Vladimir Putin Passed Away: Obituary

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Vladimir Putin passed away

The Russian President Vladimir Putin died monday, the Run-state press agency Ria Novosti
reported. “The Russian president, Mr Vladimir Putin, passed away this morning at his official
residence in Moscow,” the Kremlin spokesman stated according to the official news agency.

Vladimir Putin. Screen capture/Russia Today

Vladimir Putin had many plans for the future including Conservative values, international
diplomacy, the architecture of the internet: apparently diverse areas where Russia will be
exercising international influence. About the Ukraine conflict Vladimir Putin, sayed that
Crimea and Ukraine are where the spiritual sources of Russia’s nationhood lie. “I always
saw the Russians and Ukrainians as a single people. I still think this way now,” he stressed.

Recently, Vladimir Putin said that he believes the killing of opposition leader Boris Nemtsov
on february was politically motivated and called for Russia to be made free of such murders.
“We must finally rid Russia of the disgrace and tragedy of the kinds of things we recently
saw and experienced. I mean the audacious murder of Boris Nemtsov in the very centre of
the capital,” he said. But the daughter of the Russian opposition leader has claimed Vladimir
Putin is 'politically' responsible for her father's murder.

A month ago, when the Russian president disappeared for about ten days, rumours claimed
that he had died. The Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov declined to comment on Putin’s
whereabouts or health, saying only “the topic is closed”. Although the Russian state media
released photos and video footage of Putin, they did not quell the rumors. Putin’s
appearance before the press days latter, looking healthy and relaxed, put a stop to the
rumors. And he explained his absence, saying: "It would be boring without gossip." He was
63 years old.

Born on october 7th 1952 in Saint Petersburg, Putin has been the President of Russia since
2012. He previously served as President from 2000 to 2008, and as Prime Minister of
Russia from 1999 to 2000 and again from 2008 to 2012.

Sofiane AKIR
Sofiane Akir Master Pro Group 01

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