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Universidad de San Buenaventura

Engineering faculty
Structural Analysis
Workshop 3

Reference: Mohr Circle Exercises

Final work resume: To plot and to find the max and min stresses from a given states of
stress as well as the angles

Objective: To know and to dominate the Mohr circle from an initial state of
stress for 2D and 3D dimensions
Tools: N-a
People quantity allowed 2
per group

1. For the following states of stress plot on a millimeter sheet the 3 stress circles that
describes the general stresses. Find the angles for maximum shear, for maximum tensile,
main stresses, locate each face on Mohr circle.

2. Find the stresses on plane A-B and on a plane perpendicular to this plane, plot results on a
Mohr circle given all the points and angles.

Guía elaborada por Ing. Jorge Gaitán

Universidad de San Buenaventura
Engineering faculty
Structural Analysis
Workshop 3

3. The plane strain deformation has the following components єx=200E-6, єy=-150E-6 and
єxy=120E-6. Determine the maximum unit planar deformations and the angles of
orientation. Plot the results on a Mohr circle.

Guía elaborada por Ing. Jorge Gaitán

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