Breast 1094SP

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Cancer Testimonial -1094


I only recently acquired a computer and discovered I could make contact with
the people that directly have helped my health the most.
"A Cure For All Cancers" was put in my hands for me to read for a friend
with a liver disease. I tried very hard to persuade her to give the methods in
the book a real test. She wouldn't but I did.
Some interesting things happened I never dreamed could. For instance, the
pain in my neck and shoulder that I really expected to have to live with
because of my lifestyle of driving at least 40 thousand miles a year just
disappeared. My swelled aching feet that made every trip to Walmart and
standing to do the dishes a nightmare just stopped hurting and swelling.
Headaches are a thing of the past.
All the little bumps and knots under my skin and on my face and neck are
gone. I don't remember when the last gall bladder attack was that laid me out
in the floor with a pain in my side coming over my shoulder after a meal with
some butter or egg in it. My breasts were full of lumps and shooting pains
were common. Although I had never had a test, as I read the book, I knew if it
wasn't all out Cancer it would be eventually. I made a list of all the pains and
symptoms I had when I started. They are either all gone or on there way out.
Oh yes, I have lost 50 pounds.
I would like to personally thank Hulda. I think of her often.
When I found out about her being arrested, I knew she would come out on
top. Many of my friends and I prayed she would triumph over the arrest, that
everything that was meant for evil would turn out to her good.
I am so very grateful for the many answers to so many of the mysteries in my
life. I have read many books on all of these things and never (although I tried
them all) did I get satisfactory results.
Thanks, Hulda, for being willing to put your convictions on the line and take
the flack.
Thanks Again


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