Lease Agreement: Lessee Information Lessor Information

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Ahmad Dhiyas AlPasya - 010002000278

Bisma Nur Islam - 010002000367

This Lease Agreement is between Ahmad Dhiyas AlPasya as the Lessor and Bisma Nur
Islam as the Lessee this agreement executed on Thursday, 26 November, 2020.

Lessee Information Lessor Information

Name : Bisma Nur Islam Name : Ahmad Dhiyas Alpasya

Email : Email :
Phone Number : (+62)08134567890 Phone Number : (+62)0872339009
Citizen ID : 31710002233557 Citizen ID : 31710009977889

The condominium is located at Jl. Letjen S Parman No. 21 RT 01/RW 03 and the Lessee will
use the condominium only for residential purpose, both Bisma Nur Islam the Lessee and
Ahmad Dhiyas AlPasya as the Lessor agrees that the condominium is in good condition at the
time of signing this agreement.

The monthly payment costs Rp. 3,800,000 and will be paid by Bank Transfer, the person who
will be receiving the payment is Ahmad Dhiyas AlPasya. There will be an additional charge
of Rp. 150,000 if the payment is done late. Therefore this agreement states that the lease will
be starting on Thursday, December 3, 2020 and will be ending on Friday, July 01, 2022.

Ahmad Dhiyas AlPasya ( Lessor ) Bisma Nur Islam ( Lessee )

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