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The actual purpose of this particular chapter is to view the availability of literature about
the workplace diversity, equality act and effects of on organizations environment on the overall
productivity and performance. Diversity management has always been an important element of
environment when it comes to organization because different people from different backgrounds
and ethnicity work together under one roof. Therefore, there are chances of different dilemma
and conflicts to happen as there's different mentality among employees. Any business
organization should focus on the equality and cultural diversity among the workforce so that any
different issue can be resolved and everybody can be an excellent team player which will result
in overall performance and productivity of an organization.

Globalisation has overall accelerated the multinational companies to address the serious
issue of diversity and equality not only for the survival of the company but also to gain a
competitive advantage. The labour force has been diversified due to which firms facing
challenges are related to diversity issues both from the organisational perspective and human
resource. (Ross-Gordon & Brooks, 2004).

Globalisation has no doubt exponentially increased in the interaction between people

from different parts of the globe, this has brought a revolutionary change among the workforce
worldwide. Because of globalisation the firms are facing diversification and equality issues in
there companies which they also take as a competitive advantage. Maximizing and resolving on
this workplace diversity is an important issue for the management so that they can also evolve
with time and trends. Managing over diversity and equality in any business organisation is a
global challenge now so every form and human resource managers must implement and adopt to
accommodate a multicultural employee force.

One of the global most orthodox phenomena in bid firms is the diversity of manpower,
which is always characterized by individuals with different characteristics like gender,
nationality, age, religion, tribal affiliations, logical or political affiliations. The individual’s
mentality or way of thinking should be taken into account and utilised for the advantage of the
company there is no business or any company with only employees’ worker from similar ages or
similar background. Also, the company employs women and men, black or white, Muslims or

non-Muslims, Arabs or non-Arabs as well as people with religious differences, believes and
ideologies. All this labour diversity needs conscious management attention about each particular
category and special care to build them into an integrated frame for team with the only purpose
to increase the productivity and performance of the company also to gain competitive advantage.
Respect for diversity very well can end to functional stability and thou reduce cost.

A multicultural firm or organization is the one which is diverse in every aspect, which allows
people from every background to such environment in which they just embrace the cultural
changes and contribute with their different ideologies and skills to support one another working
as the single team under one roof for one company.

Section 1


Diversity can be explained as realising, understanding and accepting the evolving differences
among the employees with respect to their religion, age, race, class, gender, ethnicity and
disabilities. (Esty et al. 1995). The problem of minorities and diversification of culture has been
crucial element in USA - North American countries and Canada.

Cultural diversity can be educated from various: at an organisational level, at any

individual or group level, at any social level. Different changing patterns of culture, expressing
power relations and values needs to be e referenced and analysed at all levels. With more
practical approach managing cultural diversity has been an important business response from the
growing diversification of the employees by any business organisation.

Diversity is a total of differences which are associated with gender or race and sexual identity
and ethnic sexual orientation, religion and age and level of education, social situation and
economic situation and physical ability and class and many others. (John, 2010). The main
theme of all kind of diversities includes each employee or staff member under $100 of diversity
which includes all kinds of differences in characteristics mainly personal such as sex, age,
education, religious beliefs, race and cultural background. On the other hand, some components
are attributed to organisational characteristics such as service in the organisation, functional
length of work, and dissemination of reports.

According to a human resource institute survey which was conducted by the institute of
human resources for a thousand companies listed in the Fortune magazine, 96% of the
respondents said companies provide training for diversity based on race, 85% on the basis of
ethnicity, 80% on the basis of sex, 65% on the basis of age and 54% on the basis of beliefs.

Cultural diversity at the workplace is as important as any other security of the company.
People also want to work in such an environment where they can allow themselves to enjoy
equal opportunities that can result into a positive culture and highly productive team making an
organisation very competitive.


Observing equality at the working environment is extremely fundamental as it is required for

self-improvement and vocation advancement of the ladies.( Hurst, Leberman and Edwards,
2016). Gender equality at the associations is significant and it constructs solid connections
between workers which generally speaking encourages the association to develop. There is no
uncertainty that gender equality stereotypes are typically present in each association due to
which diverse association faces various issues which are about difficult to determine which
likewise upsets the authoritative structure of the work environment.

Gender inequality based on sex influences the judgment making the representatives have
numerous desires from the male workers when contrasted with the female representatives.
(Plickert and Sterling, 2017). The workforce normally builds up a mentality that is identified
with suitable work-family job desires and sexual orientation generalizations with their very.
Ordinarily, it is seen that representatives who are moms can't satisfy the best possible time
required by their work when contrasted with the dads who give enough time which is required.

With regards to ladies, there is a contention having the hard options. Moms who are
utilized ordinarily are not fit to be set under specific sexual orientation segregation anyway they
are generally thought little of as the overseers regarding execution and ability at the work. The
work is structured in such a way that when it comes to women they have to face serious
challenges with the gender stereotypes and the parts they are expected to play, as it is observed
and believe that due to their extra responsibility they usually underperform and their career is
affected big time. (Mogale,2018). It the responsibility of the organisation that if any female

employee faces such challenge they should be provided with assistance and a serious action
towards such gender stereotypes.

Having policies of equal rights is very important for any organisation to enforce at
workplace because that ensures equal opportunities and same rights to each employee regardless
of any difference of characteristics such as religion gender language age and disability. Equality
guarantees equal rights and opportunities which also creates a very positive and favourable
environment in the workplace which helps the company to grow also and individual to improve

Relevant Theories

An extensive research and number of studies in literature shows that cultural diversity at an
organisation has more impact for performance benefit then homogeneous work structure. Since
minorities and women make up most of the wider pool of workforce. Multicultural organisation
are capable to attract and hire the most skilful candidates so that organisation can gain the better
advantages to stand distinguishable in the corporate sector as well as the employees can enjoy
top notch human resources dividends.

Also to hire such candidates and retaining a workforce like this it is very fundamental for an
business organisation to treat and encourage each individual with equality, security and
awareness offering similar opportunities for the career advancement. Moreover, an organisation
that is culturally diverse is capable for better positioning and providing services to global
employee market this is also because such organisations realises the political economic social
cultural and legal perspectives of the foreign nations.

Best Practices for Managing Diversity and Equality

Practices for managing cultural diversity and equality at the workplace are the best
practices which are also considered appropriate and accepted under the circumstances when
regulated in business. Best practices which will enable equality and diversity often comes from a
systematic and careful part process and reflection of hard work and practical experience.

Leadership - Behind every successful organization is the top leadership commitment. Division
of diversity created and communicated to an organization is only applicable by top living

Strategic Plan - Happy environment at a workplace consist of strategic planning and diversity as
a fundamental part. An organization strategic plan must be loaded with equal rights for everyone
and should also be aligned with a diverse strategic plan.

Performance - Workforce performance is also interlinked with diversity. It's very rightly
implemented that the more diverse and creative the employees are, the more productivity can be
yield for organizational performance.

Measurement - diversity tool highly impacts the overall program of an organization as a set of
qualitative and quantitative measures.

Planning of Success - an active process of identifying and choosing a diverse talented pool of
people for organization can lead them into the potential future leders to take over the

Accountability - this mean that each and every individual working under the one room with
each other is accountable for whatever they do. Also that the leaders are responsible for the
diversity interlinking performance.

Employee Involvement - Healthy involvement of employees with each other’s within a

workplace is the driving force for diversity throughout an organization.

Recruitment - it's the process of attracting and hiring a supply of talented, educated, ethical,
skilful and diverse individuals for employment.

Diversity training - the effort made by the organization to educate and enlighten the
management and employee stuff about the benefits of diversity to each of them and to the
organization as well.

Section 2

The revolutionary change in diversity of labour force because of the changes in

demographics like women at workplace and the laws that needs organisation to revise their

management it and organisational structure policies to develop innovative and creative

approaches in managing people. Positive change will lead in increasing productivity and
development of an organisation which will end up with an improved and better brand image.

Now for addressing this diversity issue in any business organisation having women,
leadership plays a vital role. Cox and Blake believe that top leadership involves addressing the
diversity related issues which are essential for any organisation to grow and to have the positive
environment and behaviour among employees. The heads and managers must recognise and
realise their own cultural biasness to accept the change in workforce and should also work over

Myers (2013) argued that human resources managers should play a vital role in
developing the management practices and activities because they are the ones who determines
the details of implementation related to any practice. He also stated that the manager is supposed
to be always responsible and be prepared to find solutions to increase diversification in the
company which will ensure individual social and economic benefits.

Jabbour and Santos (2008) also stated that policies related to human resource should be
improvised and focus towards ethnic minorities. This policies should be constructed on the
foundation of respect honesty transparency freedom and privacy all of which can provide a safe,
healthy and friendly environment in the workplace.

The rules and regulation of an organisation must respect and include traditions, culture
gender of every team member. It is very important to realise the understanding and fondness
towards different people in such a way that we respect their individual identity and different
characteristics. Actively involving and training the emerging diverged workforce for the
betterment of their own cells and company can boost the company's reputation and enables the
brand to get all the attention from the market it deserves. Also, it attracts and sustains the healthy
relationship between employees which results in in appropriate services.


2010 equity act, gave the lawful security to the individuals who faced discrimination and
imbalance in the general public and at the working environment and don't have a sense of safety.
The administration made it unlawful to any movement of oppression such as individuals with a

specific trademark including the sex age race religion marriage handicap and conviction,
pregnancy and maternity.

The demonstration by and large gave the assurance to individuals from any kind of
discrimination at any level in the general public or at working environment including emergency
clinics, hospitals, schools, colleges, banks or some other working environment


Today in this increasingly evolving global economic environment an organisation must

have cultural diversity and equality among the workforce incorporating equal rights for every
individual to stand out in the market place.

To improvise the equality and cultural diversity within an organisation the workplace has
to undergo a number of trends that encourages diversity and minimizes any sort of favouritism,
group business or discrimination. In such a way that an ethical, safe and healthy environment is
established for all. The organisations aiming to incorporate both equality and diversity must
analyse the following trends.

Affirmative Action:

The early stages of implementing equality at the workplace initially arose in 1960, with
the concept of affirmative action. According to the US government affirmative action established
legal quotas for the percentage or number of representatives in minority populations in a
company's workforce.

Minority populations I generally distinguished with their characteristics; sex, ethnicity or

gender. One disadvantage of this affirmative action is that it pressurises the hiring managers to
filter quarters rather than avoid business, an encouraging some authorities to higher particular li
by ethnicity gender or race. Hiring done upon any of these characteristics is illegal.

Social Justice

Gender inequalities and gender differences a very good statistical example of this trend as
female and male wage inequality has been consistently trending, as a result of this criticism equal
opportunity movement evolve towards a model based on social Justice. This initiative

encourages employees out of diversity at the workplace but also does focus on the pay equality
among the employees irrespective of their different backgrounds, gender and skill set.

The social-justice trend also meant a more unlimited viewpoint of what we call it as,
“minority” towards a more comprehensive one at that workspace physical ability, age and sexual
orientation alongside traditional categories of race and gender. The social justice model of
diversity is distinct from the older affirmative action in that it focuses less on employing
minorities and more on the value of a diverse workforce.

The Value of Diversity

The ethics of diversity in any working environment should be right emphasized. The
regular practices are worth accomplished through changing points of view in the work
environment supplements social equity as well. Associations that come up short on a culture
comprehensive of all potential gatherings, have lower profitability and higher turnover. Elevating
a domain helpful for a worldwide and internationalized economy through different employing
very much likely brings about expanded efficiency.

A homogeneous workforce has a much lower ability to accomplish cooperative energy.

Upper administration, perceiving the vital estimation of assorted variety, keeps on pursuing the
information and abilities fundamental for a really comprehensive work environment.



Following are the few examples of why cultural diversity and gender equality is necessary and
important at workplace.


It is commonly observed that diverse workforce ends up with more creative, innovative
and effective approaches and ideas. It's very rare that are similar group of people with similar
skills are very much less likely to come across a series of new and fresh ideas that lead to any
innovative implementation. Innovation and creation requires to think out of the box and broad
horizons, diverse culture at a work place can be utilised to craft new, fresh and unique


Most of the country today offers their services and products on a global scale, so if you
want your brand to prosper globally you also requires workforce that belongs around the globe.
The work force which is diverse mentally, culturally and is inclusive of all the protected
characteristics will boost the production and will give the company an upper hand over many
rivalries. As a diverse team is always better at understanding the demographics of the global
customer market if the company stands in a global marketplace, they serves and is therefore
better loaded to strive in that marketplace for a long term and the company is very much likely to
go beyond the limited range of products

It's very much fundamental for any business organisation if they want to grow on a global
scale to have individuals from all over the world and from different regions which will come
with the deep knowledge of the necessities of that certain region, as well as the cultural diversity
enables them to add more value in the development of the brand image.


Sure, English is the most commonly spoken language but it's not the only language which
exist on the globe similarly apart from English your business also needs fluency in other
languages if you are going for a global scale.

With cultural diversity existing in the organisation individuals from different

backgrounds, nationalities and ethnicity will highly effect the foreign market as they also have a
hold on different language so, you can take your brand to new shores.

If the employees at your companies are from multiple Nations so it becomes easy to
communicate with the audience from any part of the world. Now we live in a digital world so it
has become more important, I where it takes a few seconds just to send a voice message or a
message and a video call by just sitting miles away. So if you want to aim for a global market
you should also open your organisation recruitment to racial and cultural diversity. You will not
only be popular around the globe but also in such countries where you never thought your brand
would be known.


Overall organisations must be culturally and technically open in this modern economy. It
is very important nowadays to react crucially and quickly to the comparative dynamics just to
stay ahead of the industry trends. Diversity allows the team to be full of distinctive skill sets
developing a better talent pool which also enables the unique way of thinking and improved
conclusion making weather better and deeper worldview. If any business organisation have to
stay ahead, then they must leverage on the strength of diversity which is also very much
fundamental to capture big opportunities and to eliminate the external threats.


An organisation which is safe from the gender inequality is the very first choice of every
skilled worker that means if you want your workforce to be fully skilled then then you must also
attract only skilled workers. Cultural diversity and gender equality attracts people with brains.
You have to demonstrate that you are building towards and equal opportunity and equal pay
environment for men and women both. The more skilled your workers are the more your
company have the chances of success.


Diverse work force means diverse cultural intelligence and that's exactly what a company needs
when they are working on a global scale, the ability to communicate with the customers and to
display intercultural competitiveness within a group of people through adaptability and
knowledge. Staying in the highlights of a market place is very essential for a company to have
different components of a culture and theories pertaining to cultural dimensions and
competencies all these are very powerful resources for managing foreign assignments in a
business organisation.


Through an organisational prospective, the diverse team is very much likely to attend
more benefits and leads the brand to success. Also, with diversity comes mismanagement so, the
organisation is responsible to enforce policies which enables equal opportunities, equal pay and
equal right to each individual working under the same name. The mismanagement lies under the
negligence of relevant rules and regulations.

The ethical hiring practices and equal rights policies should be given preferences and also
show the hiring should be done on the merit base and not on discrimination reasons. If all the
rules and policies are implemented and followed thoroughly in any organisation then there is no
stop to such a business.


Zara, is a big name of apparel retail industry of Spain and in international market.
Initially opened its retail existent in Spain at Central A Coruña. Zobra, the old name of store,
which was named after a popular film zobra the Greek. The brand is popular in people's clothing
and attire especially for women. Also have enough authority in kids section as well. Zara is
responsible for designing the most trendy and fresh patterns in the market the company is extra
ordinary receptive in the market and tries to create new looks every time. The speciality lies in
being creative and experimental. Zara comes under the list of the greatest retailers in the Europe
and entire Spain.

The big organisation also faced challenges and issues with workforce and their work in
2016 the brand was claimed for youngster work in their practice in Turkey Zara answer to this
blame by clarifying their position that issues identifies with a solitary creation plant so, the brand
was allotted a certain time to resolve the matter.

Since then Zara tried to attempt to develop and rebuild their association from beginning as from
scratch, with their workforce. Zara knew the importance and significance of diversity among the
employees and equal opportunities for all employees, is very important as it guarantees the safe
and healthy environment in the organisation. The brand introduced and implemented the new
policies and came back stronger on the worldwide scale.

Zara new that the development of any organisation begins when people believe in the
change and make it work. The brand aspire people to work ok in a condition which empower
each other representative to put forward the best version of themselves and they believe that this
is the right way to construct empowering and healthy workforce. Despite of the variety of labour
force the log King two different backgrounds coming from different race having different age
skin shading nationality and religion, the brand encourage them to bring the best to the table.

The EQUAL Community Initiative

The brand investigated and put a lot of effort and energy to attain an open platform at the
work place for all the employees through which they can feel acknowledged and equal. And can
raise voice on any issue and can also voice out their ideas and perspectives. The organisation
constructed a channel through which the person or the employee facing any disappointment or
any dilemma can raise their voice which needs to be solved by the concerned authorities. The
authorities in forced the environment to be created in such a way that every employee should feel
safe and is encouraged and appreciated for who they truly are, despite of their individuality and
differences of any kind. Discrimination would not be endured. The brand imposed such policies
that if any discrimination is reported and action would be carried out against the culprit.

The organisation propelled the equal community initiative since 2006, which is a pact co-
sponsored by the European commission and the Spanish coordinator of the European women's
lobby and the Carolina Foundation. Well the initiative solely aimedto support the business, if
suffers from the diversity issues among labours and to manage all types of of inequalities at

The purpose behind this initiative was development of the company and its employees
personally as well as professionally. Zara encouraged the equality among employees and
appreciated the diverse culture of the company. Now, the organisation has 171839 individuals
from in excess of hundred nationalities who can communicate in 54 dialects all over the world.
The employees exit belong to distinctive qualities in total consisting of different culture, religion,
point of views, age, sex and gender.

The organisation resort all its issue with such Grace that now it's all set to stay at the peak
for a long time. The organisation now stand for it equal rights among the employees and healthy
and safe and happy environment in the company that provides equal opportunities to all the
employees. The organisation completely and clearly the night any kind of segregation based on
any type of business be it any personal or professional characteristic or any gender inequality.

According to the 2017 early report on equity, over 99% of the people returned to the
occupation happily after the maternity or paternity leave. They also appreciated the powerful
change in the organisation.


Hp, originally e formed by two friends and classmates of Stanford University Bill
Hewlett and Dave Packard. HP came into being on the 1st of January 1939 in Palo Alto
California the company has been long popular and is the first choice of many for its products and
services, ethics, business innovation and competitive spirit.

Today HP lies among the world's largest retailer of personal computers and the fifth
largest software company in the world consisting of employees over 1702,000 worldwide with
revenue of dollar 104.3 billion. HP is known for its great management, amazing product lines
and huge market share. HP is responsible for designing manufacturing the service and products
and systems for computation, communication and measurement. The company's products are
largely utilise in every industry such as engineering business medicines science education and at
homes in more than 120 countries.

As the company operates worldwide it's very easy to understand that existence of
multicultural workforce in the company and existence of diverse management within the
company is obvious, HP form its diversity management crown rule and policy at the very
beginning. HP created the famous open corporate culture in the early 1940's. Both the friends
introduced a new management style known as "Management by walking around" both the two
founders constructed a style which was never implemented or occurred in any big forms before.
The set a new type of corporate culture which was to be called 'the HP way''.

The HP way: The HP way implements the rules and believes on acceptance and celebration of
differences. HP consist of workforce which belongs from different backgrounds and various
religion nationalities eternities similarly there is increased diversity among customers and clients.
The company stick to this paradigm of accepting and appreciating differences and thus created a
working environment that values all individuals.

HP also follows a paradigm that insurance global diversity by putting forward the
differences of individual to work at the marketplace, workplace and community. HP has gained
victory implementing this paradigm through years of experience.

Hp Way of Diversity Management


HP initiated its diversity management and inequality policies at the very beginning which
are also known as open corporate policies. The management style is very unique and is known as
Management by walking around which solely aimed for "everyone in the organisation wants to
do a good job." HP created a culture of trust and mutual understanding among the employees in
its very early days as HP believes that trust is the most essential component of all for any
profitable and flourishing enterprise.

Hewlett and Packard constructed the HPV in 1957 the same here the company went public. The
HP way in total consists of five enduring organisational values, seven corporate objective and
number of policies and practices. The main five organisational values are as follows;

 Respect and trust,  No compromise on the integrity,

 High level of achievement and  Teamwork and flexibility,
contribution,  Innovation.

The seven corporate objectives are;

 Customers  People
 Profit  Management
 Growth  Citizenship.
 Field of interest.

Strategies and practices include

 Management by objective  Walking around and open corporate

Management policy.

Hp’s way of Management philosophy values respect and integrity for individuals which also
builds teamwork, innovation and contribution for the customers and community, this culture has
now very impact fully and widely spread throughout the Silicon Valley and is known as the
cornerstone for both Silicon Valley’s success and HP success. Emerging with compact, HP
redefine its five enduring values and added to more to it and speed and agility. When both the
owners passed way in 1966 and 2001. The companies’ concerned authorities announce that this
legacy is just not a million dollar technology joint, but it's the HP way like it always has been
and always will.

HP has grown and expanded in the marketplace throughout the world similarly its work
workforce and labour has also become more diverse and there is no doubt that this diverse
workforce has developed the company and made the company realise to reach its full potential.
HPS is all about recognising and celebrating the talents of each into visual which also brings the
new and innovative ideas to HP. The company take full advantage from the innovation and
creativity that results in the company's success HP labour who have different backgrounds also
have various experiences perspectives which all together works and rise the invention and high
performance at HP.

The expanding multicultural, high achieving and diverse workforce is the reason of HP
sustainable competitive success HP has won in the work places, market places and communities
around the world.

HP guarantees a flexible safe happy and inclusive environment are there organisation which
values differences and encourages each other to contribute and bring best the table HP believes
that it's better to attract customers, develop and promote them rather than serving them. Mutual
respect trust dignity and accountability for diversity are the fundamental believes what are
reflected in each employee’s actions and behaviour of HP which is also the reason of Hp's


Ernst and Young is a big name in the market that is also because it continues to grow
because of its diverse management leader and the innovative utilisation of its employees to
connect and communicate with customers on domestic and global platform. Under the excellent
leadership of chairman and CEO James Turley and America's managing partner Steve Howey,
the firm has continue to put its best foot forward with diversity management efforts in the
capable hands of America's inclusive officer believe William son who is the true definition of a
business leader.

The firm adjust its fundamental object to every official developing up an individual score
card that has comprehensiveness as one of two global transformational needs. The America's
level balanced scorecard applies to each employee, leaders and official. The remuneration is
likewise influenced by sexual and orientation comprehensive reviews. Which track in excess of

20 measurements on the advancement of ladies, Latinos, Asians and American Indians.

Measurements incorporate headcount, maintenance, advancements, accomplice pipeline,
enlisting, adaptable work game plans, and support in high potential improvement programs,
review scores and customer assignments. Ernst and youthful has remarkable advantages,
including liberal household accomplices, for example, end of the week travel costs for
accomplices for away multi week assignments and a month and a half of paid parental leave for
essential consideration suppliers including men and new parents. The organization proceeds with
its solid ability advancement with best and changed coaching programs, including Nextgen,
profession watch, Tax generating program, Diversity tutoring sessions and social and
associations. Coaching offering are accessible over the whole organization. And furthermore
incorporate social mindfulness preparation for quite a few members which are doing till now.

Ernst & Young is equipped with amazing labour force which is the asset. 50% of the
employees are working in them and the 30% are more than one single group. The team is always
looking for skilful and capable people to bring them on board and get them involved in the
organisation. Employee asset team achievement is encouraged in various ways for example
retention promotion engagement contribution to the business each team has an executive sponsor
who is responsible for them showing the team contribution to the business taking everything into
account Ernst and Young keep on showing steady development and advancement in building a
sorted variety into its worldwide business goals.


Creating a diverse culture which is pure from all kind of inequalities weather be it of
gender or social or economic is very important as it guarantees the success and improvement of
the organisation overall. Real motivation for the employees is the favourable climate in the
organisation which ensures increase in performance and productivity of each individual.

The companies must believe that diverse culture and equal rights for everyone is just not
an organisational structure but a work life style that is for everyone to live for and to accept. The
diverse workforce is a beautiful reflection of the world and the changing happening in the
marketplace. Equal culture and diverse labour contributes big time in creating a fair and happy

environment where every person has the right and access to the same opportunities and



This chapter consists of the data and information related to the methodology of research
which is applied for the purpose of Data collection. This chapter will be explaining and
elaborating the approach was implemented and utilised for approach research design and
instrument for the data collection purpose. Also it will be explaining the philosophical approach
and the ethical considerations which are considered for the research purpose. It gives the details
related to the information the way how research is conducted and data is collected step by step.
In total research methodology is a very key component of any research as it is the process where
the data is collected which is utilised for further results.

Statement of the Problem

Diverse management at any organisation or work place is considered very fundamental

practice as Daddy's themes might develop the methodology that are related to the accelerated
productivity of an organization which also eventually boost the levels of profitability. It also
include that implementation of different rules and regulations for a happy and positive behaviour

of the workforce. Equal opportunity or inequality are the terms which are related to endurance on
individual level and also on team level. Divorce management enables to take control over a
diverse labour force weather differences but also respected and encouraged without any type of
discrimination based on different variables.


The basic aim of this research study is to identify how big organization or any business
organizations take control and manage work force diversity in such a way that equal rights and
equal opportunities for employees to advance their skill and personal development are created.

Research Questions

Following are the research questions, for this particular study

Question 1: How do different business organizations tackle the demographic diversity?

Question 2: How much the positive environment of an organization effects the diversity?

Question 3: How to manage the differences at the work place?

Question 4: How do the differences among employee vary?

Question 5: How different business organizations takes diversity an outcome of multicultural


Research Approach

Selection and designing of how the research approach will be conducted is very
fundamental as a guides the direction to the researcher to do the research and achieve the desired
results and objectives. This study of research will follow the qualitative data approach as to study
realistic problem. Qualitative data is the type of data which is expressed in the form of numbers.
Researches can also define, quantify and measure desired results of this research subject.
Research conducted on the base of qualitative data is also very quickly and easy to emphasize

and analyse because it is in the form of numbers which enables to find out the desired results
quickly and easily from the gathered data and information.

The qualitative data is a type of data which give the researcher proper definition,
description and information about the study and it should be utilized in the very early stages of
research. Quantified data is in the form of numbers and qualitative data is subjective so this type
of data can also be utilised for the definition and meaning of the things which cannot be
measured in numbers. Qualitative data is preferably applicable as it allows the researcher to
conduct the search and study the problem in depth because it enables the researcher to gather
more amount of information for the research. Qualitative data approach is greatly supported in
this study for the in depth analysis of the effects and results of cultural diversity at an
organisation providing equal opportunities to the employees.

Primary data is a type of data which is collected first hand by the person in person from
the person. It is collected through the implementation of different techniques such as surveys,
experiments, questionnaires, interviews and observations for the collection of related data to the
research. For the collection of primary data it needs more money time and resources if compared
to the secondary data. This type of data enables the researcher to have first-hand and pure
information related to the topic which makes the problem easy to resolve.
Secondary data is not the first hand data but the second hand data that has already been
utilised by other people or researchers for their research purpose. There are high chances of this
data happens to be outdated. Secondary data is collected through different techniques which
includes articles, newspapers articles and already published work in the Internet or in books.
Also we don't need so much resources for this type of collection of data and it also allows to
collect more amount of data.
For this particular research different cases have been utilised for the collection of data.
These cases enabled the researcher to gather the amount of information on different themes and
then analyse the collected data for taking out the relevant information and then working over it.

Research Design
The research and design approach is for the further study which intense to define the planning and
strategy of the research study in which the researcher have to adjust the problem in the more clear way.

The research and design approach of any study is said to be the blueprint for the data collection and
analysing information and then interpreting it. There are two kinds of research approaches which includes
inductive approach and the deductive approach.
This particular study is based on the inductive approach which allows the data to be collected in
the first step and then analysing the data and then formulating out the desired results. The design of this
particular research study is descriptive which means the nature is exploratory for the reason that it will
provide detailed explanation of the problem in a broader context. Definitely research is the one in which a
particular hypothesis on idea is tested first.
Tools for the Collection of Data

For the process of Data collection the researcher caused research articles which are
considered as cases. Therefore each article will be considered as each single case providing with
relevant information and various directions to the researcher for the solution of problem and
fascinated the whole research study.
The data is collected through a process of literature reviews in which various available
studies there are related and cold related to the selected topic used and analyse to collect the most
relevant information for the answers of different research questions.
Philosophical approach

The research paradigm or the belief of research on which the whole research is based is
important. Usually positivism and interpretivism are the research philosophies that are
commonly used. For this particular research, interpretivism was followed and the fact that none
of the information would be presented without any kind of analysis.

Methodological procedures

For the collection and respective collection of information, which make it possible to
measure variables one, two, three and four, we proceeded initially to request the required permits
from the subjects of information, which were: the employees of I and II Cycles of the selected
company, the employee and the respective employer. In order to obtain the authorization of the
subjects were given a letter to each one, explaining the objective of investigation, and at the same
time requesting their contribution to the required information. After obtaining the necessary
permits, they are applied the instruments in a directed manner.

Data Analysis
For the data analysis the researcher used the thematic analysis in which the information
was decoded first and the information was organized theme wise. The data was analysed through
comparing it with the existing literature and finding out the relevancy of the research findings.
Also, the legislation or the equality act that pervious reviewed in literature is in 2010 so the
researcher decided to look for companies’ post 2010 and on.

For analysing the cases, the researcher first considered the different questions and
analysed each case in the context of these questions. These questions are as follows:
Question 1: How do different business organizations tackle the demographic diversity?

Question 2: How much the positive environment of an organization effects the diversity?

Question 3: How to manage the differences at the work place?

Question 4: How do the differences among employee vary?

Question 5: How different business organizations takes diversity an outcome of

multicultural environment?

The researcher read each and every case thoroughly to answer these questions and then noted the
findings that will be presented in the later sections.

Ethical considerations

For the deeper understanding and analysis of this particular research and its information,
the collection of data is considered under ethical and respect subjects of information. This
instrument for the gathering of data was created with responsibility and with the sole reason of
gathering the relevant information. Also when they ready validated through the application and
then in the organisation.


1. Cox, T., Blake, S. (1991) Managing cultural diversity: implications for

2. 2020. Managing Cultural Diversity: Implications For Organizational
Competitiveness | Academy Of Management Perspectives. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 12 May 2020].
3. 2020. Managing Globally Competent People | Academy Of
Management Perspectives. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 12 May 2020].

4. Atyah, L., 2020. Workplace Diversity In Organizations Conceptual Framework. [online] Available at: <
Atyah/2db3c13631888accf561c6766aa81455d4ae7bca> [Accessed 12 May 2020].

5. 2020. [online] Available at:

pub.pdf> [Accessed 12 May 2020].

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