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IB Paper Two Single Point Rubric

Essay Writer’s Name: Zineb Sebti

Essay Title or Topic:
Peer Editor’s Name: Salim Bennis
Class: 11a
Criterion A:
Knowledge, understanding and interpretation

• How much knowledge and understanding does the candidate

demonstrate of the works?

• To what extent does the candidate make use of knowledge and

understanding of the works to draw conclusions about their similarities
and differences in relation to the question?
Criterion A: Knowledge, Understanding and Interpetation

Concerns: Areas that Criteria: Standards for Advanced: Areas that

need work assessing the work exceed standard

The question is just There is satisfactory

answered by a simple knowledge and
understanding of the works
statement their is no and an interpretation of
evidence their implications in relation
to the question answered.
Criterion A: Knowledge, Understanding and Interpetation

Concerns: Areas that Criteria: Standards for Advanced: Areas that

need work assessing the work exceed standard

I don't see a conclusion ( The essay offers a

she didn’t arrive at the satisfactory interpretation
conclusion ) of the similarities and
differences between the
My feedback would be works used in relation to
use the evidence you the question.
wrote about to develop
your conclusion about
the question
Criterion B:
Analysis and evaluation

•To what extent does the candidate analyse and evaluate how the choices
of language, technique and style, and/or broader authorial choices, shape

• How effectively does the candidate use analysis and evaluation skills to
compare and contrast both works?
Criterion B: Analysis & Evaluation

Concerns: Areas that Criteria: Standards for Advanced: Areas that

need work assessing the work exceed standard

The essay does not The essay demonstrates a

analyse the prompt generally appropriate
and doesnt show analysis of textual
features and/or broader
evidence maybe talk
authorial choices.
less explain how his
life makes the book a
literary or why it
should be taught in
an english class
Criterion B: Analysis & Evaluation

Concerns: Areas that Criteria: Standards for Advanced: Areas that

need work assessing the work exceed standard

The writer doesn't There is an adequate

analyse there is only comparison and contrast of
the authors’ choices in the
an intro paragraph works selected.
And a first body
paragraph talking
about the like of
Santiago. Also you
can add Santiago life
in the introduction
instead of body pg1
Criterion C:
Focus and organization

• How well structured, balanced and focused is the presentation of ideas?

Criterion C: Focus & Organization

Concerns: Areas that Criteria: Standards for Advanced: Areas that

need work assessing the work exceed standard

For structuration I The essay maintains a focus

think your body on the task, despite some
paragraph 1 should
Treatment of the works is
go in your intro other
mostly balanced.
than that I only
The development of ideas
received the intro pg is mostly logical.
and body pg 1 and in Ideas are generally
them I only learned connected in a cohesive
about Santiago life manner.
Criterion D:

• How clear, varied and accurate is the language?

• How appropriate is the choice of register and style?

(“Register” refers, in this context, to the candidate’s use of elements such as

vocabulary, tone, sentence structure and terminology appropriate to the
Criterion D: Language

Concerns: Areas that Criteria: Standards for Advanced: Areas that

need work assessing the work exceed standard

You just forgot to add Language is clear and Overall the grammar
few commas carefully chosen with an was good
adequate degree of
accuracy in grammar,
vocabulary and sentence
construction despite some

Register and style are

mostly appropriate to the

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