Bem Explicado Centro de Explicações Lda.: 1. Complete The Sentences With Do, Does, Don T, Doesn T

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Bem Explicado

Centro de Explicações Lda.

Inglês 7º Ano – Present simple

Nome: _________________________________________________ Data: ___/___/___

1. Complete the sentences with do, does, don´t, doesn´t.

a. _________ you like coke? “Yes, I _________.”

b. _________ she play the piano? “ No, she _________.”
c. _________ the students have good marks? “ Yes, they _________.”
d. _________they speak English? “ No, they _________.”

2. Complete the sentences with the present simple:

a. Mary __________ (watch) TV in the afternoon.

b. She __________(hurry) home after school.
c. The baby __________(not go) to bred late.
d. She __________(not like) coke.
e. He __________(seldom, tidy) His bedroom.
f. My father __________(read) the newspaper every day.
g. Where __________she__________(keep) her books?
h. __________ your brother __________(live) with you?
3. Make sentences. Put the verbs in the present simple and the frequency
adverbs in the right place.

a. Family—she– for—usually—the—whole—visit—weekend.


b. Yes, - always—he—her—on—Saturdays—visit.


c. Rarely—she—is—late


d. For—is—Mary—often– late—school?


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