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Exam practice 2

Rwanda: a country without plastic bags Reading

A In 2008, Rwanda, a small nation in the east of
1 Choose the correct answers.
Africa, made a brave decision to tackle the problem
of non-biodegradable plastic bags. Most other 1 The first country to impose a ban on plastic bags was …
countries know that the issue needs to be A Rwanda.
addressed, but are too scared to do anything B Bangladesh.
radical in case it has a negative effect on C Switzerland.
businesses and the economy. Rwanda, however, 2 The Rwandan government found a way to …
decided to ban plastic bags altogether. Bangladesh A manage plastic waste.
was the first country to do this back in 2002, but the B make a plastic bag ban good for the economy.
results there have been limited. In Rwanda, C put plastic bag manufacturers out of business.
however, the ban really does seem to be working. 3 Umuganda is …
A a policy where tax incentives were given to companies to
B Litter is a huge problem in many African recycle plastic.
countries today. Living standards have risen so B a new market for environmentally friendly bags.
much that millions of people can now afford to buy C community service that has to be done by most Rwandans.
supermarket food, which is often packaged in
plastic. However, the standards of rubbish disposal 2 Answer the questions according to information given
services have not kept up with rising living in the text. Use your own words and full sentences.
standards and the results are often very visible in 1 Why haven’t all countries banned plastic bags?
the streets – drains are filled with litter, toxic fumes ............................................................................................
are given off from burning plastic, and animals 2 Why is litter a more serious problem than it used to be in many
choke to death on plastic bags. Rwanda, however, African countries?
is noticeably cleaner than its neighbouring ............................................................................................
countries. Dr Rose Mukankomeje, Director-General 3 How do the Rwandan people help to keep their country clean?
of the Rwanda Environment Management Authority, ............................................................................................
says that travellers often comment that Kigali (the 4 What are Rwanda’s ambitions for the future?
capital of Rwanda) is not only one of the cleanest ............................................................................................
cities in Africa, but it’s also one of the most
unpolluted capital cities in the whole world. Some
Use of English
people have even compared it to immaculate cities
such as Basel or Zurich in Switzerland.
3 Complete the sentences. The meaning should be the
same as that of the sentence above.
C So how did Rwanda succeed where most 1 Toxic fumes are given off from burning plastic.
developed countries are still falling short? The Burning plastic ………………… toxic fumes.
government found a way to make the ban help, 2 Bangladesh banned plastic bags in 2002.
rather than damage, the economy. Tax incentives Plastic bags have ………………… in Bangladesh since 2002.
were used to encourage companies that had 3 People over 65 are also encouraged to participate if they can.
previously manufactured plastic bags to start People over 65 are also encouraged ………………… part if
recycling them. The ban also created a new market they can.
for environmentally-friendly bags that hadn’t existed
before. In addition, the Rwandan people help to 4 Circle the word that is the odd one out in each group.
keep their own country clean. They have a policy of
1 brave / scared / bold / courageous
umuganda, which refers to one day of community
2 toxic / clean / unpolluted / immaculate
work a month, which every Rwandan between the
3 difficulty / problem / issue / future
ages of 18 and 65 who is able to work must do.
4 rubbish / litter / facilities / waste
People over the age of 65 are also encouraged to
participate if they can. It usually takes place on the Writing
last Saturday of each month, when people get
together to do community work. 5 Choose one of the tasks. Write 120–150 words.
D The ban on plastic bags is just one part of 1 You are worried about the number of plastic bags currently being
Rwanda’s forward-thinking attitude. Paul Kagame, produced. Write a formal email to the environment minister of
the country’s president, is leading the Rwanda your country to suggest ways that they could tackle the problem.
Vision 2020 plan. This is aiming to turn the country 2 Write an opinion essay with the following title: ‘It is the
into a sustainable middle-income nation by the end responsibility of developed countries to do more to protect the
of the decade. environment.’


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