Independent Work Name: - F:7 1 Variant

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Independent work Name:________________F:7

1 Variant

1.Match the pairs 3.Insert there is…/there are…

___ orchestra _________300 students in our school

___facility _________ a new computer room

___aid 4.Роскажіть правило must or mustn`t.


Physics Праця

Biology Фізика

Tehnoly Біологія Mark:___/12

Independent work Name:________________F:7

2 Variant

1.Match the pairs 3.Insert there is…/there are…

___ pitch _________a canteen in your school?

___court _________ any strict teacher in your school?

___activity 4.Роскажіть правило must or mustn`t.


A choir Хімія

A facility Хор

Chemistry обьект Mark:___/12

3.Insert there is…/there are…

_________300 students in our school

_________ a new computer room

4.Роскажіть правило must or mustn`t.


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