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Time to leave GDP behind

Gross domestic product is a misleading measure of national success. Countries
should act now to embrace new metrics, urge Robert Costanza and colleagues.

obert F. Kennedy once said that used GDP-style accounting, it would aim can be estimated, as can the effects of income
a country’s gross domestic prod- to maximize gross revenue — even at the inequality2. The psychology of human well-
uct (GDP) measures “everything expense of profitability, efficiency, sustain- being can now be surveyed comprehensively
except that which makes life worthwhile”. ability or flexibility. That is hardly smart or and quantitatively3,4. A plethora of experi-
The metric was developed in the 1930s sustainable (think Enron). Yet since the end ments has produced alternative measures of
and 1940s amid the upheaval of the Great of the Second World War, promoting GDP progress (see Supplementary Information;
Depression and global war. Even before growth has remained the primary national
the United Nations began requiring coun- policy goal in almost every country1. The chance to dethrone GDP is now
tries to collect data to report national GDP, Meanwhile, researchers have become in sight. By 2015, the UN is scheduled to
Simon Kuznets, the metric’s chief architect, much better at meas- announce the Sustainable Development
had warned against equating its growth NATURE.COM uring what actually Goals, a set of international objectives to
with well-being. For more on does make life worth- improve global well-being. Developing
GDP measures mainly market trans­ sustainable while. The environ- integrated measures of progress attached
actions. It ignores social costs, environmental development goals: mental and social to these goals offers the global commu-
impacts and income inequality. If a business effects of GDP growth nity the opportunity to define what

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sustainable well-being means, how to be factored in. One example is the genuine them8. And people are not always aware of
measure it and how to achieve it. Missing progress indicator (GPI). This metric is cal- the things that contribute to their well-being.
this opportunity would condone growing culated by starting with personal consump- Few of us give credit to ecosystem services
inequality and the continued destruction tion expenditures, a measure of all spending for water supply and storm protection, for
of the natural capital on which all life on by individuals and a major component of example.
the planet depends. GDP, and making more than 20 additions Weighted composite measures of several
and subtractions to account for factors such indicators. A comprehensive picture of sus-
DETHRONING GDP as the value of volunteer work and the costs tainable societal well-being should integrate
When GDP was instituted seven decades of divorce, crime and pollution6. subjective and objective indicators9 (see
ago, it was a relevant signpost of progress: Crucially, unlike other measures in the Supplementary Information, Figure S1), as
increased economic activity was credited first group, GPI considers income distribu- these measures begin to do. One example is
with providing employment, income and tion. A dollar’s worth of increased income the Happy Planet Index, introduced by the
amenities to reduce social conflict and pre- to a poor person boosts welfare more than New Economics Foundation in 2006. This
vent another world war. a dollar’s worth of increased income does multiplies life satisfaction by life expectancy
But the world today is very different from for a rich person. And a big gap between the and divides the product by a measure of eco-
the one faced by the global leaders who richest and the poor- logical impact.
met to plan the post-war economy in 1944 “GDP is est in a country — as Other indices in the third group com-
in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. The dangerously in the United States bine a range of variables, such as income,
emphasis on GDP in developed countries inadequate and, increasingly, in housing, jobs, health, civic engagement,
now fuels social and environmental insta- as a measure China and India — safety and life satisfaction. The Better Life
bility. It also blinds developing countries to of quality of correlates with social Index, developed by the Organisation for
possibilities for more-sustainable models of life.” problems, including Economic Co-operation and Develop-
development. higher rates of drug ment, maintains a website that allows users
Soaring economic activity has depleted abuse, incarceration and mistrust, and to choose how to weight variables, revealing
natural resources. Much of the generated poorer physical and mental health5. how the emphasis on different variables can
wealth has been unequally distributed, lead- These adjustments matter. A 2013 study2 influence countries’ rankings.
ing to a host of social problems5. The phi- comparing the GDP per capita and the GPI Many other experiments are under way
losopher John Stuart Mill noted more than per capita of 17 countries comprising just (see None of these
200 years ago that, once decent living stand- over half the global population found star- measures is perfect, but collectively they
ards were assured, human efforts should be tling divergences between the two metrics. offer the building blocks for something
directed to the pursuit of social and moral The measures were highly correlated from much better than GDP.
progress and the increase of leisure, not the 1950 until about 1978, when they moved
competitive struggle for material wealth. Or apart as environmental and social costs WHY ARE WE STUCK?
as the economist John Kenneth Galbraith began to outweigh the benefits of increased There is broad agreement that global society
once observed: “To furnish a barren room GDP (see ‘Genuine progress flattens’). Tell- should strive for a high quality of life that
is one thing. To continue to crowd in fur- ingly, life satisfaction is highly correlated with is equitably shared and sustainable. Sev-
niture until the foundation buckles is quite GPI per capita, but not with GDP per capita. eral groups and reports have concluded
another.” Some governments are taking this seri- that GDP is dangerously inadequate as a
The limits of GDP are now clear. ously. Two US states, Vermont and Mary- measure of quality of life — including those
Increased crime rates do not raise living land, have in the past three years adopted published by the French government’s 2008
standards, but they can lift GDP by raising GPI as a measure of progress and have Commission on the Measurement of Eco-
expenditures on security systems. Despite implemented policies specifically aimed at nomic Performance and Social Progress10,
the destruction wrought by the Deepwater improving it. the Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study
Horizon oil spill in 2010 and Hurricane Subjective measures of well-being. The of the Longer-Range Future11 and the Euro-
Sandy in 2012, both events boosted US GDP most comprehensive of these is the World pean Commission’s ongoing Beyond GDP
because they stimulated rebuilding. Values Survey (WVS), which covers about initiative. That conclusion was also echoed
70 countries and includes questions about in ‘The Future We Want’, the declaration
WEIGHING THE ALTERNATIVES how satisfied people are with their lives.
Alternative measures of progress can be Starting in 1981, the WVS is conducted
divided into three broad groups (see Sup- in ‘waves’, the sixth of which is currently GENUINE PROGRESS FLATTENS

plementary Information). Those in the first in progress. Another example is the gross World GDP has soared since 1950, but a metric
group adjust economic measures to reflect national happiness index used in Bhutan. for life satisfaction called GPI has not.

social and environmental factors. The sec- This measure uses elaborate surveys that ask 12
ond group consists of subjective measures how content people feel in nine domains: Gross domestic
2005 US$ (thousands) per capita

of well-being drawn from surveys. The third psychological well-being, standard of living, 10
group relies on weighted composite indica- governance, health, education, community
tors of well-being including housing, life vitality, cultural diversity, time use and eco- 8

expectancy, leisure time and democratic logical diversity.

engagement. Subjective well-being has been highly
Adjusted economic measures. These studied, and has even been recommended
are expressed in monetary units, making as the most appropriate measure of societal
Genuine progress
them more readily comparable to GDP. progress7. But subjective indicators are tricky indicator
Such indices consider annual income, net to compare across societies and cultures. For
savings and wealth. Environmental costs example, self-reported health tracks with
and benefits (such as destroying wetlands clinically reported rates of morbidity and 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000
or replenishing water resources) can also mortality within countries but not across

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Bhutan has measured citizens’ well-being using gross national happiness since 2008 (left); GDP has been in use since the 1944 Bretton Woods meeting (right).

of the 2012 Rio+20 UN Conference on Any ‘top-down’ process must be supple- is in the Department of Health Sciences,
Sustainable Development agreed to by all mented with a ‘bottom-up’ engagement of University of York, UK. Kristín Vala
UN member states. civil society that includes city and regional Ragnarsdóttir is at the Institutes of Earth
Nonetheless, GDP remains entrenched1. governments, non-governmental organi- Sciences and Sustainable Development
Vested interests are partly responsible. For- zations, business and other parties. We Studies, University of Iceland, Reykjavík.
mer US President Bill Clinton’s small move recently formed the Alliance for Sustain- Debra Roberts is in the Environmental
towards a ‘green GDP’, which factored in ability and Prosperity ( Planning and Climate Protection
some of the environmental consequences of to do just that. This web-based ‘network of Department, eThekwini Municipality,
growth, was killed by the coal industry. How- networks’ can communicate research about Durban, South Africa. Roberto De Vogli
ever, much of the problem is that no alterna- sustainable quality of life and the elements is at the University of California, Davis.
tive measure stands out as a clear successor. that contribute to it (see Supplementary Richard Wilkinson is in the Division of
Creating that successor will require a sus- Information), and so help to build consen- Epidemiology and Public Health, University
tained, transdisciplinary effort to integrate sus among the thousands of groups now of Nottingham, UK.
metrics and build consensus. One poten- concerned with these issues. e-mail:
tial vehicle for doing this is the setting up The successor to GDP should be a new set
of the UN Sustainable Development Goals of metrics that integrates current knowledge 1. Van den Bergh, J. C. J. M. J. Econ. Psychol. 30,
117–135 (2009).
(SDGs), a process that is now under way of how ecology, economics, psychology and 2. Kubiszewski, I. et al. Ecol. Econ. 93, 57–68
to replace the Millennium Development sociology collectively contribute to estab- (2013).
Goals (MDGs). Established in 2000, the lishing and measuring sustainable well- 3. Diener, E. & Suh, E. M. in Well-Being: The
MDGs comprise eight basic targets that being. The new metrics must garner broad Foundations of Hedonic Psychology (eds
Kahneman, D., Diener, E. & Schwarz, N.)
include eradicating extreme poverty and support from stakeholders in the coming 434–450 (Russell Sage Foundation, 2003).
establishing universal primary education, conclaves. 4. Seligman, M. E. P. Flourish: A Visionary New
gender equality and environmental sustain- It is often said that what you measure is Understanding of Happiness and Well-being
(Atria, 2012).
ability. Currently both the MDGs and the what you get. Building the future we desire 5. Wilkinson, R. G. & Pickett, K. The Spirit Level:
suggested SDGs are only lists of goals with requires that we measure what we want, Why Greater Equality Makes Societies Stronger
isolated indicators. But the SDG process can remembering that it is better to be approxi- (Bloomsbury, 2009).
and should be expanded to include compre- mately right than precisely wrong. ■ 6. Talberth, J., Cobb, C. & Slattery, N. The Genuine
Progress Indicator 2006: A Tool for Sustainable
hensive and integrated measures of sustain- Development (Redefining Progress, 2007).
able well-being12. Robert Costanza and Ida Kubiszewski 7. Layard, R. Happiness: Lessons from a New Science
If undertaken with sufficiently broad are at the Crawford School of Public Policy, (Penguin, 2005).
8. Barford, A., Dorling, D. & Pickett, K. Social Sci.
participation, the hunt for the successor to Australian National University, Canberra.
Med. 70, 496–497 (2010).
GDP might be completed by 2015. There are Enrico Giovannini is in the Department 9. Costanza, R. et al. Ecol. Econ. 61, 267–276
significant barriers to doing this, including of Economics and Finance, University of (2007).
bureaucratic inertia and the tendency of Rome Tor Vergata, and minister of labour 10. Stiglitz, J. E., Sen, A. & Fitoussi, J.-P. Report by the
Commission on the Measurement of Economic
governments, academia and other groups and social policies in the Italian government. Performance and Social Progress Vol. 12
to work in isolation. These barriers can be Hunter Lovins is at Natural Capital (Commission on the Measurement of Economic
overcome with dedicated leadership. Cru- Solutions, Longmont, Colorado. Jacqueline Performance and Social Progress, 2009).
cially, people can now communicate across McGlade is at University College London, 11. Costanza, R., Hart, M., Posner, S. & Talberth, J.
Beyond GDP: The Need for New Measures of
the globe with an ease unthinkable in the and the United Nations Environment Progress (Boston University, 2009).
days of Bretton Woods. Program, Nairobi, Kenya. Kate E. Pickett 12. Griggs, D. et al. Nature 495, 305–307 (2013).

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