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Job Analysis


1. Discuss the nature of job analysis, including what it is and how it is used;

2. Examine the three methods of collecting job analysis information, including interviews,
questionnaires, and observation;

3. Understand job descriptions, including summaries and job functions, using the Internet and
traditional methods;

4. Know how to write a job specification;


Obtain copies of job descriptions for managerial position in a service company. What types of
information do they contain? Do they give you enough information to explain what the job involves and
how to do it? How would you improve on the description?



Note: Please refer to PowerPoint Presentation “HRM-W3”

A thorough HRM program entails knowing the different jobs in the company. Manager and
supervisor must have a complete picture of each job in the organization that involves what worker does,
how he does it, and why he does it that corresponds to the conditions he performs his jobs with
qualifications each worker should possess to satisfactorily perform his job.

Analysis of the organization structure can be a leverage to gain a competitive advantage that
depends on the firm’s strategy and its competitive environment. Through this, one can have
comprehensive understanding how one job relates to organization as well as to the line and functional

SLIDE 4: Job analysis is important since managers use it to support all activities in the HR Department.
The following how job analysis information is being used in HR activities:

Recruitment and selection – Job analysis provides information on duties the job entails as well
as the characteristics required to perform the job. Therefore, it helps the manager to decide who will be
hired by the company.

Compensation – salary and bonuses of an employee depends on the job’s required skill and
education level, safety hazard, degree of responsibility, etc. This information is all included or can be
found in job analysis done by the company since jobs are categorized into classes for pay purposes. It
also provides information to determine the worth of each job.

Training – Since the job specifications and job description are formulated through job analysis,
so it will be easier for the manager to determine what type of training an employee should receive.

Performance Appraisal – Managers use job analysis to learn what these duties and standards so
they can appraise or evaluate employee’s performance in accordance to what is standard.

Discovering Unassigned Duties – Job analysis can help reveal unassigned duties since managers
will have information that is doing a certain duty. If the manager finds out that there is a task no one
does, then it can be easily be known and identify who will do it.

SLIDE 9: Job description is a written statement of what the worker actually does, how he or she does it,
and what the job’s working conditions are. This information can help managers to write the
corresponding job specification of a particular job by listing the knowledge, abilities, and skills required
to perform it satisfactorily. There is no standard format for writing job description but it is necessary to
include the following:

Job identification – this is the top section in job analysis where it includes information such as
job title which specifies the name of the job, date in which the job description was approved. There may
also be space to indicate who approved the description and the location of the job in term of its
facility/division and department/section. This section will also include immediate supervisor’s title and
information regarding salary or pay scale and grade or level of the job.

Job Summary – this part summarizes the essence of the job and its major functions and

Responsibilities and duties – this is the heart of the job description. It should present a list of
the job’s significant responsibilities and duties. This section may also define the limits of jobholder’s
authority including his or her decision-making authority, direct supervision of other personnel, and
budgetary authority.
Standards of Performance and Working Conditions – this lists the standards the company
expects the employee to achieve under each of the job description’s main duties and responsibilities.
This will guide the manager and the employee in assessing how the performer is doing his job. When it
comes to working conditions, this will include noise level, hazardous condition, or heat that exposes the
worker when performing his duties.

SLIDE 10: Job specifications shows what kind of person to recruit and for what qualities you should test
the applicant/person that is why it answers the question “what human traits and experience to do this
job effectively?” Job specification may be a section of the job description or it may also be written on
the separate document.

Specifications for trained versus untrained personnel – writing job specification for trained
personnel is direct. It focuses mostly on traits like length of previous service, quality of relevant training,
and previous job performance. While writing specifications for untrained personnel is quite complex
since it must include specific qualities such as physical traits, personality, interest, or sensory skills that
imply some potential for performing or being trained to do the job.

Specifications based on Judgment – most job specifications come from intelligent and educated
guesses of people such as supervisors and HR managers. This include question on “what does it take in
terms of education, intelligence, training, and the like to do this job well?” In order to be somehow
precise in this educated guesses, one should review the job’s duties and deduce from those what human
traits and skills the job requires.

Specifications based on statistical analysis – aims to determine statistically the relationship

between (1) some predictor such as human trait – height, intelligence, or finger dexterity – and (2) some
indicator or criterion of job effectiveness such as performance as rated by the supervisor. This method
is more defensive than using judgmental approach. Also, this procedure has five steps and these are:

1. Analyze the job and decide how to measure job performance;

2. Select personal traits like finger dexterity that you believe should predict successful
3. Test candidates for these traits;
4. Measure these candidates’ subsequent job performance; and
5. Statistically analyze the relationship between the human trait and job performance.

POST ACTIVITY: (Case Analysis)


John graduated from a British university with a degree in Human Resource Management; it was
there that he met Marie, a French Erasmus student. Marie had wanted to go back home, so John had
secured a job in a recruitment agency in Marseille, France.

The agency, headquartered in Barcelona and Madrid (Spain), Talent Spotting Spectrum (TSS), is a
human resources consulting agency specializing in the recruitment and selection of international staff
and sales staff. TSS has a workforce of 25 people, led by two managers with 19 tenured employees.
They have four outsourced IT technicians. Last year, they opened the French office; next year, they plan
to open another in Turin, Italy, and then expand to other European regions where opportunities are

John’s first job is to write job descriptions for two generic posts, which will be opened in each
new office; the descriptions are to be written in English.

The Jobs:

Account Manager:

 Analyze new business opportunities

 Deliver formal business presentations
 Manage a team of HR consultants
 Select, interview, and present candidates to clients

HR Consultant:

 Find the right person to match requirements

 Maintain excellent relations with clients
 Advertise job opportunities on the different TSS Web sites and find resumes that have been
posted on others.


1. Using the duties listed; make a list of the competencies required for each job.



True or False. Write T if the statement is correct and F if the statement is incorrect.

___________1. Job analysis is the sole responsibility of Human Resource Department.

___________2. A Human Resource manager requires knowing the different jobs in the company.

___________3. Conducting an interview is the one way of gathering job analysis information.

___________4. Job description is the procedure for determining the duties and skill requirement of a
job and the king of person who should be hired.

___________5. In discovering unassigned duties determines the specific skills that the job requires.

Identification. Write the correct answer.

_____________________6. One of its components is job code.

_____________________7. It is when the job description was approved.

_____________________8. It is the heart of job description.

_____________________9. It indicates human quality.

_____________________10. It is when job analysis provides information that aids managers or HR

personnel to categorize people during talent acquisition


Dessler, Gary. 2010. Human Resource Management 12th Edition. Pearson Education South Asia Pte. Ltd.,

Jurong, Singapore.

Ferrer, Marissa; Arcega, Raymundo, and Pereda, Pedrito. 2015. Human Resource Management Revised

Edition. Unlimited Books Library Services & Publishing Inc. Intramuros Manila

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