Khalil Lembar Pengesahan

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Thesis Framework
“Temporary Blocking Internet Access On Papuan’s People: A Violation Of ICCPR By
Indonesian Government In Handling Hoaxes”

Name : Khalil Armi

Student Number 1603101010017
Major : Law

Has been examined in seminar

On Thursday, 13th of August, 2020
in Faculty of Law Syiah Kuala University Banda Aceh,
and has been declared fulfilling the requirements to be

Seminar Committee
International Law Class Program

1. Supervisor
(Sophia Listriani, S.,H., LL.M) ( )
NIP. 19830222 200604 2 002

2. Advisory Committee I

(Dr. M. Ya’kub Aiyub Kadir) ( )

NIP. 19790905 200812 1 002

3. Advisory Committee II

(Lena Farsia S.H., M.H., LL.M) ( )

NIP. 19750505 200012 2 001

Darussalam, 14th of September, 2020

Head of Internasional Law Class Program

(Eka Kurniasari, S.H., M.H.,

LL.M) NIP. 19710515 200312 2

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