TCMG 573 SP 20 Outline

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Online Word document submission via Canvas is required. Please submit all related data
and files in addition to your full report typed in Word. Clearly label each file with the
corresponding question number if needed.

Total of 100 points. Each question 20 points. Please see the grading rubric provided in
the syllabus.

Read the articles posted in Canvas:

1. As China Reopens.pdf
2. Risks reactions and early lessons for the supply chain from the COVID-19 outbreak.pdf
3. apicsscc_scor_quick_reference_guide.pdf

The Supply Chain Operations Reference (SCOR) model describes the business
activities associated with all phases of satisfying a customer’s demand. The model itself
is organized around the six primary management processes of Plan, Source, Make,
Deliver, Return and Enable. Using these process building blocks, the SCOR model can
be used to describe supply chains that are very simple or very complex using a common
set of definitions across disparate industries. Today public and private organizations and
companies around the world use the model as a foundation for global and site-specific
supply chain improvement projects.

4. Briefing materials-McKinsey-COVID-19-Facts-and-Insights.pdf.

Answer the following questions.


1. Pick two processes (E.g., Plan and Deliver). Explain how they are affected by the current
pandemic caused by Covid-19 virus by providing two additional examples that you
obtain as a result of your literature search. The sources of your information must include
reliable sources such as Google scholar articles, Fortune 500 company web sites,
supply chain accreditation agency web sites, government resources and such. Avoid
using subjective information and opinion pieces that you obtain through blogs. Discuss
your findings using 200-250 words.
2. Focusing on the same processes you have chosen in Question 1, conduct a literature
search regarding which emerging technologies can help address the issues faced in
these two processes and how. Again, you need to include an additional minimum of
two resources in your discussion. The sources of your information must include
reliable sources such Google scholar articles, Fortune 500 company web sites, supply
chain accreditation agency web sites, government resources and such. Avoid using
subjective information and opinion pieces that you obtain through blogs. Discuss your
findings using 200-250 words.
3. Conduct a literature search to analyze which industries and businesses have been most
affected by the current disruption of supply chains. Provide data and visual(s) stating
the source. Again, you need to include an additional minimum of one resource in
your discussion. The source of your information must include reliable sources such
Google scholar articles, Fortune 500 company web sites, supply chain accreditation
agency web sites, government resources and such. Avoid using subjective information
and opinion pieces that you obtain through blogs. Discuss your findings using 200-250
words excluding the quantitative data and accompanying visuals.
4. Conclude your remarks summarizing your findings with an outlook to the future. Include
in your conclusions a brief discussion regarding “black swan*” forecasts and
elaborate on the most appropriate forecasting methodologies, risk mitigation strategies
and/or emerging technologies that can be useful in predicting and preparing for
unexpected scenarios. This section should be limited to 125-150 words.
5. Please remember to create a References section at the end of your report clearly listing
all the resources you have utilized in your report.

* A black swan is an extremely rare event with severe consequences. It cannot be predicted
beforehand, though many claim it should be predictable after the fact. Black swan events can
cause catastrophic damage to an economy, and because they cannot be predicted, can only be
prepared for by building robust systems.

Feel free to email me with you questions before the submission deadline.

Some reliable sources that might be useful are:

Fortune 500:

Fortune Newsletters:

McKinsey & Company :



Gartner Insights:

Bureau of Economic Analysis:

Steel Industry Data:

USA Today – Money -


Money USNews -

Fortune – Economic Data -

Market Watch -


Good Luck!

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