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Module # 5 Grade 8 Science

2nd Qtr (Week 6)

A. Topic: Quarter 2:Unit 2 Earth and Space

Lesson 6 Particle nature of matter

B. Objective: At the end of the lesson, the learner should be able to:
 Explain how landforms and bodies of water affect typhoons;
 Trace the path of typhoons that enter the Philippine area of responsibility (PAR) using a map and
tracking data;
 Demonstrate precautionary measures before, during, and after a typhoon, including following
advisories, storm signals, and calls for evacuation given by government agencies in charge;
 Participate in activities that lessen the risks brought by typhoons; and
 Explain the importance of knowing the movement of typhoon within PAR.


The learners demonstrate an understanding of: The learners should be able to…
 Characteristics of comets, meteors,  Discuss whether or not beliefs and
and asteroids. practices about comets and meteors
have scientific basis.

 Compare and contrast comets, meteors, and asteroids.


What is matter? This question at first seems deceptively simple — matter is all around us. Yet how do
we define it? What does a block of cheese have in common with the Moon? What are the characteristics of
matter that set it apart from something that is definitely not matter?

Matter is one of the big ideas in science. Most areas in physical science can be discussed and explained in
terms of matter or energy, and matter is a subject that naturally bridges to the other sciences (chemistry,
life, earth science, etc.). In this session, we’ll build a working definition of matter, learn to distinguish
between its “accidental” and “essential” properties, and explore it through classification, an activity with a
rich history in science.

LESSON 6 Particle nature of matter

The Particle Model of Matter

More than 2000 years ago in Greece, a philosopher named Democritus suggested that matter is made up of
tiny particles too small to be seen. He thought that if you kept cutting a substance into smaller and smaller
pieces, you would eventually come to the smallest possible particles—the building blocks of matter. Many
years later, scientists came back to Democritus’ idea and added to it. The theory they developed is called the
of matter. There are four main ideas in the particle model:
2 Qtr - WEEK 5

Name ______________________________________________________ Yr and Section__________________________

Activity 1
In each oval are letters that you have to rearrange to form word(s) that you will encounter in this lesson. Beside each
circle is a box containing a clue(s). The capital letter in each oval is the starting letter of the word(s).

Activity 2
In the puzzle search for the terms listed below.

Fireball Mesosphere

Meteorite Meteoroid

Meteor shower Orionid

Shooting star
Identify what is described in each item. Write your answer on the blanks.
__________1. A spherical cloud of dust and gas that surrounds the nucleus of a comet.
__________2. Where short period comets come from.
__________3. Where long period comets come from.
__________4. A meteor that has survived its impact on Earth surface.
__________5. Largest minor body in the solar system.

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