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• ' o c a b u l a r y

tirne activities and places

Kead the article. In your opinión, what's the best activity for a long weekend?

ps for a long weekei

There's a long weekend coming up next week.
Metes a list of things y o u can do.

Ó Watch a 3D film ,on a giant screen.

l 3 Go to a festival and listen to
uve music.
ú Buy a ticket to watch a great
football match.
| 5 Go cycling and re-energize.
Ú Enjoy a meal with friends at your
favourite place.
Ú Relax in the sun and enjoy the
| 3 Go fishing until the sun sets.
Ú Go shopping but choose a new
and different place!

3 In turns, ask and answer about the activities

you do on long weekends.

What do you usually do on long neefends?

I usually stay at homo but I sometimos travo!
to San Pedro to visit my family.
2 Say where you can do the activities mentioned
Vieally? And ivhat do you do there?
ín the article. Use the words from the box and
Welí, I sometimes go fishing in the river
your own ideas.
Sounct* fi.m!
stadium river lake
street market fast food restaurant In British English, we use of + weekends.

park beach cinema

\'bu can go shopping at a street marL

P What do you usually do at ivce-kendsY
We usually use on + long weekends.
What do you usually do on long weekends?

m m m

I was at the zoo with my sister Joanna on Saturday.
We were there early in the morning, so all the
animáis were very active. They were hungry too!
The weather was good. We were really lucky. That's
Joanna in the photo. She was very happy! 'J.

Tina 21stNov 3.51 pm

On Friday, l was at a music festival with rny friends Roy ase»-)

and Mike. It was in the open, in a big park. There were
thousancls of people. The music was very loud and
the bands were great! We were very excited during the
festival and when it was over, we were really tired.

Marco 21 st Nov 4.03 pm

I wasn't in t o w n . ! was at the beach with my cousins.

But we weren't happy to be there because the
weather was awful. It was cloudy on Saturday
and rainy ^ on Sunday. It was sunny
J on Monday
but we were in our car on our way back! ^
Vicky 21stNov 5.01 pm

e a d i n c j

Ai i online message board

1 Befoie yon read > Look at the photos and 3 Read for details > Match i - 6 to the adjective^,.
describe thern.
1 Joanna a tired
2 Re&d luí general ideas > Complete the table. 2 animáis b awful
3 music c active
! | When? Where? Who with?
i i 4 Marco and his friends d not happy
Tina ,
5 Vicky e hungry
Marco |
6 the weather f loud
Vicky ;
Be •-- past simple: affirmative and negative

A Analyze these sentences from the text on C Complete the tables.

page 3. Underline six more examples of
the past simple form of be.
I was at the zoo.
I /__H_e /_She_/ It j was
We were there early in the morning. al home.
You \e
The weather was good. Plural
joanna was very happy. - great.
The bands were great.

I wasn't in town. Singular

We weren't happy to be there. 1 / He / She / It -
in town.
You weren't
B Look at the sentences in Exercise A again.
Find and write an example for each rule. Plural
We use the past simple of be...

* + description of people: D Answer.

1 What is the short form of was notl

+ description of the weather:

2 What is the short form of were noP


^ Complete the texts with the correct past simple 2? Free practice > Complete the table w i t h notes
form of be. and write a paragraph about your last weekend.
Use adjectives from the box and your own ¡deas
to give additional information.
I (1)... (not) at home on Saturday. I (2)... at the
club with some friends. It (3)... a bright sunny Saturday Sunday
day and the temperature (4)... about 36°C. Where?
We (5)... hot and thirsty, so we (6)... in the Who with?
swimining pool all day! The water (7)... (not) Weather?
coid. It (8)... real fun!
Other information

I (9)... at a new restaurant, Burger Rock, with my happy excited tired nice fun sad

family. The restaurant is popular for its burgers

and chips but the burgers (10)... (not) good.
They (11)... big but they (12)... (not) tasty. My COMPARING LANGUAQES
brother and sister (13)... (not) happy because Transíate these sentences.
The story was long. I was tired.
the toy in the 'Kids Box' (14)... very small. And it
The songs were nice. My friends were excited.
(15)... (not) nice! It (16)... a black plástic dog. What are the two possible meanings of ¿>e?
Jenny Brad

What was your favourite possession . It was a poster of my favourite band.

when you were a chüd?

Was ¡t big? I No, it wasn't but it was really nice!

j Yes, it was. It was a present from my music teacher

Was it a present?
i when I was in fifth grade. He was very kind.

Cool! And who were your best friends i Oh, that's easy! Mark and Joe were my best
when you were in fifth grade? friends - we were always together at break time.

Were they fun? Yes, they were. I was a bit shy but they were very
friendly. And they were smart too!

Were they in your class? No, they weren't. I was ¡n Class sth B and they
were in Class 5th C.

And are you in touch with them now? No, l'm not.

Do you remember their surnames? | Of course, I do!

Why don't you contact them on Facebook then? | That's a great ¡dea!

Fleadiog 3 Read for details > Who or what do these words

describe? Use them to write sentences about
An informal conversation the text.

1 Befóte you read > Look at the photo. Jenny is big kind nice friendly
asking Brad about his childhood. What do you
fun smart shy
think her questions are about?

2 Read for general ideas > Complete the text. 4 Answer.

Brad's favourite possession was a ( i ) . . . . it was 1 What was your favourite possession when
a present from his (2).... When he was in (3)... you were a child? Describe it.
grade, his best friends were (4)... and ( 5 ) . . . . 2 Who were your best friends when you were
Brad (6) ... in touch with them now but he wants in fifth grade? Describe them.
to contact them on ( 7 ) . . . .
f u
M C-i l i l i l í C3I i

¡te past simple: questions

A Analyze these questions and answers from C Complete the tables.

the conversation on page 5. Underline ten
more examples of the past simple form of be.
What was your favourite possession? at schooi?
It was a poster of my favourite band. Were you/we/they

Was it big?
No, it wasn't. | Yes, ! I / he / she / it

Was it a present? you / we / they

Yes, it was. No, I / he / she / it 1 >'.••."•>• 1.
you / w e / t h e y
Were they fun?
Yes, they were.

Who were your best friends? What your favourite possession?

Mark and Joe were my best friends. Who your best friends?

Were they in your ciass? Where you this morning?

No, they weren't,

D Compare the word order of sentences and
13 Look at Exercise A again. Find and write an questions. Write new examples.
example of a question and an answer for
each rule. They «4« were " - J " smart.

1 We answer Yes/No questions with Yes or No.

Were •§• they "§*" smart?

2 We answer Wh- questions with a sentence.

í Complete the conversations with the correct 2 Write Yes/No questions about the text on page 3.
past simple form of be. Then answer.

1 Tim: Where ... your best holiday? 1 Joanna / in an aquarium?

2 Marco, Roy and Mike / at the cinema?
Kate: It... in the mountains last summer.
3 the music festival / in a park?
Tim: ... the weather good? 4 Vicky and her cousins / at the beach?
Kate: Yes, it...!
3 Free practice > In turns, ask and answer the
2 Pat: Where ... you yesterday at 10 o'clock?
questions below. For each question, ask a
Kim: 1... at schooi.
second one to find out more.
Pat: ... you in your classroom?
1 Where was your best holiday?
Kim: No, 1 .... 1 was in the PE class.
2 Where were you yesterday at... o'clock?
3 Gaby: Where ... you last Saturday? 3 Where were you at the weekend?
Emily: 1... at the Science Museum.
«4 Free practice > Write a short paragraph about your
Gaby: ... it interesting?
best holidays. Where were you? Who were you
Emily: Yes, i t . . . . The dinosaurs ... incredible!
with? What was the weather like? Was it fun? Why?

W h o ¡s D a n i e l C r a i g ? H e is, o f c o u r s e ,
James B o n d , t h e world's most famous spy!
T h i n g s are easy f o r h i m t o d a y , b u t w e r e
t h e y easy f o r h i m w h e n he w a s y o u n g ?
D i d h e a l w a y s l i v e in a f a n t a s t i c h o u s e ?
W e l l , n o , he d i d n ' t . Read a n d f i n d o u t !

¡fe ¡s g o o d n o w for the British actor

Daniel Craig. He is rich and famous.
He lives in a fantastic house ¡n London
and he has g o t a luxury fíat in N e w York. He ¡s
the sixth actor t o play James Bond ¡n the 007
films a n d a lot of p e o p l e think he is
the role. But Daniel wasn't always so successful.

W h e n he was y o u n g , he m o v e d t o L o n d o n
and w o r k e d part-time in a restaurant t o pay for played a role ¡n Lara Croft: Tomb Raidcrwth

his studies at the Youth National Theatre. He Angelina Jolie. In 2005, lie signed a contract

was a waiter a n d he d i d n ' t earn much money. for three James B o n d films - Casino Royale

He w a n t e d t o study drama at t h e Guildhall (2006), Quantum of Solace (2008) a n d Skyfall

Schooi of Music a n d Drama b u t he n e e d e d t o (2012) - a n d then he a c t e d ¡n a fourth James

páss an audition t o enter t h e schooi. He failed Bond f i l m , Spectre, in 2 0 1 5 .

several times b u t he t r i e d hard a n d finally

In real life, Daniel is a q u i e t m a n . He hates
e n t e r e d ín 1988 a n d g r a d u a t e d three years
showbiz parties b u t he knows he m u s t g o t o
later. A t first, ¡t wasn't easy for him t o f i n d work
t h o s e events because they are an i m p o r t a n t
as an actor. His life c h a n g e d in 2001 w h e n he
part o f his career.

3 Read for details > iMumber the events ¡n the

l e a c i i r i g correct order,

macjazine article a He played a role in Tomb Raider.

b He signed a contract for three James
íu-íuiv y.mi i«acl > What do you know about Bond films,
lames Bond? c Craig moved to London.
d He didn't pass the auditions for the
Read f/n Kt-neral ideas > Answer,
schooi of music and drama,
1 Who is Daniel Craig? e He played james Bond in Spectre.
2 Was his life easy when he was young? f He worked part-time in a restaurant,
g He finished his studies at the schooi of
3 What was his dream?
music and drama.
4 What doesn't he like?
a r r i m a r
'-Je simple - regular verbs: affirmative, riega » a n d c|i. i'.y. a i o r

A Analyze these sentences from the text on C Complete the tables.

page 7. Underline eight more past simple
verb forms.
He moved to London. ¡ I / You / He / She • m m ' < [
to London
It / We / They i part-time.
He worked part-time in a restaurant.
He didn't earn much money. 5 vi y ^(ÍÁj^^¿^^fy
didn't : much money.
He wanted to study drama. 1/You/He/She ¡ !
His life changed in 2001 when he played It / We / They last vear.
a role with Angelina Jolie.
In 2005, he signed a contract for three
.lames Bond films. i I / you / he / she / in a fantastic
i fVf
Did he always live in a fantastic house? " | it / we / they house?
No, he didn't.

8 Tick the time expressions we can use with ^ Y e s ' ! I / you / he / she / it /
the past simple.
| No, | w e / ; h °V
• in 2005
• last week D Look at these regular verbs and answer.
• this morning
work - worked move - moved
• now
• yesterday How do we form the past simple of regular
• last weekend verbs?

Complete the sentences w i t h the past simple E Analyze the table and answer.
form of the verbs in brackets.

Yesterday, I (1)... (arrive) home at 11.00 am study-studied play - played

because classes (2)... (finish) early. So, after lunch tidy-tidied enjoy - enjoyed
I (3)... (listen) to music and (4)... (play) online
games. In the afternoon, I (5).... (tidy) my room How do we form the past simple of regular
bul I (6).... (not study) because my friend Roy verbs ending in -y?
(7)... (cali) me and (8)... (invite) me to his house.
I (9)... (decide) it was a great plan! We (10)...
(watch) one of the james Bond films on TV and I
really (11)... (enjoy) it! Daniel Craig is a great actor. 3 Free practice > Use the words from the boxes and
your own ideas to write sentences that are true
for you. Remember to use the past simple.
í Complete the questions and short answers.

1 ... (you / watch) TV yesterday? watch TV study listen to music

No, I .... arrive at schooi play online games
help at home tidy my room
2 ... (they / visit) their grandparents on Sunday?
Yes, they... .
yesterday this morning
3 ... (she / pass) her maths test? last weekend a t . . . o'clock
Yes, s h e . . . ! last night last week
4 ... (he / like) the film?
No, he ....
L i s t ó n i no Vriting
A legendary character A story
1 Before you listen > Look at the photo. Who was 1 Complete the story of Robin Hood with the past
Robín Hood? What do you know about him? simple form of the verbs in brackets.

j ^ R o b i n H o ó í ( i ) . . . (beJ^Eriglish.'He (2)... ( í i v e ) ^ l
>' in the i2th century;*when.Richard I (3)... (be)
i king of England and^hÉ cpuntry (4)... (be) at
I war. He (5) ..*(be) rich and the government
f (6)... (want) his money.

| He (7)... (be) a spjdier, so once, he (8)... (be)

i away from home for a long time t o f i g h t i n
|; the war. When he (9)... (retum), his house,
/ his land and his money (10)... (belong) to the
2 f>JfS§ Listen for general ideas > Listen to a i government. A lot of poor men (11)... (live) in the
radio programme about the story of Robin Hood í forest because they (12)... (not have) a Job and
and answer. ) they (13)... (not have) any money. Robin Hood
S (14)... (decide) to go and live with them.
1 Where was Robin Hood from?
{ At that time, the government (15)... (ask) the
2 Was he rich or poor? I people to give money for the war. Ordinary
3 Who robbed his possessions? I people (16)... (be) very poor and they (17)...
4 Where did he live when he returned from • (hate) the government. Life (18)... (be) difficult
/ for them and Robin Hood (19)... (decide) to help
the war?
¿ t h e m . He (20)... (rob) the rich and (21)... (help)
5 Who did he help? 1 .the poor. To the poor people of England at that,
::^ime^R_obin Hood (22)... (be) a hero.
3 Listen for details > Choose the correct answers.

1 In Robin Hood's time, the king of England 2 Read the 'Write it right!' section.
a Richard I.
b George III.
c John I.
> Use connectors of time to say when things
2 At first, Robin Hood... happened. Find and underline these
a was the king's friend. connectors in the story.
b was in the army. when he returned / in the ¡2th eentury /
c worked for the government. at that time

3 When Robin Hood returned from the war, he...

a lived in his house.
b didn't have any money or land.
c decided to give his land to the poor.
Plan > You are going to write a story about an
4 Ordinary people... imaginary character. Make notes to answer:
a liked the government. Who was he/she? Where was he/she from?
b hated the government. Where and when did he/she live? Why was life
difficult at that time? What did he/she do?
c loved their king.
Why was he/she a hero/heroine?
5 Robin Hood was a hero because he...
Write > Write your story. Remember to use the
a hated the rich.
past simple.
b lived in the forest.
Check > Check your writing.
c helped the poor.
Vocabulary M o n t h s , days of t h e w e e k
Family and dates
1 This is Tom's family. Match family words a-i to 3 Complete the months of the year.
the people in the family tree.
1 J a n _ _ary 7 —uly
a aunt d dad g mum 2 Feb_ _ary 8 A g—st
b brother e grandad h sister 3 —a_ _ch 9 S te b r
c cousins f grandma i únele 4 A—r 10 ob__r

5 y u N ve r
G • 6 J e 12 em er

4 Choose the correct options.

l Lydiaj 1 Tuesday / Thursday comes before Wednesday.

2 In Argentina, autumn starts in March / April.
3 Christmas is in November / December.
• 4 Saturday / Sunday comes after Friday.
5 My birthday is 12/8 or i2th July / August.

5 Complete the sentences with the correct words.

! £usan "Richard "Rita Oliver
J J •J
1 In Argentina, classes start in

• 2 Summer holidays start in

3 Flag's Day is celebrated on
Tom I 1 Jan&J 'GavinJ 1 MarcoJ • Lola
J 4 Winter starts on (date).
5 February comes after
2 Look at Exercise i and complete the text with
the correct family words.

H¡, l'm Tom! Tve got a big family. Richard Possessive adjectives
and Susan are my (i)
6 Complete the sentences with the words from
Jane is my (2) and Gavin is
the box.
my (3) I have got t w o
(4) _: Lola and Marco. Lydia
our you their he her his
and Fred are my (5) Rita is
my (6) and Oliver is my
1 Hi, Charlie. How are ?
(7) What about you?
2 This is my sister ñame is Johanna.
Have you got a big family?
3 He speaks Portuguese. . ¡s from Brazil. 1 Hi, l'm Vicky! My sister's / sisters' ñame
4 My dad ¡s Pablo birthday ¡s in May. is
5 They're British . ñames are Pat and Rick. 2 My brother's / brothers' ñame is
6 We're brothers _ ñames are Simón
and Rick. 3 My mothers's / mother's ñame is

7 Choose the correct options.

4 My father / father's ñame is.

Hi! My /1 ñame is Vicky. Writing

I have got a brother and a
A personal profile
sister. They / Their ñames are
Tobías and Katy. Katy is 16. S Complete your personal fact file. Then write
She / Her birthday is in March. a paragraph about you.
Tobías is 13. His / He birthday
¡s in November. My parents are
Henry and Julia. They / Their
are really cool! We / Our live ¡n Ñame:
a big house ¡n California. What
about you / your family?

Choose the correct options. Then look at the
photo and complete the sentences with the Vrothers or sisters (ñame, age, birthday):

correct ñames.
Vocabulary 5 We're from Ecuador. We're / We aren't
6 Tím has / hasn't got faír hair. He has got
1 Complete t h e definitions w i t h words for dark hair.
occupations. 7 I haven't / have got any brothers or sisters.
1 An oran is l'm an only child.
someone who performs in plays and films. 8 They have / haven't got three children: two
2 An is someone w h o girls and one boy.
competes in sports such as running, long
4 Complete t h e text w i t h t h e correct form of be.
jump or javelin.
3 A is the political leader of
a country. Setena Gómez (i) an American actress,
4 A is someone who works sínger and composer. She (2) 1.65 m
in business, especially a manager.
tall, she has got dark hair and her eyes
5 A is the person who
(3) _ _ _ _ _ brown. Her birthday (4)
introduces a TV programme.
on 22nd July. Setena has got one stepbrother
2 Complete t h e sentences w i t h t h e correct and one stepsister. They (5) Marcus
occupations. and Victoria. They (6). Selena's fans.

1 This film is very boring. The main Setena loves them!

is really bad!
2 Janetisa She appears in
magazines and she works for famous clothes
3 The of the United States is on TV.
He is talking about the country's economic
4 Adele is a fantastic ! She is a
mezzo-soprano. I love her songs. S Complete t h e sentences w i t h hasn't got or
haven't got.
Be and have got
1 Jennifer Lawrence _darkskin.
3 Choose t h e correct options. 2 Kristen Stewart brown eyes.

1 They aren't Chínese. They're / They aren't 3 I a moustache.

Japanese. 4 Daniel Radcliffe blonde hair.
2 Brad is American. He is / isn't from New York. 5 Selena Gómez . curlyhair.
3 Jan is / isn't French. He's Belgian. 6 They . a beard.
4 l'm from Spain. I'm / l'm not Spanish.
6 Complete the text with the correct form of be or 8 Write questions. Then answer.
have got.
i Angelina Jolie / long hair

Daniel Radcliffe (i) a British actor.

He (2) the protagonist of the

2 Robert Pattinson / blue eyes
HarryPotter films. He (3) dark hair

and his eyes (4) blue. His birthday

(5) on 23rd July and his nickname

3 Selena Gómez and Kristen Stewart / American
(6) Dan. He (7) any brothers

orsisters but he (8). . good friends,

such as Rupert Grint and Emma Watson. They

4 Carlos Tévez and Martín del Potro / dark hair
(9) _ _ _ _ _ _ his co-stars in the HarryPotter films.

5 Usain Bolt / an actor

1, I'MDi MI

'\WA¡*ut; L I N C O L N

9 Write questions for these answers using the

FILM words in brackets.

PIRIT Yes, I have. (a brother)

No, she isn't. (Canadían)
7 Match questions 1-5 to answers a - e .

1 Have you got a sister? Q

No, we haven't. (a dog)
2 Are you tall? O
3 Has she got a pet? Q
Yes, they are. (famous)
4 Have they got a sister? Q
5 Is she Brazilian? Q
Yes, I am. (Mark)
a No, she isn't.
b Yes, they have.
No, she hasn't. (a sister)
c Yes, I have.
d No, she hasn't.
e No, l'm not.
Vooabulary i s ? Read the notes about the music nrtist / ^ T ^ j u j

H íinqs we w a n t to ció The Weeknd. Then complete the text.

" Match.

1 inake a money Real ñamó: Abel Tesfaye. . . .

2 start b to my sister Professlon: sinéer
3 get c new friends Eyes and hair-.
i\d d my grandparents
Heiéht: 1,73 m .... .._ .
5 be nice e a new hobby
Ulrthday: lóth February
6 save f the gym
Place ofblrth: Canadá
7 visit g a good book
B join First álbum:'Kiss Land'
h good grades
PrlzcS: eight TSilIboard Awards, three Grammy
Qranimar Awards Jwo American. Music.Awards

" j Complete Nick's resolutions with wantto MUSIC'A'WARDS
or don't want to and the correct verbs.

4v Mc-w V e a r ' s r e s o l u t i o n s

i¡s year, I ( i ) —
(2j ne-vv The Weeknd is a singer from (i)

friends. I already have a iot and I don't His real ñame is (2)
have time to see them ali. He has got (3) hair and he is
I (3) _' (4)
(4) tall. His (5) is
a good book.. l'm 1ired of borlng novéis.
on i 6 t h February. He is young and successful.

(¿y the gym. I prefer to

His first (6) is Kiss Land. He has got
do other activities sueh as taetwondo.
many (7) He has got (8)
(o) money for travelllng. Billboard Awards, (9) American Music
I drcam of going to Thailand. Awards and (10) ._ Grammy Awards.
•i r (0
(10) my grandparents
more often. They are so nice and I want
lo mai'.e the time to see them at least Writirtg
once a weeL A quiz
1 3 Choose one celebrity from the ones that
appear in the book and make a quiz. Write
at least six sentences. Use the quiz on page
9 of the S B * as a model. Ask a classmate to
discover t h e person you chose.

* SB = Student's Book
1 4 - After reading the text on page 17 of the SB,
choose one of the f o l l o w i n g activities:

> Draw Kricten Stevvart's family tree.

> Look for more information and add
a paragraph to the text.
> Write 3 quectionc you would lil'.e to asi: Kri

/ Mention 3 thinge you learnt.
/ Write 2 queetions/doubte you _fi¡l have.
/ Connect eomething from Unit I with
eomething you already Icnew.

Schooi fíubjects
1 Order the letters from the box and label the photos. CIT EP madar nedac scium tai

4 5 6
Complete with schooi subjects.
*n i m o r

Across , su*, i ¡ Ricjativo

i You do experiments in
Choose the correct options.
'5 Yon. learn about clifferent countries in
i Jane study / studies hístory.

6 You do calculations in . z We have / has summer holidays in December.

3 I start / starts schooi at 7 am.
4 Pedro visits / visit his grandparents
on Sundays.
5 My parents and I go / goes to the club at
a aims to develop student's
the weekend.
ability to particípate in communities and
wicier societies. Complete the sentences w i t h the correct form
3 is the study of the past. of the verbs in brackets.
4 If you w a n t t o live in France, you should 1 Nathan and lan (not live)
study in the same town as me.
2 We (not go) swimming
at schooi.
3 My brother (do) his
homework on Saturdays.
4 She (play) basketball
at schooi.
5 Nick (finish) schooi at 5 pm.

Complete the text about Mei Xang (the gírl

on page 19 of the SB) w i t h the correct form of
the verbs from the box.

not go start go finish paint

draw design have got

Mei (1) _ - to a traditional schooi.

Answer about you. She (2) . to a schooi of ai t.

In her classes she (3)

i What subjects are you good at?
(4) and (5)

She (6) four hours of art classes

a What extra subject do you want to have?
per week. She (7)
classes in April and
3 When have you got Engüsh lessons? (8) in March.
Vocabulary your best friend go to schooi

Everyday activities by bus?

y Choose the correct options.

3 you tidy your room every day?
1 We don't go /get to bed early on Saturdays.
2 I get / have a shower every day.
3 We finish / go schooi at 3.45 pm on Tuesdays.
4 you and your friends have lunch at
4 We join / start schooi at 9.00 am. schooi?
5 I don't tidy / do my room at the weekend.
6 My sister gets / goes up at 7.30 am.
7 I make / do my homework after lunch. 5 your schooi organize tournaments:'

O Complete the sentences w i t h the correct verb

in the correct form.
1 1 Order the words to make questions.
1 I dinner at 9.30 pm. Then answer about you.

2 Charlie TV in the afternoon. 1 schooi / 3.30 pm / do / finish / you / al

3 Mydacl to bed at 12 am.
4 My brother doesn't a shower
on Sundays.
2 breakfast / at / you / have / home / do
5 Clara never her homework.

G ra ¡n triar
Present simple: questions 3 TV / friends / your / do / watch / you / and
and short answers
& Match questions 1-5 to answers a - e .

1 Do you study Spanish? 4 room / share / do / a / you

2 Does he read a lot? •
3 Does she meet friends on Saturdays? Ü
4 Do they wear a uniform? •
5 Do you live in this street? • 1 2 Look at the table. Then write questions and
short answers.
a No, they don't.
have tidy my
b Yes, she does. watch TV
breakfast room
c Yes, 1 do.
d No, we don't. Joe X /
e Yes, he does.

Ellie X /
10 Complete the questions w i t h Do or Does. Then
answer about you.
Maria X / X
1 your maths teacher give you a lot
of homework?
Julie / / X
i Filie / breakfast
Hi, my name's Rick. I ( i ) . 13 years oíd

and l'm from (2) 1(3)-

two brothers. John (4) _ 10 and Joñas
-? Joe and Ellie / loom
(5) 16.1 (6) lo bt Paul's

schooi. My schooi day (7) . at 8 ain

and (8) at 3 pm. My favourite

3 Joe / breakfast subject is (9) .. I (10).

learning about different countries! After schooi,

I do different activities. On (11) ,

4 María and Joe / TV i go to football classes and on Wednesclays, I go

to the (12) Fríday is my favourite

day because I (13) tennis with my

Julie / room friends. In the evening, I (14) IV

and I (15) my homework.

1 4 . After reading the text on page 27 of the SB,

Read the notes. Then complete
choose one of the f o l l o w i n g activities:
the text.

> Woüld you lite to stay at a

boardlng schooi? Why? Why nol ?
Mame: Riel; J o n e s
Write a paragraph giving
C o u n t r y : t h e USA
your opinión.
A g e : 13
> Do research on boarding schools in your
Family: Hvo brothers (John, 10 years oíd,
country and giye a presentation or uriic a text.
aruí . lonas, 16 years oíd)
> Write 3 questions you would i o asi- David.
Schooi: St Paul's
S t a r t s c h o o i : o am
Finish s c h o o i : 3 pm
Favourite subject: geography (l © learning
about different countries)
A f t e r s c h o o i : football (Mondays); 3" • In your folder, write about Martin's routine
(the boy on page 22 of the SB). Include as
gym (Wednesdays); tennis with friends
much information as possíble.
Evening activities: TV; h o m e w o r l ;

•/ Mention 3 things you learnt.
/ Write 2 questions/doubts you still iiavy
/ Connect something' from Unit 2 with
something you already Icnew.
Vocataulary 2 Complete the sentences w i t h do, play or go.

Free time activities and sports 1 I gymnastics on Wednesdays.

2 We sometimes hockey.
1 Look at the photos and complete w i t h activities
3 Can you yoga?
and sports.
4 We always. . swimming at the
5 I can't rugby.
6 Do you want to . skateboarding?

Adverbs of frequency
3 Complete the table w i t h the words from the
box. Then complete the sentences with the
correct adverb of frequency.

always sometimes never usually of te i

Adverbs of frequency

• •• #
• ••• •
1 Athletes. train every day. • • • •
2 We _ play football on Fridays.
3 Sara does y o g a . # #
4 Dad_ goes to dance classes. O

5 I play basketball.

4 Choose the correct options.

1 Jack Robinson always does / does always

2 He usually go / usually goes to the beach.
3 He sometimes plays / plays sometimes
table tennis.
4 He never go / never goes to the hairdressei'
5 Write sentences using the correct form of do, 4 Where do you live? ( '
play or go.
5 What do you do on Mondays.' M
i I / never / aerobics 6 When is your birthday? íj

a I live in México
2 My parents / sometimes / golf b It's on 28th August.
c John is my brother.

3 We / always / cycling at the weekend d I go twice a week.

e She is fourteen.
f I usually watch TV and visit my grandmother.
4 Our sister / often / surfing
8 Complete the questions with the correct
Wh- words. Then answer about you.
5 Your friend / usually / martial arts
i are you from?

6 Look at the table and complete the sentences

w i t h adverbs of frequency and the correct form is your birthday?

of the verbs.

. oíd are you?

. do you do in your free time?

do martial
/ / /
arts do you watch TV?
/ /
go • 9 Complete t h e questions w i t h the words from
/ / / /
swimming the box.

go cycling Am Are Do Have When Where

i you an athlete?
1 Daniel. swimming.
2 does Lionel Messi live?
2 He._._ martial arts.
3 . I late for training?
3 He _ basketball. you like skiing?
5 you got a gold medal?
6 does the match start?
Present simple: W h - questions 1 0 Write three questions you would like to ask Jack
Robinson (the surfer on page 32 of the SB).
7" Match questions i - 6 to answers a-f.

1 Who is your brother? 1

2 How oíd is your sister? G 2
3 How often do you go swimming? • 3
11 Choose the correct options. Then answer 13 Read the notes. Then imagine you
about you. are John Webber and answer the
i Have you got / You have got two brothers?

2 What are you / Where are you right now? Mame: John Webber
Physical a c t M t y at schooi: PE

3 Are you / You are at schooi? (once a week' at St George's schooi)

Sports out of schooi: football (every day, at
the parle); volleyball (twice a week, at the club)
4 What do you / How do you do in your free
Winter sports: ski (in July, in 'Bariloche)
Other activities: watch series (weekend);
play computer games
5 When ¡s / Where is your best friend's

12 Complete the text about Belle and Ñame: John

Paige Wheeler (the sisters on page 29 Schooi:

of the SB) w i t h the correct form of the
verbs from the box. 1 Do you do physical activity out of schooi?
Yes • No •
wear be (X3) live travel
2 What sports do you practise out of schooi?
never drive what

Belle and Paige Wheeler (1) sisters. 3 How often? Where?

They (2) in Wellingborough,

England and they (3) drag racers.

(4) _ is a dragster? A dragster

4 Do you practise winter sports?
(5) . a very fast car and it
YesO No O
(6) _ a very short clistance at a

very high speed. 5 How often? Where?

The Wheeler sisters (7) . at high

speed at the race track but Belle (8)

drives on normal roads because she is very

6 What other activities do you do in your free
young. They always (9) a helmet
and special clothes.
14. After reading the text on page 37 of the SB, Writing
choose one of the f o l l o w i n g activities: A report b a s e d on
a questionnaire
> Which sports would you like to 15 In your folder, write a report based on the
t r y ? Why? Write a paragraph. . answers you wrote in Exercise 13. Start as
> Choose- one of the sports and follows.
looh for more information to *
write an extra paragraph. John Webber is an active boy. l-le does
> Write a similar text about a place for winter \ activity out of schooi. fie...
sports in your country.

Self-evaluation \
/ Mentíon 3 things you learnt.
/ Write 2 questions/doubts you stili have.
/ Connect something from Unit 3 with
something you already knew.

Vocabulary Z Look at the photos and circle the correct options.

l'm wearing (1) trousers / jeans and a
1 Find and circle seven clothes words.
(2) sweatshirt / shirt. l'm not wearing
(3) a suit jacket / shoes, but l'm wearing
B 0 M S c C 0 W A
a (4) tie / cap.
0 H E H D E 0 S B
0 E I 0 U J M H 0
T S U E M A R 0 T

T R 0 U S E R S 0
P R L u D R E S S

l'm wearing a (5) shirt /
Present continuous:
T-shirt and a pair of
affirmative, negative and
(6) shorts / jeans. l'm
not wearing (7) socks /
shorts, l'm wearing 5 Choose the correct options.
(8) sandals / trainers.
1 Tina is / isn't running in the race. She's ¡II
in bed.
2 I 'm not / 'm wearing my new jeans. They're
very comfortable!

3 Write the words for the definitions. 3 Tom and Mark are / aren't playing rugby at
the club. They're winning!
1 You wear these in winter to keep your feet
4 Mum is / isn't driving her car. She's driving
warm and dry:
dad's car.
2 Men who work in an office often wear this
around their neck: 6 Look at the picture on page 42 of the SB and
complete the sentences w i t h the present
3 Women often wear this in the evening
continuous form of the verbs from the box.
to a party or for a special occasion:

run go climb ride carry

4 You wear this over your clothes in winter to
keep w a r m :
1 Amy and Beth to
5 People wear this on their head:
a birthday party.
6 People wear these when they do sport but
2 Amy . a present.
they also wear them with casual clothes:
3 June and Jane. . a bike.

4 The cat . a tree.

7 Sometimes women wear these instead of
5 Jack .after his dog.

8 People wear this over a T-shirt to keep warm, 7 Match questions 1-5 to answers a-e.
especially when they do sport in winter:
1 Are you listening to music? Ü
2 Am I speaking too fast? Í""J
4 Complete the sentences about you. 3 Is it snowing?
4 Are they riding their bikes?
1 Today l'm wearing
5 Is he wearing a jacket?

a Yes, they are.

To parties, I usually w e a r .
b No, you aren't.
c Yes, I am.
3 IVly favourite clothes are __ d No, he isn't.
e No, it isn't.
4 I don't like wearing.
voeabulary 1 1 Write PC (present continuous) or PS (present

Adjoctives of character simple).

1 l'm not working at the moment. I..

r > Complete with the correct adjectives.
2 Do you buy new clothes every week? i
x Someone who is always happy is 3 My friend often makes her own clothes. I
4 Are they going shopping now.'' !
2 Someone who is sure of himself/herself 5 Leo isn't wearing his uniform loclay. 1.
1 ¡ g Complete the text with the present simple
3 Someone who doesn't like to work very
or present continuous form of the verbs
hard is in brackets.
4 Someone who is helpful is

5 Someone who doesn't usually smile is Hi, l'm Paul! I usually (i) (go) ¡¡gJT

swimming on Saturdays, but today VHP

6 Someone clever is someone I (2) (watch) TV.

a Complete the sentences with the correct It's the Wimbledon Tennis Championships.

adjectives. Rafael Nadal (3) (play)

1 Nicoisa boy. He likes Andy Murray. I never (4) (play)

clirnbing, skiing and surfing. tennis and I don't usually (5)

2 lackie is a girl. She finds (watch) matches, but this is a very exciting
it difficult to make friends and she hates
game. Murray (6) (hit) the
speaking in public.
ball well and he (7) (win).
3 Mike solves problems easily. He ¡s so
He's amazing!

4 Martha is always ready to help. She is very

1 3 Complete the questions w i t h the present

5 jenny ¡s very She always simple or present continuous form of the
talks to everyone at parties. verbs in brackets. Then look at Exercise 12
again and answer.
Q ramnia r
1 Paul (swiin) today?
P re se n t eontim 10 u s
a n d present simple
2 Paul usually (watch)
"ISO Choose the correct options.
TV on Saturdays?
1 I do / 'm doing my homework now.
2 He 's wearing / wear a great T-shirt today.
3 We usually 're travelling / travel to schooi 3 Rafael Nadal (play)

by bus. Del Potro today?

4 Are you watching / Do you watch TV every day?

5 I 'm looking / look for information on the
4 Murray (win) the game?
Internet at the moment.
6 Where are they going / do they go? They're
in a hurry!
IA, Answer about you.
Katy Perry (i) from the USA and
i What ¡s your friend doing at the moment?
she's my favourite (2) ^_ _ ! She's

(3) and (4)

She (5) . a lot and she is kind to

2 Where do you usually meet your friends?
her fans. In this photo, she isn't wearing

(6) clothes. She's (7)

3 Where are you sitting now? a beautiful (8) and elegant

(9) She usually (10)

flashy outfits. I (11) her look very

4 What clothes do you usually wear at the
much! I (12) go to her concerts.
weekend í

, 1 6 After r e a d i n g t h e text on page 49 of the SB,

choose one of the f o l l o w i n g activities:

i í i Complete the text with the words

from the box.
> Loóle for information about
traditional costumes in your
wearing always cheerful casual
country and give a presemation
is shoes singer like dress
or write a text. - '
wears conficlent smiles
> Do research on anotlier traditional 13ri1k
coelume and add a paragraph to the text

A photo description
"1 pim?' MUSIC AWARDS •\y Look for a photo of a friend and write a
«i description in your folder. Start w i t h a short
introduction; include: ñame, age, nationality,
personality, physical description, favourite
^,.-;joar i t h i n g s . Then describe the clothes h e / s h e is
wearing in the photo; what h e / s h e is doing
and where he/she is.

/ Mention 3 things you iearnt.
/ Write 2 questions/doubte you still have.
/ Connect something from Unit 4 with
something you already Lnew.

focabulary 5í Complete the text w i t h words for pieces of

!ooms and furniture furniture.

In my bedroom, there is a (i) d ,a

Complete w i t h pieces of furniture.
(2) c and a (3) b There
are some (4) s where I put. my books
and there is a big (5) w too. I usually
i You use this to help you see when it's dark.
study in my bedroom but I relax in the living
5 Yuu use this to sit on.
7 You keep things in this. It's usually in room because there's a big (6) s

the kitchen. and a very comfortable (7) a

8 You use this to refrigérate food. I usually watch TV there and if I get hungry,
9 You sleep on this. I go to the kitchen and get some cookies from
11 You usually find this in the living room. the (8) c and some juice from the
Two or three people can sit on it.
(9) f !

2 This is a comfortable seat for one.
3 You keep clothes in this.
There is / are
4 You find this in the kitchen or dining room. 3 Look at the picture and complete the sentences
You put the plates on it.
with There is / isn't or There are / aren't.
6 You use this to look at yourself.
7 You do your homework on this.

1 ._a sofá in the living room.

2 __two chairs in the kitchen.

3 _ an armchair in 1 he bedroom.

4 _ any chairs in the living room.

5 ... a fridge in the kitchen.

6 _ pictures in the bedroom.

¿i Look at the pictures and write the prepositions. i Rob isn't. his bedroom at the
moment. He is at the club.
behind infrontof near between in on
2 There is a magazine the bed.
3 There are three shetves the window.
4 His backpack is the football and
the tennis ball.
5 There are books the desk.
'r i
6 There is a cup of coffee the books.
7 The desk is the bed.

íS Complete the sentences w i t h There is/isn't oí

There are /aren't.

i a beach / in my town /

2 any shops / in my street X

3 two schools / near here

4 a factory / in my neighbourhood X

5 a hotel / in my town /

Adjectives to describe places
Look at Rob's bedroom and complete the
7 Order the words to make questions. Then
sentences w i t h the correct prepositions.
answer about you.

i there / oíd / is / town / station / an / in / your

2 beautiful / your / there / near / town /

mountains / are / any

3 your / neighbourhood / there / factory / ugly /

in / is / an
4 slreets / are / near / dirty / there / house / 1 1 Write questions using Can. Then answer
your / any about y o u .
1 use your mobile phone / at schooi

O Complete the sentences w i t h the correct

2 use your tabíet / in class
1 I don't have much money. I'll stay at a
2 I don't like popular beaches because they are
fu 11 of people. I prefer beaches. 3 eat / in class
3 The street where I live is very
There's litter everywhere!
4 I live in a city. There are many
4 speak loudly / at the cinema
cars, too much noise and modern buildings.
5 He is a millionaire. He lives in a very

Grammar 1 2 : Complete the text with the words

Can: afflrmative, negativo from the box.

a n d questions
can are love clean expensive busy
a Complete the sentences w i t h can /can't. year hotels has there can't relax

1 This fíat isn't any good, you have

a pet. Where woulcl I take my dog?
2 You only use the pool in the hotel I live in a (1) city. There (2) lots
befween 9 am and 7 pm. of things to do and places to go. I (3)
3 We stay in this hotel. It's empty!
it! Many tourists visit the city every (4)
4 We go to the party on Saturday
They usually stay in the city centre because there
because we will be away.
are many (5) in that área, some of them
5 They _ use their mobile phones in
are cheap but others are really (6) !
class. They use it to search the Internet.

The streets are (7) and there are a lot

I O Read the text on page 54 of the SB again and
of parks where you can go and (8)
correct the sentences.
I always go to Green Park because it
1 Only Pierre Andre Senizergues can
(9) got a big lake and (10) are
skateboard in the PAS house.
beautiful trees. You (11) ride your bike

2 You can't skateboard over the furniture. or rollerblade but remember you (12)

swim in the lake! It's prohibited.

3 Sonia can skateboard very well.

4 Designer Gil Le Bon can only build traditional

TÍ 3 After r e a d i n g t h e text on page 59 of the SB, Writing
choose one of the fotlowing activities:
A description
1 4 - In your folder, write about the place where

Choose orí e. of the places from you live. What ¡s there in your neighbourhood
or city? What's special about it? What things
the tr\'i and loóle for more
can you do? Use friere is /are and the
informal ¡on to write an extra v
vocabulary from page 53 of the SB.
paragraph. Use Thóir, /.c/are and adjectives
from page 5 3 of the S'B.
Wnle a similar g'uide for your city or town.
... .........^.•...•-•.^^ja««»'«jaHBi^^ Self-evaluatioiri
/ Mention 3 things you learnt.
/ vVrite 2 iiuestions/doubts you still have.
/ Connect something from Unit 5 with
something you already

i JJ J J jf' írfj »jr J

• • ••" ^ • n e « ! í ^ : i & ; ' í v v : ^ r ' -
i a." a - a a -

Vocabulary 7 is the meat from the top part of

F o o d ai i d drink: breakfast the back legs of a pig, preserved using sal! or

i Complete the definitions with words for food
8 are a type of thin dry hard biscuit.
and drinks.
Write about your best friend's breakfast. Use
1 i s a natural drink that comes from
these questions as a guide: What does h e / s h e
fruit. It comes in a variety of flavours.
usually eat? What does h e / s h e sometimes eat?
2 is a food made from grain, for
Is h i s / h e r breakfast healthy?
example wheat, oats or corn, mainly eaten
with milk for breakfast.
3 ...... is a sandwich that has been toasted.
4 ... ¡s a sweet sticky food made from
boiled truit and sugar that is usually spread
onto bread.
5 _ _ is a solid yellow food made from
milk that you spread on bread or use in
6 „ i s a white liquid that comes from
cows, goats and sheep.
3 Is / Are there any carbohydrates in bread?

ouni:able a n d uncountable
4 Is / Are there a lot of sugar in chocolate?

/ a n . some, any, a lot of

5 Is / Are there any dairy producís in your
Write C (countable) or U (uncountable). Write
the plural for the countable nouns.

1 milk M 6 Is / Are there any calcium in dairy products

2 yoghurt l í
3 bread M
4 grape Vocabulary
5 cracker I i F o o d a n d drink;
6 butter M lunch a n d d i n n e t
7 cheese ( j
7 Complete the menú.
8 apple U
9 ham ¡ I
10 cereal ! _}
11 smoothie I J
12 coffee [ j j 'I • Green s
í ' - Ch with cheddar
Choose the correct options. , cheese

1 There isn't any / some water in the fridge.

2 There's some / a cheese on the table.
3 Is there an / any apple? * Ch or

4 Are there any / some potatoes? m with

5 There are some / a sandwiches and chips. p salad

6 There are any / a lot of crackers in the bowl. • F with r

7 Is there an / a orange in the fridge?
- P with tomato

Complete the sentences w i t h a, an, some, any

or o lot of.
- Cheese b
n There's pasta for lunch.
• Margarita p
2 I've got J meat in the fridge.
3 There are sandwiches on the
table. There are almost one hundred!
4 l'd like to have smoothie, please. ' Chocolate or vanilla i

5 There isn't butter left.

6 I usually have apple for breakfast. : ] - Carrol c

Choose the correct options. Then answer.

€? In your folder, write about your best friend's
1 Is / Are there any fruit in your diet? lunch. Use these questions as a guide: What
does he/she usually eat? What does he/she
2 Is / Are there any protein in fish? sometimes eat? What does he/she never eat?
Is his/her lunch healthy?
Grammar 13 Complete the recipe with the words
How much / many:.. ? from the box.

Must / Mustn 't

add cook cut an finally a world
& Choose the correct options. Then answer next wash some dinner from protein
about you.

i How much / many appies do you usually eat

¡n a week's time?

2 How much / many sugar do you put in your

hot drinks?

3 How much / many salt do you add to your


4 How much / many eggs do you usually eat in The word 'omelette' may suggest that this

a week's time? recipe is (i) France but, in fact,

it's really difficult to trace back the origins of
this dish because every country has its own
i O Complete the questions with How much...? variation. Today people from around the
or How many...? (2) eat omelettes because they're
delicious, and easy and quick to prepare!
1 fat is there in a slice of cake?
Some of the most common fillings are
2 „_ milk do I add to the mixture?
cheese, vegetables, mushrooms and chicken.
3 eggs do we need for the cake?
Omelettes are rich in (3) , minerals
4 _ appies shall I buy at the shop? and vitamins, and you can eat them for breakfast,
5 salt do you add to this sauce? lunch or (4) ! Here's the recipe...

1 1 Complete the sentences w i t h must/mustn't. ¡íijri'tóí'Üiilitñ

1 You . eat food in the library. (5) butter or oil some mushrooms
2 You _ _ drop litter in the park. (6) onion some spinach
3 You wear sun cream in the (7) tomato two eggs
4 You _ _ put your rubbish in the bin. htslt'tti tiúna
First, (8) the vegetables and
i 2 Think of your best friend's diet and write
(9) the onion and mushrooms ¡rito
sentences using must /mustn't to give
pieces. Then, put some oil in a frying pan and
h i m / h e r some advice.
heat the pan. (10) , put the onion
1 and mushrooms in the pan and fry them.
2 (11) some spinach after two

3 minutes. (12) , mix two eggs in

a bowl. Pour the eggs into the frying pan
with the vegetables and (13) for
a minute.
After r e a d i n g t h e text on page 69 of the SB,
choose one of the f o l l o w i n g activities. •evaiuatlon
y Mention 3 things you learnt.
/ Write 2 questions/doubts you slilí fiavc
/ Connect something from Unit ó with
W'rHe a lext for the Tx.eader's
something you already fnew.
Córner. Describe your diet
and tiie food you usually eat . : •
dnring Ihe weeL Use Jodies text as a model.
Wi ite a text about teenagers and unhealthy
food. and give recommendations on how to
chang'e bad habite.

A description of a diet
15 Write about what you typically eat on a
Sunday. Do you eat healthy or unhealthy
food? Do you have breakfast? What do you
usually have for lunch? Do you have a snack
in the afternoon? What do you usually have
for dinner? Use vocabulary from the unit and
remember to use a / an, some, any and a lot
of correctly. Use the Reader's Córner on page
69 of the SB as a model.

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