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The discipline which is concerned with the practical usage

,acquisition,teaching language,and education,is called

Linguistics Aplied linguistics Psycholinguistics.
Non –standard Engish differs from standard english most
importantly at the leve of vocabulary phonology grammar.
A variety of a spoken language peculiar to a región,commuity
,social,group ,or occupational group is known as : Accent
dialect not-standard language.
A variety of a spoken language peculiar to a región, commuity
,social, group ,or occupational group is known as : Accent
dialect not-standard language.
Prestige dialect can be defined as : geographical varation of a
language standard language .BBC dialect.
The discipline that studies the mental processes involved in
the commprehension,production ,and acquisition of language
is called : Neurolinguistics Psycholinguistics Sociolinguistics.
This method places a special emphasis on the development of
speaking skill as a goal: Task-Basesd Language Teaching
Natural-Approach Comunicative Approach.
Intermunication , prestige ,and necessity are some of the the
factors that influenced the changes in the lexion during the
period know as ……….English: Old Middle Moder.
During this stream of language studies ,ancient scholars tried
to explain why languages consist of systems of rules forms .
They conclued that the human languages are ruel-governed it
is true about : Modistae Roman grammarians Sophists.
Modals verbs do not change ´´Splitting infinitives is wrong
´´, These statements represent… descriptive approach to
language learning prescriptive approach to language learning
restrictide code.
Modals verbs do not change ´´Splitting infinitives is wrong
´´, These statements represent: descriptive approach to
language learning prescriptive approach to language learning
restrictide code.
Applied Linguistics is known as a language – realated
problema solving discipline because it : focuses on description
and its functions provides an insight in how languages are
learned, taught and used in differnt contexts contains several
branches and applications that make it versatile.
The discipline which is concerned with the practical usage
,acquistion,teaching language,and education ,is called :
sociolinguistics linguistics applied linguistic.
.´´English has both and irregukkar verb froms ,together with
regular and irregular noun plural forms´´,´´English language
has formal and informal greeting forms´´,´´reduce forms are
present in informal spoken to lenguage´´. These statements
describe : Register Descriptive approach to lenguaje estudy
Language varations.
Prescriptive approach to language study records the ways
how world language function in society describes the rules of
language and offers explanations about when and how these
rules should be used imposes the rules the grammar and
pronunciation and establishes them as acceptable or not for
language users.
When a teacher asks his/her students to strictly follow the
gramar rules use specific communication set of phrases
foreseen by Discourse Analysis established for the target
language ,it means that teaching process is base don :
Universal Grammar theory Prescriptive approach Descriptive
When a teacher asks his/her students to strictly follow the
gramar rules use specific communication set of phrases
foreseen by Discourse Analysis established for the target
language ,it means that teaching process is base Universal
Grammar theory Prescriptive approach Descriptive approach.
Choose the most suitabe application of Sociolinguistics for
education: It providescription of language variations and
explains the changes of languages through time It explains
the process of language acquisition and issues realeted with
bi – and multilinguaslism It focuses on the role of language
envioronment and interaction for language acquisition.
When an adult speaks simply ,modifies and adapts his/her
speech according to age ,status ,education or cultural
background of a speech partner,this deliberate change of
speech is called: non- standard language code switching
Psycholinguistic studies: language variations,speechstyles
,language changes throung time language use and fuctions
,differences between spoken and writen language
comprehension, production and acquisition of language by
children and adults.
Prestige dialect can be defined as: geographical varation of a
laguage received pronunciation standar language.
During this stream of language studies ,ancient scholars tried
to explain why language consisit of systems of rules and
froms. They conclued that the human languages are rule –
governed it is true about: Roman grammarians Modistae
A Language family refers to : A gropup of language derived
from the same or parental language languages used by the
representatives of the same ethnic group or speaking
community a group of the most widely studied aamd use
When English is used as a means of communication between
speakers who speak differentt native languages,it refers to:
Second Language (ESL) Lingua Francia (ELF) Foreign
When English language is not spoken in the native country of
the learners ,is taught as one of the school subjects and is
mostly used classroom,it is called Emglish as a : Foreing
language ( EFL) Lingua Francia (ELF) Sesond Language (ESL).
When English language is not spoken in the native country of
the learners ,is taught as one of the school subjects and is
mostly used classroom,it is called Emglish as a Foreing
language ( EFL) Lingua Francia (ELF) Sesond Language (ESL).
Simplified phonology, incorrect grammar ,reduced amount of
vocabulary, omission of prepositions, are some of the
feactures of : slang non-standar language .jargon.
When gramar rules are practiced through trabslation
exercises; Little or no attention is paid to speaking ; reading
and writing are used as main class activities , we apply: Task-
Based Language Teaching Direct method Grammar-
Translation Method.
Wich of the following methods does not allow the use of
students mother tongue? direct method grama- translation
method natural approach.
Applied linguistics deals with mother, foreign, and second
language acquisition. V F.
Sociolinguistics is the study of how language and social
factors are related . v f.
Dialects differ from standard language at levels of grammar,
pronunciation and vocabulary v f.
Accent refers to variation of language in grammar use v f.
Technical vocabulary of a particular profession, or words used
to establish in group membership are called slang . v f.
Branchesof Applied Linguistics are:morphology, semantics,
syntax, and phonology v f.
Psycholinguistics deals with the studies ol language variations
and explains the changes that occur in languages through the
time. v f.
Code switching refers to avariety or manner of speaking of a
language and explains HOW language should be used. v f.
When languages share the common source or origin, they are
called pidgin v f.
English, German, and Dutch belong to the same language
family . v f.
Language attitude refers tothe feelings people have about
their own language variety or languages or language varieties
of others T F.
Language behaviour involves activities that deal with variety
or manner of speaking of a language T F.
Intercommunication, prestige, and necessity are some of the
factors that influenced the changes in the lexicon during the
period known as Old English T F.
When student has difficulties with language behavior, it can
be manifested through problems with language and speech
development T F.
When English language is used in regional or national
administration, in mass media, in educational system as a
means of instruction, and is taught to immigrants, it is known
as a second language (ESL) T F.
When student has difficulties with language behavior, it can
be manifested through problems with language and speech
development: T F.

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