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National Officers Academy

E-Mock Exams for CSS-2021

July Mocks for Batches 241 to 244
1. QUESTIONS 2, 3, 4 are to be attempted on separate answer book, while QUESTIONS 1, 5, 6, 7 are
to be attempted through the link shared along with this paper.
2. Write Q. No. in the Answer Book in accordance with Q. No. in the Q. Paper.
3. Extra attempt of any question or any part of the question will not be considered.

Q.2. Write a Precis of the following passage and suggest a suitable title. (15+5 = 20 marks)
Why dwell on this aspect of the matter? It is too indisputable, not doubtful now to anyone. Descend where you
will into the lower class, in Town or Country, by what avenue you will, by Factory Inquiries, Agricultural
Inquiries, by Revenue Returns, by Mining-Laborer Committees, by opening your own eyes and looking, the
same sorrowful result discloses itself: you have to admit that the working body of this rich English Nation has
sunk or is fast sinking into a state, to which, all sides of it considered, there was literally never any parallel. At
Stockport Assizes,— and this too has no reference to the present state of trade, being of date prior to that,—a
Mother and a Father are arraigned and found guilty of poisoning three of their children, to defraud a ‘burial-
society’ of a small amount due on the death of each child: they are arraigned, found guilty; and the official
authorities, it is whispered, hint that perhaps the case is not solitary, that perhaps you had better not probe
farther into that department of things. This is in the autumn of 1841; the crime itself is of the previous year or
season. “Brutal savages, degraded Irish,” mutters the idle reader of Newspapers; hardly lingering on this
incident. Yet it is an incident worth lingering on; the depravity, savagery and degraded Irishism being never so
well admitted. In the British land, a human Mother and Father, of white skin and professing the Christian
religion, had done this thing; they, with their Irishism and necessity and savagery, had been driven to do it. Such
instances are like the highest mountain apex emerged into view; under which lies a whole mountain region and
land, not yet emerged. A human Mother and Father had said to themselves, What shall we do to escape
starvation? We are deep sunk here, in our dark cellar; and help is far. The Stockport Mother and Father think
and hint: Our poor little starveling Tom, who cries all day for victuals, who will see only evil and not good in
this world: if he were out of misery at once; he well dead, and the rest of us perhaps kept alive? It is thought,
and hinted; at last it is done. And now Tom being killed, and all spent and eaten, Is it poor little starveling Jack
that must go, or poor little starveling Will?
Q.3. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow. (20 marks)
Much of today's business is conducted across international borders, and while the majority of the global
business community might share the use of English as a common language, the nuances and expectations of
business communication might differ greatly from culture to culture. A lack of understanding of the cultural
norms and practices of our business acquaintances can result in unfair judgements, misunderstandings and
breakdowns in communication. Here are three basic areas of differences in the business etiquette around the
world that could help stand you in good stead when you next find yourself working with someone from a
different culture.
A famous Russian proverb states that 'a smile without reason is a sign of idiocy' and a so-called 'smile of
respect' is seen as insincere and often regarded with suspicion in Russia. Yet in countries like the United States,
Australia and Britain, smiling is often interpreted as a sign of openness, friendship, and respect, and is
frequently used to break the ice. In a piece of research done on smiles across cultures, the researchers found that
smiling individuals were considered more intelligent than non-smiling people in countries such as Germany,
Switzerland, China and Malaysia. However, in countries like Russia, Japan, South Korea and Iran, pictures of
smiling faces were rated as less intelligent than the non-smiling ones. Meanwhile, in countries like India,
Argentina and the Maldives, smiling was associated with dishonesty.
An American or British person might be looking their client in the eye to show that they are paying full
attention to what is being said, but if that client is from Japan or Korea, they might find the direct eye contact
awkward or even disrespectful. In parts of South America and Africa, prolonged eye contact could also be seen
as challenging authority. In the Middle East, eye contact across genders is considered inappropriate, although
eye contact within a gender could signify honesty and truthfulness. Having an increased awareness of the
possible differences in expectations and behavior can help us avoid cases of miscommunication, but it is vital
that we also remember that cultural stereotypes can be detrimental to building good business relationships.
1- What role do the national cultures play in shaping the way we behave and think? (4)
2- Why does the author think that communication could be affected by culture? (4)
3- How is a smile treated in different cultures? (4)
4- Why is eye contact so important in meetings? (4)
5- What role does mannerism play in business relations? (4)

Q.4. Translate the following into English by keeping in view figurative/idiomatic expressions. (10)

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