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The Right to Education Article 29

…the education of the child shall be directed to:… THE UN CONVENTION ON THE
(b) The development of respect for human rights and
• Your government is responsible for making sure you
Article 24
fundamental freedoms, and for the principles enshrined
Charter of the United Nations;…
in the
Article 14 can enjoy all of your rights protected by the CRC. RIGHTS OF THE CHILD AND
… States Parties… shall take appropriate measures:
(e) To ensure that all segments of society, in particular
and are
Education should help you to understand your
rights and also to respect the rights of others.
State parties shall respect the right of the child
thought, conscience, and religion…
to freedom of
• By agreeing to the Convention on the Rights of the
and children, are informed, have access to education State Parties shall respect the rights and duties
of the
supported in the use of basic knowledge of child health
nutrition, the advantages of
parents and… legal guardians, to provide direction
to the child
in the exercise of his or her right in a manner consiste
nt with
Child, governments must make sure you are safe,
happy and healthy keeping in mind your ‘best
breast-feeding, hygiene and environmental sanitation and the evolving capacity of the child.

A Young
prevention of accidents;

The Right to Participation

(f) To develop preventive health care, guidance for parents Children and young persons have the right to
family planning education and services… as
freely think and believe what they like as long • A United Nations ‘Committee on the Rights of the
it does not harm anyone else.
All children and young people have the right to Child’ makes sure that governments are protecting
information on good health practices.
your rights.

Article 12 You have the right to form your
You should be given wide-ranging and easy own views about sexuality and • How these rights apply to you will vary according to
State parties shall assure to the child who is capable of forming
his or her own views the right to express those views freely in all how old you are. This means that rights are
to understand information on sexual and matters affecting the child, the views, of the child being given due reproductive health issues. As you important to you in different ways at different ages.
weight in accordance with the age and maturity of the child…
reproductive issues that will let you feel grow older your views about Governments, parents and adults should keep in mind

Every child and young person has the right to that as you grow up they need to respect your
comfortable with yourself, your body and express his or her views. your sexual and reproductive
capabilities and encourage you to act and think for
your sexuality. This information should health should be taken more yourself.
enable you to make your own decisions When decisions are made about seriously into consideration.
about your sexual and reproductive health. • Exercising your rights responsibly means that you
you and your sexual and
must understand that other people have rights, too,
You should be given this information without reproductive health, you have and you have to respect them. All children are born with fundamental human
being judged or being made to feel the right to be a part of making rights. Rights define what you are free to do,
embarrassed or guilty. • We only have space here to put some parts of the
that decision. Your feelings and as well as the information and services to
CRC articles. You can read the full text of the
opinions should be listened to and Article 15 Convention at which you are entitled.
taken into consideration. State parties recognise the rights
of the child to freedom of
association and to freedom of peace
Article 28
ful assembly… • The IPPF Charter gives you more information on your
sexual and reproductive rights at
What is the Convention
Children have the right to meet
States Parties recognize the right of the child to friends and form
education, groups to express ideas, so long
and with a view to achieving this right progress as it does not
ively and on Article 13 break the law.
the basis of equal opportunity,

on the Rights of the

(a) Make primary education compulsory and available
free to The child shall have the right to freedo
all;... m of expression; this
right shall include freedom to seek,
receive, and impar t
information and ideas of all kinds…
All children should have full access to free You have the right to Produced by:

Child (CRC)?
primary education. Every child has the right to find
and pass on information.
out, receive, publicly demand what Action Canada for Population and Development

Everyone has the right to receive you are legally entitled Advocates for Youth
Center for Reproductive Law and Policy
You have the right to learn about to. Some ways of doing The CRC (1989) is a set of legal rules. The CRC has
an education. You should not be Dutch Council on Youth and Population
sexual and reproductive health this include meeting Ipas 54 different paragraphs (called articles) that cover the
denied education simply because you Inter-American Parliamentary Group on Population and Development rights of children and young people. Some of these
matters, for example, how your with friends and International Planned Parenthood Federation
are a girl, are poor or have a rights apply to your sexual and reproductive health.
body works, pregnancy, discussing issues or Network of Asia Pacific Youth
disability. If you become pregnant or World Population Foundation
contraception and sexually forming groups. Youth Coalition 191 Governments around the world have signed and
have children you still have the transmitted infections, and to talk to approved the CRC. They have promised to make sure
right to go to school. friends about what you learned. that all children and young people below the age of 18
International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF),
years, survive, grow, are protected and participate as
Regent’s College, Inner Circle, Regent’s Park, London NW1 4NS, UK
active members of society.

edom from
Article 2

States Parties shall respect and ensure the rights set forth
The Right to Privacy The Right to Fre
What is this leaflet in the present Convention to each child within their

Abuse and Exploita
jurisdiction without discrimination of any kind, irrespective

all about?
of the child's or his or her parent's or legal guardian's race,
colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion,
national, ethnic or social origin, property, disability, birth or The Right to Health and Confidentiality
other status…

All the rights set out in the CRC apply to all

children and young people under the age of 18. Article 19
In this leaflet you will find out how some of the articles Article 24 No child shall be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful
interference with his or her privacy, family, home State parties shall take all appropriate legislative, administrative, social and
in the CRC relate to your sexual and reproductive States Parties recognize the right of the child to the enjoyment
correspondence, nor to unlawful attacks on his or
her educational measures to protect the child from all forms of physical or
of the highest attainable standard of health and to facilities for mental violence, injury or abuse, neglect or negligent treatment,
health. The articles taken from the CRC are in quotes, honour and reputation…

All Children Have Rights

the treatment of illness and rehabilitation of health. States maltreatment or exploitation, including sexual abuse, while in the care of
Parties shall strive to ensure that no child is deprived of his or
in the coloured boxes below each article you will find A child’s private life should remain private. parent(s), legal guardian(s) or any other person who has the care of the
her right of access to such health care services … child...
information on how this article can be interpreted to
Every child has the right to be as healthy as Article 34
protect and/or advance your sexual and reproductive possible and to be able to access the best possible
health. These rights belong to you and health-care services. If you tell a medical person or a teacher States Parties undertake to protect the child from all forms of sexual
exploitation and sexual abuse...
no one can take them away from something that you don’t want anyone
else to know, then he or she should No one, including people who care for children, should
you, no matter whether you are physically, sexually or mentally hurt a child. The
respect your privacy. If you have been
What are Sexual and a girl or a boy, rich or poor, For example: government should make sure that all children are
protected from abuse and must also take action to
• You can visit a doctor or abused, adults may have a duty to inform help abused children.
married or unmarried, whatever others who can help protect you or help
nurse to receive the full
Reproductive Health your religion, colour, nationality,
sexual orientation, disability, or
range of sexual and you protect your and your interests.
reproductive health services This means no one,
and Rights? health status, for example, being that are available and legal including the people who
HIV-positive. in your country, including take care of you, should
These rights include being able to:
contraceptives, abortion The Right to be force you to do things with

Protected from Harmful

services and understandable your body that you do not
• have a happy life and personal relationships wish to do. You have the
• decide yourself whether to be sexually active or advice about your sexual and
The Right to Life Practices
not reproductive health. right to say no to sex or
• enjoy a safe and healthy sex life in which you • When you visit a health any other unwanted act
protect yourself and are protected by your partner Article 6 centre you are made to feel Article 24
such as being touched or
against disease and illness 1. States Parties recognize that every child has the welcome, safe and …States Parties shall take all effective and appropriate
being forced to touch other
• feel completely well and happy in your body and inherent right to life.
comfortable. measures with a view to abolishing traditional practices people. Child trafficking,
2. States Parties shall ensure to the maximum extent prejudicial to the health of children…
your mind possible the survival and development of the child.
• Services should be affordable
child pornography and
Practices that are bad for children’s health
• decide if, when and how many children to have Every child has the right to live, grow up and should be stopped.
prostitution are against your
• make sure that women and girls stay healthy while have a healthy life.
for you. rights.
pregnant • No one should turn you away
• make sure that babies are born healthy Some sexual and reproductive or stop you from receiving Some traditional practices are bad for your
health problems, such as HIV/AIDS services, or demand that you health and against your rights, such as early
Based on the Programme of Action of the International get someone else’s permission and forced marriages; female genital mutilation
and unsafe abortion, can lead to Article 39
Conference on Population and Development Paragraph 7.2 first (e.g. the permission of a (FGM) which is also called female circumcision
illness and death. With information, States Parties shall take all appropriate measures to promote physical and
skills and services that help you to parent or spouse, if you are or female genital cutting and killing girls in psychological recovery and social reintegration of a child victim of: any form of
neglect, exploitation, or abuse; torture or any other form of cruel, inhuman or
make informed choices, you can married.) the name of honour. You have the right to degrading treatment or punishment;…

protect yourself and others from know about the dangers of such practices and If a child has been hurt, abused or neglected, support
services should be provided to help the child deal with
unwanted pregnancy, HIV and other be protected against them. his/her experiences, feelings, and physical health needs.
sexually transmitted infections.

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