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School of Chemical, Biological and Materials Engineering and Sciences

1st Quarter S.Y. 2020-2021

Experiment No.6

Ecosystem Dynamics: Assess the effect of fertilizers

on the phosphorus cycle

Submitted by:
Lalin, Ceazar Ian V.
Jaspeo, Francine Reinald C.
Javier, John Gabriel A.
School of Chemical, Biological and Materials Engineering and Sciences
1st Quarter S.Y. 2020-2021


A. Brief Background ( 1 Paragraph or 5 sentences)

Integrating a new kind of source food is always a thing what humans should do whenever

they are in a new environment. Everything edible on that planet could make a great impact on the

agricultural needs of these people living on that planet. They could improve their lives with it, but

they should also be wary of consequences or side effects on what they usually use for these crops

to be harvested once that kind of season began. The researcher’s purpose for this experiment is

to find out what are the causes of the decline of the total amount of whean per year, what are

fertilizers, and what are its effects on that planet. Their experimentation is also extended to factors

that are mainly part of growing a whean crop, which can be harvested, with the likes of fertilizers,

atmospheric deposition and dead organism are some of the factors that affect the growth of whean

crop, or any crop in general. The researchers cannot go further than that and cannot analyze any

crop besides whean.


In this experiment, we are task to analyze the fertilizer effect and the phosphorus samples

to measure dissolved phosphorus for the intention to find a way for sustainable and the increase

yields of crops without affecting or influencing the phosphorus cycle and the ecosystem. We then

gathered samples of phosphorus we got from a soil sample and then examine it as it is by using

vortex as a means to see the dissolved state. Next was to pour and mix distilled water from the

sample tubes and later using the micro vortex apparatus to mix and or combine the two

substances. As the sample was mixed, we then tried using the centrifuge to measure and
School of Chemical, Biological and Materials Engineering and Sciences
1st Quarter S.Y. 2020-2021

separate the liquid and solid parts. And after 15 minutes out of the centrifuge, we then transferred

the tube samples to another 15ml tube to separate the phosphorus from the solid components.

As we finished transferring the liquid to the other tubes, we then get a phosphorus measuring

strip for the 4 samples. Next was to wait another 20 mins to see the color and the phosphorus

level we have from each sample. It resulted in 0.5 ml of phosphorus-based on the table that shows

the level or the ml based on what color. We then measured the effects of fertilizer and the effect

it brings to the phosphorus cycle and the environment from the different tables from basing on the

samples we got and estimating other given problems to assess and balance the phosphorus

system and its synergy to fertilizer and the environment.


After finishing the experiment using the virtual lab simulator, the group concluded that

assessing and analyzing first the type of fertilizer will give a more likely appropriate outcome. The

experiment revolved around the various effects of a certain kind of fertilizer on the phosphorus

cycle that is occurring in the soil. After experimenting to determine the effects of certain fertilizers,

it was shown that the specific fertilizer used in growing the whean plants did a good job of

nourishing the whean and it did not lay bad effects on the soil. The reason behind this was

because that specific fertilizer reacted along with the phosphorus cycle to produce nourishment

for the whean plant. Moreover, assessing first the fertilizers is a good step because it can help in

determining if the fertilizer will have a good or bad effect on any kind of plant. Learning also the

process of the phosphorus cycle will help a lot in analyzing the effects of certain fertilizers because

it will help you determine the outcome of using the fertilizer.

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