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Megan Meyer

Elementary Lesson Plan

Author Megan Meyer
Title of Lesson Google Suite Tools
Subject/Course Information Literacy
Grade Level 4th Grade
Duration ~35 minutes
Essential Question How do speakers employ language and utilize resources
to effectively communicate a message?
Model Curriculum Competencies  Add audio recordings and visual displays to
presentations to enhance development of main
ideas or themes.
 Select and utilize an appropriate digital media to
enhance a content-specific-product.
 Use digital media legally and ethically, practicing
Educational Fair Use.
AASL Standards I.B.3. Learners engage with new knowledge by following
a process that includes generating products that illustrate
VI.A.1. Learners follow ethical ad legal guidelines for
gathering and using information by responsibly applying
information, technology, and media to learning.
VI.D.1. Learners engage with information to extend
personal learning by personalizing their use of
information and information technologies.
Instructional Objectives SWBAT:
 Demonstrate what they’ve learned by creating
something using the Google Tools and testing out
how to alter various portions of Google Docs,
Slides, etc.
Content Specific Vocabulary Alignment – adjusting the parts of something in relation
to each other
Clip Art – ready-made pieces of computerized graphic art
that can be used to decorate a document
Font – a specific size and style of type within a type
Spreadsheet – a screen-oriented interactive program
enabling a user to lay out financial data on the screen
Megan Meyer
Elementary Lesson Plan
Template – a model or standard for making comparisons
Word Processor – an application that provides the user
with tools needed to write and edit and format text and to
send it to a printer
Materials/Resources/Equipment  Chromebooks
 Promethean Board
 Google Account/Access to Google Suite Tools
Instructional Procedures Greet students at the library doors.
 Have them return any books they may have, have
them sanitize their hands, and then sit in a seat
above a sit spot.
Introduce today’s lesson and activity.
 Learning about Google Suite Tools
o Some they may never use: Google Apps,
Google My Maps, and Google Sheets
 Just show them where they are and
what they look like.
o Some they may use: Google Sites, Google
Jamboard, Google Forms, and Google
o Some they will definitely use: Google
Docs and Google Slides
 How to use them and their tools.
o Google Jamboard – they can all access it at
the same time at home to interact with the
content during a lesson
o Google Drawings – add images, text, and
background colors to create a custom
o Google Sites – can make a website with
pictures, different text, etc.
o Google Forms – create multiple choice and
open-ended questions
Megan Meyer
Elementary Lesson Plan
 Have them acquaint themselves with the tools
while others pick out books.
o Have them turn in whatever they end up
playing around with just to show they were
doing something.
End Class.
 Pack up and line up.
Formative Assessment Some type of Google Tool that will show they were
experimenting and exploring the capabilities of Google
Assignment After reviewing several of the Google Suite Tools,
students will explore the various tools while choosing
Accommodations Some extra check-ins and assistance (Franklin, Briley,
and Aron DAY B, Ellyanna DAY D, Caleb, Jamaree,
Nathaniel, and Owen DAY E).
Mark needs very specific directions and steps broken
down smaller and smaller.
Olivia and Justin may need some extra time to complete
Megan Meyer
Elementary Lesson Plan
Author Megan Meyer
Title of Lesson Google Suite Tools
Subject/Course Information Literacy
Grade Level 4th Grade
Duration ~35 minutes
Essential Question How do speakers employ language and utilize resources
to effectively communicate a message?
Model Curriculum Competencies  Add audio recordings and visual displays to
presentations to enhance development of main
ideas or themes.
 Select and utilize an appropriate digital media to
enhance a content-specific-product.
 Use digital media legally and ethically, practicing
Educational Fair Use.
AASL Standards I.B.3. Learners engage with new knowledge by following
a process that includes generating products that illustrate
VI.A.1. Learners follow ethical and legal guidelines for
gathering and using information by responsibly applying
information, technology, and media to learning.
VI.D.1. Learners engage with information to extend
personal learning by personalizing their use of
information and information technologies.
Instructional Objectives SWBAT:
 Demonstrate what they’ve learned by creating
something using the Google Tools and testing out
how to alter various portions of Google Docs,
Slides, etc.
Content Specific Vocabulary Alignment – adjusting the parts of something in relation
to each other
Clip Art – ready-made pieces of computerized graphic art
that can be used to decorate a document
Font – a specific size and style of type within a type
Spreadsheet – a screen-oriented interactive program
enabling a user to lay out financial data on the screen
Megan Meyer
Elementary Lesson Plan
Template – a model or standard for making comparisons
Word Processor – an application that provides the user
with tools needed to write and edit and format text and to
send it to a printer
Materials/Resources/Equipment  Chromebooks
 Promethean Board
 Google Account/Access to Google Suite Tools
Instructional Procedures Greet students at the library doors.
 Have them return any books they may have, have
them sanitize their hands, and then sit in a seat
above a sit spot.
Introduce today’s lesson and activity.
 Continue learning about Google Suite Tools
o Some they will definitely use: Google
Docs and Google Slides
 How to use them and their tools.
o Google Docs – change the font, insert word
art and photos, headers and footers, fancy
paragraph things, the works
o Google Slides – add photos as a
background, change theme, change fonts,
different slide templates, all the works
 Have them acquaint themselves with the tools
while others pick out books.
o Have them turn in whatever they end up
playing around with just to show they were
doing something.
End Class.
 Pack up and line up.
Formative Assessment For Day 2, students will create a Google Doc and a
Google Slides showing that they know how to use the
various tools available to them.
Assignment After reviewing several of the Google Suite Tools,
students will explore the various tools while choosing
Megan Meyer
Elementary Lesson Plan
Accommodations Some extra check-ins and assistance (Franklin, Briley,
and Aron DAY B, Ellyanna DAY D, Caleb, Jamaree,
Nathaniel, and Owen DAY E).
Mark needs very specific directions and steps broken
down smaller and smaller.
Olivia and Justin may need more simplified tasks as well
as some extra time to complete tasks.

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