesson from problem 28, and make use of the result from problem 29, and we have 2’) 7+ TSK) = fore) —aL7e) hwy +97 and, indeed, T(Z)|p’) is an eigenstate of p with eigenvalue p' In fact, this could have been done first, and then write down the translation operator for infinitesimal momenta, and derive the expression for {p'|z|a) the same way ss done in the text for infinitesimal spacial translations. {I like this way of wording the problem, and maybe it will be changed in the next edition.)

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