Calories and Exercise

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Calories and Food

In the last few weeks you learned a little bit about Nutrition and the food groups. So now
let’s talk about what Calories are and what they look like in food and how to plan out what you
should be eating.

Watch: ​Calories In Calories Out

Answer the following questions:

1. What is a calorie?
a. ________________________________________________________________
2. How does our body break down calorie use?
a. 10% for _________________________________________
b. 20% for _________________________________________
c. 70% for _________________________________________
3. What is Basal Metabolic Rate?
a. ________________________________________________________________
4. A portion of our consumed energy goes toward physical activity each day. What
activities do you do on a daily basis that would need this energy?
a. ________________________________________________________________
5. What factors make our energy requirements different for each person?
a. ________________________________________________________________
6. Look up the average amount of calories in these items:
a. Apple: _________________________________________
b. Slice of bread: _________________________________________
c. Chocolate chip cookie: _________________________________________
d. Slice of cheese: _________________________________________
e. Soda: _________________________________________
i. Which one is most energy rich and which one is least energy rich?
7. In order to have a balanced diet, you need to monitor your intake of calories compared
to your amount of calories burned. What will happen to your body if your calorie intake is
higher than your calories burn? What if your calories intake is higher and your burn is
lower? What if they are the same?
a. ________________________________________________________________

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