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 After studying this topic, students should be able to :

1. Explain the concept of management and process of

2.Understand the importance of management;
3.Identify the management skills;
4.Explain the roles of public manager and
5.Understand the levels of management in Malaysian public
1.1 Definition of Management
1.“ The process of planning, organizing, leading and controlling the efforts of an organization
members and of using all other organizational resources to achieve stated organizational
– Stoner

 Planning refers to selecting missions and objectives and the actions to achieve them.
 Organizing means involves establishing an intentional structure of roles for people to fill in an
 Leading is the influencing of people so that they will contribute to organization and group
goals; Leading involves motivation, leadership styles and approaches and communication.
 Controlling, for example, budget for expense, is the measuring and correcting of activities of
subordinates to ensure that
events conform to plans

Using all other organizational resources: Human/workers, materials, financial and information.
Planning in Malaysian Public Sector
 2. Terry and Rue define management as a process
of work that involves the guidance and direction of
a group of people toward organizational goals or

3. A Broader Definition
 The process of administering and coordinating
resources effectively, efficiently, and in an
effort to achieve the goals of the organization.
1.1.1Effectiveness versus Efficiency
 Effectiveness
 Goal attainment
 Achieved when the organization pursues appropriate goals.
 This means “doing the right things.”
 Management strives for High Goal Attainment (high effectiveness)

 Efficiency
 Achieved by using the fewest inputs (e.g., people and money, equipment) to generate a given
 Low waste
 This means “doing things right.”
 Example: e-government (pay utilities bills through online can save the cost of both government
and citizens)

 The end result of effective and efficient management is organizational success.

1.1.2 The Organization

 An Organization
A group of individuals who work together toward
common goals.
Example: PDRM.

 What do all organizations have in common?

They are composed of people whose efforts must be
coordinated if the organization is to accomplish its
Importance of Management
1. Help us to • Through better utilization of human and material resources
• Management uses these inputs efficiently by properly allocating them to reduce
become effective the wastage which ultimately decreases cost and thus leads to higher profits.
• Minimize the cost and to increase the output through effective planning,
manager organizing, directing, staffing, controlling.

2. Learn to • After planning, staffs need to implement it and problems might be happened
during the implementation process.
detect problem • Identifying deviations between planned and actual results
• Thus, the manager needs to identify problems and think alternatives to solve it.
and solve them • How? Through a proper controlling

3. Enable to • Through planning, managers are able to predict what will happen in the future.
access future and • The predictions include the opportunities and threats that the organization
might be facing.
make plan for it
Importance of Management

4. Awareness of • Organizing involves establishing an intentional

structure of roles for people to fill in an organization.
responsibilities • All tasks necessary to accomplish goals are assigned
and are and assigned to people who can do them best.
• Employees will be aware on their tasks and answerable
accountable on their actions.

5. Equip us with
effective • Theories of motivation and leadership.
• With the help of self motivation and leadership
management techniques, management helps individuals to develop
spirit of cooperation, commitment and team spirit etc.
theories and that help them to achieve their personal goals as well
1.3 The Management Process (POLC)

 Planning
 Setting goals and defining the actions (strategies) necessary to achieve
those goals.
 Organizing
 The process of determining the tasks to be done, who will do them,
and how those tasks will be managed and coordinated.
 Leading –
 Leadership
 The capacity to direct and motivate the members of work groups
toward the accomplishment of organizational goals.
 Leadership Skills:

• Understanding individual/group behavior dynamics

• Having the ability to motivate employees
• Being an effective communicator
• Being able to envision future and share that vision
1.3 The Management Process

 Controlling
 Monitoring the performance of the organization and its
progress in implementing strategic and operational
Identifying deviations between planned and actual
Taking corrective action
Ensuring that the organization is moving toward the
achievement of its goal
1.4 Management skills

Technical Skills Human Skills Conceptual Skills

• The ability to utilize the • The ability to work effectively • The ability to process
knowledge of tools, with one’s own work group as information about the
techniques, and procedures well as others within the internal/external
that are specific to a organization. environment of the
particular field. organization and determine
• Technical skills are not • These skills will enable its implications.
related only for machines, managers to become leaders
production tools or other and motivate employees • present knowledge or ability
equipment, but also they are for better of a manager for more
skills that will be required to accomplishments abstract thinking.
increase sales, design • That means he can easily see
different types of products the whole through analysis
and services, market the and diagnosis of different
products and services, etc. states.
• Technical skills are most • In such a way they can
important for the first-level predict the future of the
managers business or department as a
1.4 Management skills
1.4.1 Types of Managers

 Functional Manager / Head of Department

A manager who is responsible for managing a work
unit that is grouped based on the function served.
 General Manager / Director of government agencies
 A manager who is responsible for managing several
different departments that are responsible for
different tasks.
 First-line manager / Officers
 The manager who supervises the operational
1.5 Roles of public managers


Managers are the people who plan, organize, lead, and

control the activities of the organization so that its goals
can be achieved.
Mintzberg’s Managerial Roles – (explain roles of public managers
based on mintzberg’s theory, please give examples in public
1.5 Roles of public managers

 Interpersonal Roles
 The manager’s responsibility for managing relationships with
organizational members and other constituents:
Figurehead- the manager represents the organization in all
matters of formality.
Leader- The leader role defines the relationships between the
manager and employees.
Liaison- In the liaison role, the manager interacts with peers and
people outside the organization.
1.5 Roles of public managers

 Informational Roles
 The manager’s responsibility for gathering and disseminating
information to the stakeholders of the organization:
Monitor- In the monitor role, the manager receives and collects
Disseminator- the manager transmits special information into
the organization.
Spokesperson- the manager disseminates the organization’s
information into its environment
1.5 Roles of public managers
 Decisional Roles
 The manager’s responsibility for processing information and
reaching conclusions:
Entrepreneur- In the entrepreneur role, the manager initiates
Disturbance handler- the manager deals with threats to the
Resource allocator- the manager chooses where the
organization will expend its efforts
Negotiator- the manager negotiates on behalf of the organization
1.6 Levels of Management

 Top Managers
 The relatively small group of executives who manage the
organization’s overall goals, strategy, and operating policies.
 Middle Managers
 Largest group of managers in organizations who are
primarily responsible for implementing the policies and
plans of top managers. They supervise and coordinate the
activities of lower-level managers.
 First-Line Managers
 Managers who supervise and coordinate the activities of
operating employees.

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