Memo - RGV Bank Analysis

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To: RGV Bank
From: Rogelio Nava

Date: 11/29/20
Re: Customer Traffic Analysis

Thank you for the opportunity to assess your customer traffic data in order to provide recommendations
for improving operations. The analysis and recommendations below are based on the 10 years data
you provided. The analysis below is based on this data alone. Therefore, my recommendations
should be tempered by your knowledge of business realities and your market. Please let me know if I
can answer any questions concerning the analysis or the recommendations provided.

ANALYSIS 1 [Hourly Pattern of Customers by Location]


The chart below helped show that the main site is the location that was most frequently visited from 11-
4; throughout this time, there is a decline in the number of individuals who visit the main location, until
an hour before closing where more customers arrive.


9 AM 10 AM 11 AM 12 PM 1 PM 2 PM 3 PM 4 PM

Sum of Main Sum of Branch1 Sum of Branch2 Sum of Branch3


This information shows that the long lines could be due to the high increase of individuals visiting the
locations at those time frames. This time frame is possibly for the lunch hour as well as those that get
out of work from 4-5 PM. In order to provide better service during these hours and accommodate the
increase in traffic, it would be recommended to have more tellers and employees during that time.
Scheduling part time employees from that time frame to assist with the customers visiting the different
locations could provide a solution for the long lines at RGV Banks.

ANALYSIS 2 [Pattern of Customers by Day and Location]


The pattern of data when viewed by the day of the week found that the branches shared approximately
the same number of customers throughout the weeks of the compiled data other than Friday and
Saturday. Monday through Thursday, the branch locations showed that approximately 1762-1851
customers visited per day, while Friday had an increase of 1,359-1,416 customers. Saturday shows a
decrease of between 408-435 customers that were seen at RGV Bank branches. Similar scenarios
were reflected through the Main RGV Bank location, where the fluctuation of customers seen went from
high to low from Friday to Saturday.


Sum of Main Sum of Branch1 Sum of Branch2 Sum of Branch3







Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

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My recommendation - that is based on the findings above - would be to increase the number of staff
that will be scheduled to work on Friday. The number of staff needed on Friday should double the
amount that work throughout Monday to Thursday and Saturday should reflect the decrease in
customers being serviced and should consist of half of the individuals needed from Monday through

ANALYSIS 3 [Pattern of Customers by Week and Location]


This pattern of data collected is very consistent. Though slight fluctuations of customers are being seen
throughout different times and dates, the amounts average out to very similar customers being seen.
Most customers visit the Main RGV Bank location while the other branches remain relatively close to
the same number of customers.


Sum of Main Sum of Branch1 Sum of Branch2 Sum of Branch3


We we We We We We We We We Wee


This information would lead me to recommend that more individuals or more qualified individuals
should be assisting at the Main bank location. Due to the number of customers being double the
amount seen at the other locations, there would be a need for more employees to be assisting these

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With the information given that there are long lines of customers, my other recommendation from all
these findings would be to hire more individuals that are able to perform quickly and efficiently to help
ensure that the current employees are not overworked.

From completing the Excel project, I learned the different aspects that go into handling work schedules,
training, as well as the information that is still needed to be gathered in order to successfully monitor,
track, and evaluate a business’s current situation. A lot of steps go into data compiling and analyzing,
and without all the information, everything evaluated is just up to speculation. The great thing is that
even if there is only one aspect of data being analyzed, there is still the opportunity to provide many
different types of scenarios and recommendations.

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