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Department of Mechanical Engineering

Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology

∆G~ (Energy Barrier)

Free Energy, G


Reaction Coordinate

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology

Figure 1: Energy profile for Ore, Metals and compounds [4]

The size of the free energy of activation (G~) which determines the rate of corrosion (𝜗)
𝝑 = KCorr × [Reactants] , where KCorr = A exp (-∆G~/RT) or 𝑘 = 𝐴𝑒

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology

Exchange current: Exchange current is the current in equilibrium when the anodic current
density is equal to cathodic current density that is no current flows in the circuit but current
flowing in equal and opposite direction which cannot be measured. 𝑖 = 𝑖 = − 𝑖 .

The copper electrode reaction is shown is shown below where Ia and Ic are the anodic current
and cathodic current respectively. The anodic current is counted positive and cathodic current
is counted negative.
Cu2+ + 2e- Cu

I. In equilibrium, the forward and reverse reactions are equal and opposite, so no current flows.
Mathematically, Ia + Ic = 0
II. If there is no equilibrium a net current I flows to or from the electrode, I = Ia + Ic.
Two cases that can arise as the external current represents a net chemical reaction.
a) 𝐼 > 𝐼 , the current is positive and copper dissolves
b) 𝐼 < 𝐼 , the current is negative and copper deposited

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology

Single electrode: An electrode at which only one reaction occurs is called single electrode.
Poly electrode: Electrodes where two or more reactions occur simultaneously are called

Polarisation or Overpotential or Over voltage: The potential difference between measured

potential to the expected potential from Nernst equation during ineqilibrium condition is called
polarization. Or, The difference between the free corrosion potential with the electrode potential
when a metal is not in equilibrium with a solution of its ions. Or, The difference between the
resultant potential (E) and each individual reaction equilibrium potential (Eeq) is called
polarization and is quantified in terms of overpotential (η ) described
𝜂 =𝐸−𝐸
The polarization is said to be anodic when the anodic processes on the electrode are
accelerated by moving the potential in the positive (noble) direction or cathodic when the
cathodic processes are accelerated by moving the potential in the negative (active) direction.
There are three distinct types of polarization and these are additive. [4,5,10]

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology

Polarisation of Single electrodes

Activation or charge transfer polarization: If the taking up or giving off electrons are the rate determining
step, it is called activation Polarisation. Activation polarization is caused by a slow electrode reaction. The
reaction at the electrode requires an activation energy in order to proceed.
The rates of all chemical reaction obey the well-known Arrhenius equation
𝑘 = 𝐴𝑒

When charged species take part in the reaction, the energy barrier is influenced by electric field.
When there is no equilibrium, the net current is given by Butler-Volmer relationship

𝑖= 𝑖 exp − exp

where i= reaction is the anodic or cathodic current, 𝛼 = the charge transfer barrier (symmetry coefficient)
for the anodic or cathodic reaction, usually close to 0.5, n = The number of participating electrons, R =
The gas constant, that is, 8.314 J mol−1 K−1, T is absolute temperature (K) and F is 96,485 C/(mol of

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology

When 𝜂,reaction is cathodic, that is, negative, the second term in the Butler-Volmer equation becomes
negligible and the cathodic current density ( 𝑖 ) can be expressed by a simpler equation 𝑖 =

− 𝑖 exp ~𝜂=− 𝑙𝑛 ~ 𝜂 = 𝛽 𝑙𝑛 where 𝛽 = −

Similarly, when 𝜂 reaction is anodic, that is, positive, the first term in Butler-Volmer equation becomes
negligible and the anodic current density (ia) can be expressed by the equation

𝑖 = 𝑖 exp ~𝜂=− 𝑙𝑛 ~ 𝜂 = 𝛽 𝑙𝑛 where 𝛽 = −

Written in the forms - 𝜂 = 𝛽 𝑙𝑛𝑖 − 𝛽 ln 𝑖 and 𝜂 = 𝛽 𝑙𝑛𝑖 − 𝛽 ln 𝑖 are known as Tafel equations and
𝛽 &𝛽 are Tafel constants for anodic and cathodic reactions respectively

In equilibrium, 𝑖 = 𝑖 + 𝑖 = 0
At large polarization, 𝜂 > 0.1 𝑉

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology

Figure: Theoretical Tafel Plot [4]

𝑖 = 𝑖 − 𝑖 = 0.1 − .001 = 0.099 𝐴𝑚

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology

Figure: An idealized practical Tafel plot [4]

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology

Concentration polarization: The polarization component caused by concentration changes in the

environment adjacent to the surface as illustrated in figure. When a chemical species participating
in a corrosion process is in short supply, the mass transport of that species to the corroding
surface can become rate controlling. A frequent case of concentration polarization occurs when
the cathodic processes depend on the reduction of dissolved oxygen since it is usually in low
concentration, that is, in parts per million (ppm)

Figure: Concentration changes in the vicinity of an electrode causing a concentration polarization effect.

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology

Mass transport to a surface is governed by three forces - diffusion, migration, and convection. In
the absence of an electrical field the migration term is negligible since it only affects charged
ionic species while the convection force disappears in stagnant conditions.

Figure: The processes occurring at an electrochemical interface [5]

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology

For purely diffusion controlled process - mass transport, the flux of a species O to a surface from the bulk is
described with Fick’s first law

𝐽 = −𝐷
where JO is the flux of species O (mol s−1 cm−2), DO is the diffusion coefficient of species O (cm2 s−1)
𝛿𝐶 = The concentration gradient of species O across the inter-face between the metallic surface and the bulk environ-ment
(mol cm−3), 𝛿𝑥 = The Nernst diffusion layer or diffuse layer (cm)

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology


Figure: Nernst diffusion layer for a limiting current situation [5, 10]

Figure illustrates the concentration-distance profile at the electrode surface approximated by a simple
gradient. In this diagram the metallic surface is positioned at the ordinate axis while the x-axis
expresses the distance away from the electrode and the y-axis the concentration of the chemical species
being reacted. For well-mixed solutions, the concentration is constant in the bulk or convective region.

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology

Polarisation resistance(𝑅 ): The Ohmic overpotential appears as the simple product of a resistance and a
current between the anodic and cathodic sites of a corrosion process When the separation of the anodic and
cathodic sites are important factor in the corrosion progress, for example, galvanic corrosion, or even an integral
part of a particular protection scheme, for example, anodic and cathodic protection. For small polarization, a
simplified equation

𝜂 𝑛𝐹 𝑖𝑅𝑇 𝑅𝑇
𝑖 = 𝑖 ~ 𝜂= ~ 𝑅 =
𝑅𝑇 𝑖 𝑛𝐹 𝑖 𝑛𝐹

For many corrosion situations these sites are adjacent to each other and the ohmic drop is negligible, particularly
so when the environment itself is a good electrolytic conductor, that
is, seawater.

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology

Evans Diagram or Mixed potential theory:

According to the mixed-potential theory underlying these diagrams, any electrochemical reaction can be
algebraically divided into separate oxidation and reduction reactions with no net accumulation of electrical
charge. Under these circumstances the net measurable current is zero and the corroding metal is charge neutral,
that is, all electrons produced by the corrosion of a metal have to be consumed by one or more cathodic
processes. In order to model a corrosion situation with mixed potential diagrams, one must first gather the
information concerning the
(1) Activation overpotential for each corrosion process involved and
(2) Any additional information for processes that could be affected by concentration overpotential.

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology



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Department of Mechanical Engineering
Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology

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Department of Mechanical Engineering
Chittagong University of Engineering and Technology

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