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San José
Asignatura Inglés
Docente: Esp. Luisa Fernanda Ramos Sierra


NOMBRE: Allison Camila Toro Chillambo GRADO: 11-04


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54789714 .

Police in Pakistan recover teen girl after alleged forced conversion and marriage

A 13-year-old Christian girl in Pakistan who was allegedly abducted and forced to convert and
marry a Muslim man has been rescued, officials said.
The recovery of the girl came nearly a month after the girl's parents alleged that she was abducted by
Ali Azhar, 44.
The courts had failed to act earlier because they accepted statements the girl gave saying she was 18
and had married of her own free will.
But pressure from campaign groups and a public outcry prompted action.
Leaders from the Catholic Church in Pakistan and human rights groups demanded that the court ruling
be reconsidered, arguing that the girl had been forced to give her statement after entering a child
marriage. Protesters also took to the streets in the Pakistani city of Karachi.
On Monday, the Sindh High Court ordered police to find the teenager. She was recovered later in the
day and will remain in protective custody until a court hearing on 5 November.
Her alleged abductor was arrested later the same night and is due to appear in court on Tuesday.
 Is a child bride really married every seven seconds?
 'I cried so much when I married at 13'

The girl's family first reported her missing on 13 October. Two days later, according to Christian
Organisation the Centre for Legal Aid, Assistance and Settlement (Claas), her father was informed
that Mr Ali had produced a marriage certificate stating that she was 18 and had converted to Islam.
The family claimed the identification papers were fake, but when the case went to court on 27 October
the Sindh High Court granted custody to the girl's alleged abductor. The court also offered protection
from the girl's family.
The decision was condemned by human rights and religious groups. "It is the responsibility of the state
to... protect its citizens, especially minor girls," Joseph Arshad, a local archbishop, told news outlet
Crux Now at the time.
Father Saleh Diego, vicar general of the Archdiocese of Karachi, also addressed the issue of forced
conversions, telling the Catholic News Agency that "a 13-year-old cannot decide about her religion.
She is an innocent girl... [she] still has a lot to learn about her own religion."
In late October, the family's lawyer Jibran Nasir said the girl's parents had filed a harassment petition
on her behalf.
Sindh High Court initially dismissed this application, but later reversed the decision following
protests. The girl is now under the court's protection, though Mr Nasir hopes she will soon be returned
to her family.
"[The] safest place for a child is with her parents," he said in a Twitter post. "Hopefully [the[ court will
return her to [her] parents soon after [the] next hearing."
According to a recent United Nations report, child marriages are still commonplace across South Asia.
In Pakistan, nearly 25% of women in their early 20s were married by the time they are 18, the report

B. Now, read and answer the question according to the New in the BBC.

1. What is the headline?

Police in Pakistan recover teen girl after alleged forced conversion and marriage
2. Who is the writer/author?
Pakistan Journalist
3. Is the writer reliable? How do you know?
Yes, it is reliable according to the article and its information in South Asia about earlier
marriage for girls and how it has been shown around the world by evidence and interviews with
those people.
4. What is the source?
The source is an online newspaper
5. Is the source reliable? How do you know?
In my opinion, this is reliable considering the interviews and evidence by the journalist and
6. Audience: Who does the writer want to read the article? Age group? Gender?
This article wanted to be read by all gender’s female and male with an age between 15 to 70
years old.
7. Appeal: Who would the article appeal to?
The article appeal to people interested in Asia topics, doctors, students, politics, and prayers
8. Appeal/hook: Why does the article appeal to certain readers?
The main topic about forced conversion and early marriage in South Asia and how these girls must
suffer something that they don’t want for their life.
9. Lead: How does the lead make the reader want to keep reading?
The way how the article Is written and exposed considering the people and world’s impact
10. How does the photo relate to the article?
It is related to the article on girl’s embarrassed expression about her situation and how she feels
with that
11. How does the photo relate to the lead or caption?
It is related to the marriage and the age
12. Why or why not, does the photo hook you or make you want to read the story?
The image is interested and flashy because it catches the attention, the colorful and the girl’s
13. What questions do you have after reading the story?
I ask about: how and why they can follow with this life and why the government lets early marriage
14. Do you have any doubts about the story? Why or why not?
No, because the story was clear, and coherence and it has some help with the images and examples.
15. What connections do you have to this story? (self, text, world)
I find a special connection because I would not like to live this experience and suffer a bad life with
someone older than me.
As a text, it is a depth writing because it is showing a real situation about other countries.
16. Is the writer’s opinion or bias evident? If so, how? If not, is it objective?
The writer’s opinion is not evident at the end of the text, it gives a general opinion during the
17. Is the story a representation of reality? Why or why not?
Yes, because in Pakistan and South Asia are a real situation there
18. Is the story written to inform? entertain or persuade? What makes you think so?
This written story is to inform about a cultural law in Pakistan about child marriages
19. What are the facts? Can you validate the facts?
 The recovery of the girl came nearly a month after the girl's parents alleged that she was
abducted by Ali Azhar, 44.20. Does the story affect your own views? Why or why not?
 The family claimed the identification papers were fake, but when the case went to court on
27 October the Sindh High Court granted custody to the girl's alleged abductor. The court
also offered protection from the girl's family.
 In late October, the family's lawyer Jibran Nasir said the girl's parents had filed a harassment
petition on her behalf.
21. Are there stereotypes in this article?
No, there aren’t
22. Would this article offend anyone? Explain.
Maybe, it can offend people from Pakistan about other against opinion
23. Would you consider this story important or not? Explain.
Yes, it’s totally important because it shows a childhood lost by girls
24. Can you find this story elsewhere? If so, how does it compare with this one?
It compares with real situation about other countries around the world considering stories about
politics, crazy laws and cultures.

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