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Nell is trapped by the same group of men that pushed her grandmother into the lake, which put her into crucial condition.
Nell is tied up by a noose, which she can feel tightening as the men ask her questions, and they think her answers are total garbage
(not true). They want to know who is doing everything to Grace’s family, and Nell obviously cannot agree with them that it was
the fault of witchcraft, so she tells the truth, but the men refuse to believe her. The men (luckily for Nell) are distracted by the
late/young Prince Charles, and they untie Nell and let her go. She sees Silas Denby, who was coming to her rescue, and he
immediately picks up Nell and runs. Later he explains that this is because there were nests of rebel soldiers that were going to
hurt them if they were seen on their turf. Nell doesn’t really listen, because she is too focused on the fact that she was almost
killed in the close past. Silas Denby and Nell get on the Prince’s coach, and they go to a coast in Falmouth. A few days later,
Nell arrives back home to her farm. Her grandmother’s condition is staying the same, which is both good news and bad news for
Nell. Mistress Bramlow comes to visit, and sits down across from Nell while she is stirring herbs in her cauldron to make a
remedy for her grandmother. There is a knock at the door, and Bramlow looks outside and sees the Fairymanchild once again.
She does not answer, because she is too focused on how bad of a job the piskies did with the farmwork. They left mud
everywhere, and they did not weed the farm properly at all. Then, she completely disregards it and walks back into Nell’s herb
room. Later, Bramlow lets in the fairymanchild. Later, the farm has chickens. There is one chicken that lays an egg after the
sneezing piskie finishes speaking. The sneezing piskie explains how piskies can chase after people and get aggressive, but only if
they are in the mood to do so.

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