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Teaching Philosophy
Mercedes Schuppe
Regent University

As I think about my future role as an educator, what automatically comes to my mind

are the many characteristics/attributes of an effective teacher and the various roles that

teachers hold. I believe some of the most important characteristics of a teacher are ones such

as nurturing, patient, organized, and passionate. It is essential to be organized and consistent as

a teacher, especially in the lower-primary grade levels. Organization creates a structured flow in

the classroom and implementing consistency allows the students to become familiar with a

routine. A nurturing demeanor is vital because children inherently seek out love and attention. I

plan to pour out my love for my students and I will always make it a point to let them know

they are capable of many extraordinary things. Lastly, I believe being passionate is crucial

because a teacher’s job is never completed just in the classroom. As a teacher I know there will

be many working hours required in the classroom and at home. I am willing to dedicate some of

my personal time for my chosen profession, but I also know balance is key.

When I think of the roles of a teacher, researcher and child advocate are two important

ones that come to my mind. These roles are vital to my teaching career because being a

researcher allows me the opportunity to keep up with new studies and findings. Since

education is constantly changing, I will implement new information to better serve my students.

A child advocate is of great importance as an educator because we are to support and promote

the interest of our students. There are

different ways of thinking about teaching. There are teachers who are in love with their

content. And there are teachers who are in love with their students. The long and short of it is,

if you don’t know your students but you know your content, chances are your kids aren’t gonna

learn the content. So, really knowing your kids, using that information intentionally to create

lessons that meet their needs, and making them a brighter light than they were when they

came into your room - that’s real teaching. (Barrett, 2018, para.7-8). It will be my responsibility

as a teacher to provide engaging learning experiences to my students. When I think about my

role as an educator, I do not want to be a teacher who “Just teaches”, but one who creates

experiences that are going to instill a love of learning.

Progressivism is the educational philosophy that aligns with most of my beliefs about

teaching. The Progressivism philosophy believes that, “Education should focus on the whole

child, rather than on the content or the teacher” (Oregon State). I think it is vital for children to

learn through engaging experiences rather than being lectured, “The Progressivist classroom is

about exploration and experience” (Lynch, 2016). As a teacher I envision myself enacting as a

facilitator and guiding my students through suggestions and thought-provoking questions

(Lynch, 2016). I would like my classroom to be a place where my students are encouraged to

explore and learn. Some ideas I will implement in my classroom are, small groups, custom-

made activities, and learning stations/centers.

Social Reconstructionism is another educational philosophy that closely relates to my

beliefs, “Reconstructionist not only aim to educate a generation of problem solvers, but also try

to identify and correct many noteworthy social problems that face our nation, with diverse

targets including racism, pollution, homelessness, poverty, and violence” (Lynch, 2016). I

believe as a teacher I am not only to teach my students curriculum and academics, but also

about the world they live in and the current problems that we face as a society. I want students

to know that one’s actions can affect a variety of social problems in our world, to do this I will

implement thoughtful discussions in the classroom.

My faith will guide me as teacher and will play a huge role as to how I am as an

educator. Firstly, as I mentioned before, the characteristics of an effective teacher (nurturing,

patient, organized and passionate) are all qualities that are difficult to master but with faith all

things are possible. I know there will be hard days and days that I may not be as patient as

others, these are times I will have to trust the Lord to help me get through it. Just like I do now,

I will start my day off seeking God’s guidance and presence in the classroom. I believe as a

Christian, it is my duty and responsibility to support and love others and this is something I will

do for each and every one of my students. I hope through my interactions and the way I devote

my time to my students and classroom that the Lord’s love shines out of me. One of favorite

versus that relates to teaching is Proverbs 11:25 “A generous person will prosper; whoever

refreshes others will be refreshed”. As a teacher who is guided by faith, I hope to inspire

children, parents/families, and colleagues.

It only takes one person to believe in someone. My goal as an educator is to serve my

students and guide them to a path of success. Teaching is not only about the academics, but it

is also about seeking out the potential in every one of your students.

Works Cited

Barrett, Kira. (2018). Never be Afraid to Advocate for Students, Says 2018 Teacher of the

Year. Retrieved from


(Lynch, M.) 2016. Philosophies of Education: 3 Types of Student-Centered Philosophies.

Retrieved from


Educational Philosophies. Retrieved from

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