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What a wave( texte)

1. What is a standing wave

Continuous ? reflexion... longitudinal ? why do we care ? Standing waves with difference
freequences create different music note  a standing wave is created, allowing harmonics to
be identified

 Any waves traveling along the medium will reflect back when they reach the end

is a wave which oscillates in time but whose peak amplitude profile does not move in space.
The peak amplitude of the wave oscillations at any point in space is constant with time, and
the oscillations at different points throughout the wave are in phase.

a wave with the correct wavelength meets its reflection. The interference of these
two waves produces a resultant wave that does not appear to move

Standing wave, also called stationary wave, combination of two waves moving in opposite
directions, each having the same amplitude and frequency. The phenomenon is the result of
interference—that is, when waves are superimposed, their energies are either added together or
cancelled out

Sound waves need a medium (or material) to travel through. These kinds of vibrational waves have
another name: longitudinal waves. In fact, there are two main types of waves: transverse and

2. Define « reflection’ the end is fixe and i twill reflect the wave and ‘interference’ the end is
open than relate it to a single wave
Reflection is the change in direction of a wavefront at an interface between two
different media so that the wavefront returns into the medium from which it originated

 is a phenomenon in which two waves superpose to form a resultant wave of greater,

lower, or the same amplitude.

4. What do standing waves of different freguencies correspond to ? different notes

4.What are the end and the middle points of standing wave called
5.What is the SIMPLEST standing wave called ? one note more complex waves ? full wave
end 4 notes and 3 antinotes
How are they related ? number of harmonic . frequency

Standingwaves are the result of reflexion and intereference

A colse end will wave
Marin mersenne : harmonie universelle
1636 first personne to measure a frequency
Pytagoras :
1st experiment relating to waves
Isaac newton principa mathematica 1682
Published the first equation for wave motion
Exam :
Theater of epidaurus : who build it ?
Why it has perfect acoustics :
1.lime stone : explain
2.Semi circular
3.No roof
4.No flat surfaces
5.tone clay resonators
6. because there is a skene
Explain All senteces and tell why it make the theater of epiaurus perfect

ll- Intro to accoustics

Hz : frequency : number of oscillations per second of a wave
V : wavelengh
( : sinusoidal (transversal)
1/d²= inverse square law.
Sound oressure is not volume !
dB= decibel scale
sensitive Ears : 1/1 000 000 000 air molecules, our ears detect a change in pressure
SPECTRUM : propagation . reverberation
Octave : doubling or having any fondamental frequency 100 H z

Romaneque VS Gothic : gothics cherches are taller than romantique, huge windows the
walls are thinner
Big fat walls, arc

Musisc stuff : chanting
1. Plain song( monophonic)
2. Gregorian ( duo phonic)

Organum__ »polyphonic

Franco-flemish school

Psycho acoustics
How you feeel, what you thing, what you do

Renaissance :

Italien théaters

Olimpica (vicenza)

Al’Antica (sabbioneta)

Royale théatre Druglane

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