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Behavioral Segmentation- Marketers divide buyers into groups based on their knowledge of,

attitude toward, use of, or response to a product.

1. Needs and Benefits- Example of six different benefit segments: Enthusiast, Image seekers,
Savvy shoppers, Traditionalist, Satisfied sippers, Overwhelmed
2. Decision Roles- People play five roles in a buying decision: Initiator, Influencer, Decider,
Buyer, and User. Different people play different roles, but all are crucial in the decision
process and ultimate customer satisfaction.
3. User and Usage related variables-Occasions, User status, Usage rate, Buyer readiness stage,
and Loyalty Status.
 Occasions- Occasions mark a time of day, week, month, year, or other well-defined
temporal aspects of a consumer’s life.
 User Status- Nonusers, ex-users, potential users, first time users, and regular users.
 Usage Rate- Light, medium and Heavy product users
 Buyer Readiness stage- Some people are Unaware, some are Informed, some are
Interested, some Desire the product, and some Intend to buy the product.
 Loyalty Status- Hard core loyal (Buy only one brand all the time), Split loyal (who are
loyal to two or three brands), Shifting loyal (shift loyalty from one brand to another),
Switchers (show no loyalty to any brand)
 Attitude- Enthusiastic, Positive, Indifferent, Negative, and Hostile.

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