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Multiple Exciton Collection in a Sensitized

Photovoltaic System
Justin B. Sambur, et al.
Science 330, 63 (2010);
DOI: 10.1126/science.1191462

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nally, dynamical decoupling can be applied to 14. Materials and methods are available as supporting 29. M. A. Nielsen, I. L. Chuang, Quantum Computation
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quite inefficient because it usually requires Ehv to
Multiple Exciton Collection in a be much greater than 2Eg to generate an additional
carrier per incident photon. However, there have
been suggestions (7, 8) that the process could be
Sensitized Photovoltaic System more efficient in semiconductor nanocrystals or
quantum dots (QDs) because of the electronic
Justin B. Sambur,1,2 Thomas Novet,3 B. A. Parkinson1* structure associated with carrier confinement in
Multiple exciton generation, the creation of two electron-hole pairs from one high-energy photon, three dimensions. In QDs, the process is known as
is well established in bulk semiconductors, but assessments of the efficiency of this effect remain multiple exciton generation (MEG) because the
controversial in quantum-confined systems like semiconductor nanocrystals. We used a carriers are not free but instead are correlated as a
photoelectrochemical system composed of PbS nanocrystals chemically bound to TiO2 single result of confinement. Optical measurements of
crystals to demonstrate the collection of photocurrents with quantum yields greater than one various nanomaterial systems, including colloidal
electron per photon. The strong electronic coupling and favorable energy level alignment between QD solutions (9–17), QD thin films (18), and
PbS nanocrystals and bulk TiO2 facilitate extraction of multiple excitons more quickly than they single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNT) (19),
recombine, as well as collection of hot electrons from higher quantum dot excited states. Our have identified signatures of MEG, but the
results have implications for increasing the efficiency of photovoltaic devices by avoiding losses generation efficiency in nanomaterials relative
resulting from the thermalization of photogenerated carriers. to bulk materials is still under discussion (20–22).
Despite numerous reports of optical detec-
he urgent need for massively scalable carriers for photons with energies equal to mul- tion of MEG in QDs, multiple exciton collection

T carbon-free energy sources has focused at-

tention on both increasing the efficiency
and decreasing the cost of photovoltaic cells. When
tiples of Eg [i.e., for Ehv = 4Eg, four carriers are
generated per photon; however, 94% of the max-
imum gain in power conversion efficiency would
(MEC) from QDs, converting absorbed photons
into photocurrents with quantum yields greater
than one, has not yet been observed in a photo-
electrons are excited by photons with energy be produced with just two carriers per photon (6)]. voltaic device. Recent reports measured MEG
(Ehv, where h is Planck’s constant and v is photon This process is known as carrier multiplication via photocurrent in individual SWCNT photodiodes
frequency) in excess of a semiconductor band impact ionization in bulk semiconductors but is operating at low temperatures (23), separation of
gap, they tend to rapidly thermally relax to the
conduction band edge; in this context, Shockley
A B e- ΕΤ ~_ 50 fs

and Queisser calculated the maximum solar to

Energy vs NHE (eV)

electrical energy conversion efficiency for an op- ECB -0.75 OH

timal single band gap (Eg) semiconductor ab- EF PbS QDs -0.55 E CB S
S/S2- 1Se S
sorber to be about 31% (1). Third-generation OH
TiO 2

solar cells have their basis in concepts that can Electrolyte τ ~_ 50 ps

xx S2-
Eg = 0.85 eV
potentially circumvent the so-called Shockley- S
Queisser limit (2). One such mechanism current- EVB Eg = 0.96 eV O
ly under active investigation (3–5) is to convert TiO2 Eg = 1.27 eV _ 4 ps
ΗΤ ~
the excess energy of incident photons with Ehv ≥ Eg = 1.39 eV
2Eg into additional free carriers in the material. Eg = 3.20 eV e- or h+ transfer
An ideal material would produce two carriers per recombination
photon beginning at Ehv = 2Eg and additional
Fig. 1. Band energy diagram indicating the relevant energy levels and kinetic processes that describe
PbS QD ET and HT into the TiO2 conduction band and the sulfide/polysulfide electrolyte, respectively. (A)
Department of Chemistry and School of Energy Resources,
University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY 80271, USA. 2De-
Energy-level alignment of the TiO2 conduction band (35) with variously sized PbS QDs and the S/S2– redox
partment of Chemistry, Colorado State University, Fort couple at pH 13. (Inset) The band gap energies of TiO2 and the QDs used in this study. (B) Representation
Collins, CO 80523, USA. 3Voxtel Incorporated, Beaverton, of a QD adsorbed on a TiO2 single crystal and the approximate time scales for efficient ET and HT compared
OR 97006, USA. with the biexciton lifetime (txx), as well as other possible recombination pathways. 1Se and 1Sh refer to the
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: first excited electron and hole state, respectively. Red and brown arrows indicate the favorable processes and the possible recombination pathways, respectively. SCIENCE VOL 330 1 OCTOBER 2010 63

multiexcitons generated by multiphoton absorp- The kinetically controlled pathways for pho- 1.27 eV, and 1.39 eV, respectively. The semicon-
tion in colloidal CdSe QDs with physisorbed togenerated electrons and holes in a QDSSC are ductor electrode is a nearly atomically flat anatase
electron acceptors (24), and a photodetector made depicted in Fig. 1. Efficient production of sen- (001) surface that was imaged with AFM before
with PbS QDs that showed enhanced photocon- sitized photocurrents requires the energy of the and after exposure to MPA-capped PbS QDs.
ductivity at higher photon energies attributed to QD excited state to be higher (more negative on Figure 2A shows >100-nm terraces on the elec-
MEG (25). High short-circuit photocurrents have the electrochemical scale) than the conduction trode surface before being uniformly coated by
been achieved in photovoltaic devices consisting band energy of the semiconductor substrate and treatment with 4.5-nm MPA-capped PbS QDs
of several-hundred-nm-thick layers of PbSe (26) well electronically coupled to the conduction band [Fig. 2B; see also fig. S2 for QDs on rutile (001)].
or PbS (27, 28) QDs, but quantum yields greater states of the semiconductor (Fig. 1A). After elec- The loose packing of the MPA-capped PbS QDs
than unity have not been confirmed. tron transfer (ET), the photooxidized QD is re- chemically linked to the TiO2 surface suggests rel-
The dye-sensitized solar cell, a subject of in- duced by hole transfer (HT) to a redox species in atively smaller QD-QD interaction (or electronic
tense research since its invention in 1991 (29), is a solution with a reduction potential more negative coupling) when compared with a close-packed
photoelectrochemical photovoltaic device that has than the ground state of the QD. In addition to the monolayer or multilayer films (26, 37).
the potential to be cost-effectively mass-produced. energetic constraints for efficient ET or HT, var- Because the alignment of the QD excited states
The most common manifestation of this device ious recombination processes such as ET from the relative to the TiO2 conduction band is size-
consists of a thin film of inexpensive nanocrystal- TiO2 conduction band to the QDs (or electrolyte), dependent (Fig. 1A), we used photocurrent spec-
line titanium dioxide that acts as both a charge- as well as relaxation of the photoexcited electron troscopy to resolve the sensitized photocurrents as
transporting substrate and a high-surface-area to the QD ground state, compete with the forward a function of incident photon energy for each QD

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scaffold for attaching visible light-absorbing dye processes (Fig. 1B). Therefore the ratio of rates of size. We measured the light power at each incident
molecules (sensitizers) that inject photoexcited the forward (ET or HT) to the reverse (recombi- photon energy to calculate the incident photon–to–
electrons into the TiO2 conduction band. Recently nation) processes must be high enough to ensure current efficiency (IPCE) spectra (Fig. 3) from the
QDs have been investigated as sensitizers because that photocurrent generation is kinetically favored. sensitized photocurrents according to Eq. 1 (where
of their potential for enhanced stability compared Aside from the general recombination mecha- c is the speed of light and l is wavelength).
with conventional dyes, as well as high light ab- nisms inherent in QDSSCs, MEC requires very " #
sorption cross sections that can be tuned to cover a fast electron injection in order to outpace exciton- hc photocurrent density ðmA=cm2 Þ
large fraction of the solar spectrum simply by exciton annihilation. The measured fast electron l light power ðmW=cm2 Þ
varying the particle size (30, 31). Despite such injection times of <1 ns (36) and 50 fs (37) from
beneficial attributes, quantum dot–sensitized solar photoexcited PbS and PbSe QDs, respectively, ð1Þ
cells (QDSSCs) have not achieved efficiencies or into TiO2, as well as a 4-ps hole transfer time
stabilities competitive with conventional dye- from PbS QDs to a solid-state organic hole ac- The photocurrent response for QDs with Eg of
sensitized solar cells. One reason for this is that ceptor (38), suggest that MEC can occur on a 0.96 eVand larger (smaller diameter than 4.5 nm)
the surface chemistry for the chemical attachment faster time scale than the 50-ps biexciton lifetime showed distinct excitonic features at nearly the
of the QDs to the TiO2 surface was not well under- (txx) measured in isolated PbS QDs (39) (Fig. 1B). same photon energies observed in the absorbance
stood or controlled. In several of our recent studies, The structurally well-characterized interface spectra of the QDs suspended in water. Larger
we used single crystals of both anatase and rutile of our electrolyte/PbS QD/single crystal TiO2 PbS QDs (Eg = 0.85 eV) did not sensitize the
forms of TiO2 as simple model systems to evaluate system and the presence of a space charge field at same anatase electrode at the energy of the first
the influence of different QD attachment proce- the TiO2 surface, which can quickly accelerate exciton because this excited state energy is more
dures on the electronic coupling of CdSe QDs and the injected electrons away from the interface, positive on the electrochemical scale than the TiO2
CdSe/ZnS core/shell QDs to the TiO2 surface by make this system particularly suitable to observe conduction band energy (28, 40, 41). However,
measuring the photocurrent yields due to electron photocurrent collection from MEG in the adsorbed we observe sensitization from these QDs at 700 nm
transfer from photoexcited QDs into TiO2 (32, 33). QDs. We synthesized (34) four QD samples with or 1.77 eV (Fig. 3A), indicating hot electron in-
We used a surface chemistry strategy whereby particle diameters of 9.9 T 0.8 nm (standard de- jection from higher QD excited states. A very re-
short-chain, bifunctional passivating ligands such viation of transmission electron microscope data), cent study of PbSe QDs adsorbed on a rutile
as 3-mercaptopropionic acid (MPA) stabilize the 4.5 T 0.3 nm, 3.1 T 0.3 nm, and 2.5 T 0.3 nm (fig. S1) crystal in vacuum measured the time for hot elec-
QDs in water while chemically binding the nano- with associated band gap energies (determined tron injection to be extremely fast (50 fs) (37).
crystals to the TiO2 surface via thiolate and car- by the energy position in the absorbance spectra of Previous studies with similarly sized PbS QDs
boxylic acid moieties, respectively (34). Atomic the first exciton peak maxima) of 0.85 eV, 0.96 eV, prepared by chemical bath deposition directly on
force microscopy (AFM) confirmed that our sur-
face chemistry strategy reproducibly resulted in a
single layer of QDs covalently bound to the A B
3.0 nm 5.0 nm
atomically flat single-crystal substrates with no
three-dimensional QD clusters.
The minimum photon energy for observing
MEG in CdSe or CdSe/ZnS QDs would be twice
the bulk band gap (>3.4 eV). Considering that 50 nm
1.5 nm 2.5 nm
quantum confinement increases the band gap com-
pared with the bulk, we decided to shift our focus
to PbS, with a considerably lower bulk band gap
value of 0.37 to 0.41 eV at 300 K (35). PbS QDs
are readily synthesized with band gap energies
ranging from 0.5 to 2.0 eV, making it possible to 1.0 µm 0.0 nm 250 nm 0.0 nm
measure sensitized photocurrents associated with Fig. 2. AFM images of the anatase (001) electrode before and after the PbS QD adsorption procedure. (A)
MEG by using photons sufficiently low in energy Bare electrode surface with an average terrace width of 350 nm with sporadic polishing damage indicated
to preclude direct excitation of the TiO2 band gap by ~2- to 5-nm grooves into the surface. (B) About-4.5-nm-diameter MPA-capped PbS QDs adsorbed on
(3.0 eV for rutile and 3.2 eV for anatase). the same surface. (Inset) The loosely packed QDs at high resolution.


mesoporous TiO2 films showed a photocurrent photocurrent response in the near-infrared (IR) TiO2 single crystals with both sides polished
onset at about 800 nm or 1.5 eV (42), despite an spectral region was acquired by using lock-in de- (doped anatase and rutile crystals required for
onset of light absorption at ~1.2 eV. Thus, elec- tection and a chopped monochromatic light source. photocurrent measurements are not transparent)
tron injection from the lowest excitonic states of Although this technique is very sensitive for mea- by using a dual-beam configuration in the ultraviolet-
PbS QDs into nanocrystalline TiO2 was not ob- suring small photocurrent signals, the quantifica- visible (UV-Vis) spectrometer (fig. S3D). Mul-
served previously in photocurrent spectra. This tion of MEG effects requires accurate measurement tiple regions of the rutile and anatase crystal
comparison suggests strong electronic coupling of the absorbed photon–to–current efficiency (APCE, surfaces, which were exposed to the same QD
of PbS QD excited states to the TiO2 conduction Eq. 2). APCE values take into account the light- solutions at the same time, were imaged with
band in our system, resulting in facile charge in- harvesting efficiency (LHE; Eq. 3), or light ac- AFM in order to assure that the densities of QDs
jection and separation of the photoinjected elec- tually absorbed by the monolayer of QDs. on all the surfaces were nearly identical to those
trons because of the space charge field present at shown in Fig. 2B (also fig. S2). The absorbance
the semiconductor-electrolyte interface. Therefore, APCE (%) = IPCE (%)/LHE (%) (2) spectra of the PbS QDs adsorbed on the rutile
multiple excitons produced from higher energy single crystal were similar to the solution ab-
photons in the lowest energy PbS QD excited LHE (%) = 1 – 10–Absorbance (3) sorbance spectra (fig. S4). Because of the larger
state should be collected as photocurrents with band gap for the anatase polymorph compared
quantum yields greater than one. Accurate determination of APCE values re- with that of rutile (3.2 eV versus 3.0 eV), anatase
For our planar electrodes covered with a sin- quired accurate measurements of both the optical was used for the MEC measurements to eliminate
gle layer of QD sensitizers, the IPCE values are absorbance of the QDs adsorbed on the TiO2 any contribution from direct excitation of TiO2 to

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several orders of magnitude lower than those ob- surface and the steady-state short circuit photo- the sensitized photocurrent signal at the wave-
served in typical sensitized mesoporous TiO2 so- currents at various incident photon energies (fig. lengths where MEG would be expected.
lar cells because of the low light absorption from S3, A to C). The absorbance measurements were Figure 4, A and B, shows the calculated APCE
the single layer of QDs. For this reason, the small performed on undoped semitransparent rutile (001) values both as a function of excitation energy and
the ratio of the excitation energy to the nano-
crystal band gap (Ehv /Eg ) for the three sizes of
Energy (eV) Energy (eV) PbS QDs. The APCE values, not adjusted for
A 3.1 2.1 1.5 1.2 1.0 0.9 B 1.5 1.2 1.0 0.9 solution absorbance or reflections from the cell
window and crystal surface, remained nearly con-
0.08 stant for each QD sample at 70 T 13% [standard
deviation of photocurrent data (34)] from 1.6 eV
0.6 Eg = 1.39 eV up to an absolute photon energy of 2.5 eV (Fig. 4A).
Eg = 1.27 eV 0.06
No increase in the quantum yields indicative of

Eg = 0.96 eV
MEC was observed despite crossing the thresh-
0.4 Eg = 0.85 eV
Blank 0.04 old of illumination with photon energies of twice
the band gap for the 4.5-nm PbS QDs (0.96 × 2 =
1.92 eV). However, at 2.8 and 3.1 eV illumina-
0.2 tion, the QDs with Eg = 0.96 eV (corresponding
to photon energies of 2.9 and 3.2 times the band
gap) exhibited APCE values that exceeded unity.
0 0.00 There are also indications that APCE values, un-
400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 800 1000 1200 1400 corrected for reflection and absorption losses, ap-
Wavelength (nm) Wavelength (nm) proach or exceed 100% at the highest photon
Fig. 3. IPCE spectra of various band gap PbS QDs adsorbed on an anatase (001) electrode. Photocurrents energies for QDs with Eg = 1.27 and 1.39 eV;
were acquired in an aqueous electrolyte (0.5 M Na2S and 0.01 M S in 0.1 M NaOH) at short circuit in a however, these values remain within the exper-
two-electrode configuration versus a platinum wire. (A) IPCE spectra for each QD size. The green trace imental error of the lower energy photocurrent
represents the bare anatase (001) photocurrent response. (B) IPCE spectra displaying the near-IR region measurements.
to compare the photocurrent (solid dots) and QD absorbance in water (dashed lines). An additional sample of PbS nanocrystals
with Eg = 0.94 eV was synthesized in order to
A 200 B 200 ascertain any sample dependence (43) on the
APCE yields (plotted in Fig. 4, A and B) and to
Eg = 0.94 eV Eg = 0.94 eV
Eg = 0.96 eV more precisely map out the photon energy de-
Eg = 0.96 eV
150 Eg = 1.27 eV 150 pendence of the MEC yields. The absolute mag-
Eg = 1.27 eV
Eg = 1.39 eV nitudes of the APCEs in this sample are smaller
APCE (%)

APCE (%)

Eg = 1.39 eV
by 5 to 10% and 20 to 40% at photon energies in
100 100
the non-MEC and MEC collection regions, re-
spectively, but still nearly double at the higher
50 50 (relative to lower) photon energies. We empha-
size that in order to observe APCE values of over
100% the anatase electrode surface must not be
0 0 contaminated and should exhibit large (>50 nm),
1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2 1.6 2.0 2.4 2.8 3.2
nearly atomically flat terraces in AFM images.
Photon Energy (eV) Ehv /E g
Therefore, in addition to any possible QD sample
Fig. 4. APCE values as a function of the illumination energy. (A) APCE versus the absolute incident to sample variation in the MEC yields, we con-
photon energy. (B) APCE versus the incident photon energy divided by the QD band gap energy sider the condition of the electrode surface to be
(indicating the multiples of the band gap). Adjustments that would increase the APCE because of solution paramount in obtaining high and reproducible
absorption and reflection from the cell window and TiO2 crystal were not performed. sensitized photocurrents. SCIENCE VOL 330 1 OCTOBER 2010 65

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tudes of the yields are notable. The lower bound

of the APCE values for our PbS QDs, demon-
strating MEC at an absolute incident photon
energy of 3.1 eV, is about 15 to 30% greater than
Allosteric Supramolecular
MEG yields for oleic acid–capped PbS QDs (Eg =
0.85 eV) in tetrachloroethylene that was studied
Triple-Layer Catalysts
optically by Nozik and co-workers (10). The dif-
Hyo Jae Yoon, Junpei Kuwabara,* Jun-Hyun Kim,† Chad A. Mirkin‡
ferent dielectric environment of MPA-capped
PbS QDs adsorbed on TiO2 is one possible cause Allosteric regulation of organometallic catalysts could allow for greater control over reactions.
for the difference in absolute magnitude between We report an allosteric supramolecular structure in which a monometallic catalytic site has been
our APCE values and MEG yields reported in buried in the middle layer of a triple-layer complex. Small molecules and elemental anions
typical solution spectroscopic measurements (i.e., can open and close this complex and reversibly expose and conceal the catalytic center. The
water and a TiO2 surface versus QDs capped with ring-opening polymerization of e-caprolactone can be turned on by the in situ opening of the
long-chain hydrocarbon surfactants in nonaque- triple-layer complex and then completely turned off by reforming it through the abstraction of
ous solutions). However, it appears that onset of Cl–, the allosteric effector agent, without appreciable loss of catalytic activity. This process can
MEC occurs at about 2.5 T 0.25 Eg for the QD regulate the molecular weights of the resulting polymers.
sizes studied herein, in agreement with the onset
of MEG determined optically with InP QDs with upramolecular coordination complexes, in cyclobutadiene (13). An important goal is to
various band gaps (14). At present, optical mea-
surements of MEG from PbS QDs capped with
short-chain thiols in an aqueous medium are not
S which multiple weak bonding interactions
control structure, have found several ap-
plications, including catalysis (1–7), recognition
regulate the activity of catalysts through the
addition of small molecules that change the su-
pramolecular structure of the catalyst and in turn
available for direct comparison to our results. of small molecules (8–11), and facilitated small- control catalytic reaction rates and product dis-
The results presented herein are encouraging molecule transport (12). Such systems can encap- tributions (14–17), much like the behavior of many
for the future design and development of pho- sulate molecules (3), and the nanoscale environment allosteric enzymes. Herein, we present a proof-of-
tovoltaic devices that exploit MEG and MEC to created by a supramolecular complex can increase concept example of such regulation for a living
surpass the Shockley-Queisser efficiency limit the speed of a chemical reaction (4, 5), alter polymerization catalyst and demonstrate control
and approach the ideal single MEG absorber ef- reaction routes (6), control stereochemistry (5), over polymer growth and molecular weight.
ficiency of 45% (7). However, it remains unclear affect oligomerization processes (7), or extend the There are three general methods for synthesiz-
to what extent MEC can improve the power con- lifetimes of highly reactive molecules such as ing supramolecular coordination complexes (18),


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