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The world turns to search for renewable energies that preserve the environment, and due to the
repercussions and damaged that nonrenewable energy causes to the people and environment, The
world faces a challenge in striking a balance between sustainable development and environmental
That is why we find that the environment has become an important determinant in the world that
presents itself and affects contemporary international relations and various transactions, whether
commercial or economic. For this, we find that the world is now turning towards sustainable energy to
confront environmental threats to climate change and achieve sustainable development.


Energy is one of the foundations of the renaissance of countries, which helped in achieving development
and prosperity for peoples, as energy comes in all aspects of life in various fields. we find that the
greater the rate of population growth, the greater the rate of global demand for energy. Therefore, the
issue of energy availability and it's security has become an important issue and a key component for all
economies, whether developed or developing, especially in Yemen and the Arab world, in view of the
increasing population growth in Yemen and the deterioration of the economy due to the wars that
Yemen has suffered for five years, all of this deterioration led to a lack of traditional energy and a very
large increase in its prices, which the simple citizen could not obtain.
With all these difficulties faced by the Yemeni citizen and his urgent need for energy, it became
necessary to search for alternative and renewable energy in order to get the increasing needs for
energy consumption and seek to solve the issue of its sustainability.

The importance of studying this field

I began developing my experience in the search for sustainable energy and its importance in my
university , where my research project for the bachelor’s degree was in the field of renewable energies,
specifically in the study of sun and wind energy.
Through my continuous research for a whole year with my colleagues in the group where I was the head
of it, I increased my knowledge more about renewable energies and their importance in preserving the
environment and people, as I got the full mark in the project, I concluded from the study that Yemen
and the Arab Gulf countries are among the best countries in investing solar energy.
After my graduation, I worked as a lecturer in the College of Engineering, through lectures I learned
the principle of self-confidence, and the importance of education and awareness to help others, where I
worked on the practical side to install mini solar energy systems in some homes and shops, and I set
them and installed them in the correct way to get more performance from direct and reflected solar
radiation, as well as diffuse.
My ambition is to prepare a master’s thesis in renewable energy and search for solutions to find
alternative sources of sustainable energy in Yemen, including solar energy, ways to develop it and ways
to store, Where you can take advantage of this energy using conventional panels, which convert as a
maximum to electrical energy up to 20%, while approximately 80% of it is converted to heat that is not
useful, as the photovoltaic panels decrease their efficiency whenever the temperature rises, so I hope to
be one of those who succeed In developing the efficiency of solar panels by working on developing
special mathematical equations to study a model before starting to build it so that it simulates indicators
that affect the overall performance of the resulting energy.

The problematic of the study

We find that the higher the rate of population growth, the greater the rate of global demand for
energy, and given the increase in population growth in Yemen and the deterioration of the economy
due to the war, the lack of traditional energy and the high price of it, most citizens are unable to obtain
it, and as a result of the need for energy in a necessary manner, especially farmers. It has become
necessary to educate society about the importance of renewable energy, especially "solar energy", as it
is the most appropriate way to solve the problem of lack of access to energy.

It is understood that the average amount of solar energy falling on Yemeni lands in general exceeds
the required values for the economic feasibility factor and its interference in the world of technology
investment in this energy, a value that ranges between (kw-h | m2 day 506-50) 5 and its reason comes
from the distinguished astronomical location of Yemen , Which is located between the two latitudes (12-
20 north of the equator and lines ranging between (42-54 ∙ 5) east of Greenwich This means that Yemen
is located in the center of the orbital shows, i.e. within the framework of the most appropriate belt,
which is the belt that extends from (15_35 °) North, which includes countries with the most favorable
conditions for solar energy investment, This belt is characterized by its semi-infertility and obtaining the
largest portion of solar radiation, as more than ((90% of it comes as direct radiation because of limited
clouds and the scarcity of rain, whose rate is less than (250 mm per year). The number of hours of
sunshine in these areas usually exceeds (3200) hours per year (Fathi Akra 1979).

That is why it would be good to study a master’s degree in renewable energy (solar energy). And its
benefits in reducing the health and environmental impacts associated with the use of fossil fuels and
toxic gases from the effects of wars, improving educational opportunities, creating job opportunities,
and reducing poverty and unemployment in society, and since my beloved country lives in very difficult
conditions as a result of the war, it needs to Capabilities that will be rebuilt after the end of the war, and
we need expertise that stands beside it to help the poor citizen who cannot provide the simplest
livelihoods in investing energy around him, in proportion to his financial situation.

Best regards

Fathi Ahmed Saeed Al-Hadad

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