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Activating Prior Knowledge and Building Background


What do I know? What new information do I What new information do I What questions do I still have?
think I will gather? have?

● Prior knowledge helps ● I hope to find new ● Different teachers ● I still want to see what
students connect content to information about how activate knowledge in elective classes do to
their lives. to make effective different ways. Some activate knowledge.
● I know that prior knowledge connections. may tell a story, others ● How is prior knowledge
is useful for introducing a ● I would also like to may ask a general activated with younger
new topic or idea. learn what ways are question. kids and how do you
● Prior knowledge gives a little good for activating prior ● The content and keep them on topic
bit of comfort in learning knowledge. teacher affect how the once they make that
because you tend to be more ● What do the different student will respond connection?
confident about things you content areas do to and what things trigger ● Are there any ways that
already know about. activate knowledge? their learning. work universally?
● We all activate
knowledge in different
ways. There is no right
or wrong way, though
other ways have been
seen as more effective.

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