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Madera 1

Setting Procedures in the Classroom

Beginning of Class

○ SEATING: Students will be allowed to sit wherever they choose on the first day of

school. Each month they will have to switch seats and sit at different seats in the

classroom so that hopefully when the year ends they will have sat/worked with everyone

in their class.

○ WITHIN THE 5 MINS BEFORE CLASS - I will be standing at the classroom door

greeting the students as they come in. Once the last bell rings, I’ll close the door. This

will be how I’ll keep track of who ends up coming in late if they do.

○ WITHIN THE FIRST 5 MINS OF CLASS - This will be when I allow the students to

get settled into class (i.e. find their seats, take out materials, get comfortable)

☐ FOR ABSENT STUDENTS: Upon their return, this time will be used to pick up

any paperwork from a basket at the front of the room that will have each day of

the week labeled so that they can get whatever paperwork they need. In this series

of papers will be a note that gives a small overview of the day that they missed.

○ DURING ANNOUNCEMENTS: Students will sit quietly and listen to the

announcements if they play during first period.

○ ATTENTION GETTER: In a semi-loud voice (because I don’t want to scream at

anyone), ask “Y’ALL READY?” and they will clap once all together if they are. If

someone is not then they will clap twice and I’ll ask what is wrong and how I can help so

that we can begin class.

Madera 2

Managing the Classroom Movement

○ SEATING: I hope to not have individual desks in my classroom but instead big

rectangular tables so that it’s easier to work together and students can still have their own


○ LEAVING THEIR SEATS: Unless they are bleeding out, if someone is talking (a student

giving a presentation or myself talking) I will ask that my students remain seated and

wait to get up after whoever is speaking is done.

○ LEAVING THE ROOM: In the event that they need to leave the room, I will right them a

pass to their destination unless a pass comes from the office.

☐ RESTROOMS: If they are going to the restroom, I will have two light switches

(from the dollar store) that have the male/female symbols on them to indicate who

has gone to the restroom so that only a max. of two students are at the restroom at

a time.

○ NOISE LEVELS: I will ask of all my students to be respectful of all people in the

classroom. This applies to remaining as silent as they can be whenever someone is

speaking or presenting. If it is silent work time for whatever reason, then they will need

to be silent but if they need help they can ask their group mates or get my help. During

group work, students will be able to speak and discuss with their group mates at a

reasonable level, obviously no one should be screaming at eachother. This expectation

will also apply to the noise level during discussion times, we cannot learn from one

another if we are interrupting/screaming at one another.

○ NEEDING HELP: If they need my attention while I am at the front of the classroom then

they can raise their hands and I’ll call on them. If they need me during group time and
Madera 3

they’ve already sought out help from their group mates, then I want to have a mini lamp

with a colored light bulb in which they can turn on if they need me and I’m not near

them. For any missing supplies, they will ask their group mates if they can borrow from

them and if they cannot help then again they can turn on the mini lamp and I’ll come to

them. (If they are in need of something they do not wish to ask for in front of other

students then they may ask me privately.)

Paper Work

○ TURNING IN WORK: Next to my desk, they will be trays/baskets with each day of the

week assigned to each class period. They will turn in their assignments into their

respective basket. At the end of the school day, I will collect all the work from the basket.


☐ LATE: Students will have one day after the due date to turn in assignments

without any points deducted. After that day, 5 points will be deducted for each

day that it is late. This applies to all assignments, both online and on paper, with

the expectation of presentations if they have an assigned presentation day/time.

☐ MAKE UP: If students need to make up work, Monday-Thursday I’ll be in class

for an hour after school has ended to make up any missed work. This will also be

when they get the chance to present their presentations they did not have during

class time. Students will have to let me know in during class time if they plan to

come in after school so that I have a general idea of how many students to expect.

○ HANDOUTS: Each Monday as I greet the students, I’ll give them a small half sheet with

a slight overview of the week. If there is any paperwork/assignments to be given out then
Madera 4

I will give that to a person at each table so that they can distribute to each person at that


Syllabus or Course Outline

○ Everything listed above and below is basically what the syllabus/course outline will be


☐ Overall course objectives will be highlighted in the syllabus and daily objectives

will be written on the whiteboard towards the front of the classroom.

☐ COURSE REQUIREMENTS: Rubrics for each big assignment (presentations,

essays, projects) will be given out when the assignment is first introduced. This

will also include how the grading scale provided for the students and how they

will be evaluated.

☐ DUE DATES: All due dates will be listed in the syllabus. Due dates that are

upcoming will be written on the whiteboard at the front of the classroom.

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