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• Group Name: 7H3 AC71V1575 (The Activists)

• • Eumind poem translation by: Neria Tewari

• • Grade: 11

• • Original Hindi Poem By: Susheel Kumar Sharma

• • Introduction: Human rights, Explanation of the poem and why I chose it. Human
rights, as the name suggests, are the inalienable rights to life, freedom, equality and dignity. This
poem has some verses which talks about fundamental rights, injustice, freedom, exploitation and
human values. It is a known fact that if a human right is violated, the supreme court can be sought
after, to make sure that appropriate punishment is given to the oppressor. The list of all
fundamental rights are given in the constitution of India, under part 3. (Articles 12-35)

• Coming back to the poem, it demonstrates a world dominated by humans, good and
bad, which includes: The Oppressed, The Oppressors, The Revolters, The Martyrs, etc. Many human
values have been put forward in the poem as well. Pain and suffering is the main theme of the
poem, which directly relates to freedom fighters and all that they do to protect the country. Human
rights are distinctly pointed out in the verses 3,5,6 and Pain and human sufferings are seen in verses
1,2,4. Human values are denoted in the last verse (that is 7)

• It can now be said that these sufferings are inversely related to the violation of human
rights and oppression of the people of India and the poem is before independence. I chose this
poem to show how much human rights are important and the emotions a person feels when they’re
violated. Also, human values are shown in the poem as well, so as to remind people that they should
be followed everywhere for inner peace and spirituality.

 Right Against Exploitation (Articles. 23-24)
 • Right to Freedom of Religion (Articles. 25-28)
 • Cultural and Educational Rights (Articles. 29-30), and
 • Right to Constitutional remedies (Articles. 32)

• • Poem:
1. अअअअ अअअअअअ अअ अअअअ,
अअ अअ अअअअअ अअअअअ अअअ
अअअअ अअ:अ अअ अअअअअअअ,
अअअ अअअअअअअ अअअअ, अअअअ अअअ,
अअअअअअअअअअ अअअअअअ अअअ
2. अअअ अअअअ अअअअअअ अअ अअ,

अअअअअ अअअअअ अअअअअ अअअ

अअअअअ अअ अअअअअअ अअअअअ,
अअअ अअअअअअ अअ अअअअअअ अअअ
अअअ अअअअअअअ अअअअ, अअअअ अअअ,
अअअअअअअअअअ अअअअअअ अअअ
3. अअअअअअअअ अअ अअअअअअअअअ अअअ,

अअअअअ अअ अअअ अअअअअ अअअ

अअअअअ, अअअअअ, अअअअअ अअ अअ,
अअअअअ अअअअअअ अअअअअअ अअअ
अअअ अअअअअअअ अअअअ, अअअअ अअअ,
अअअअअअअअअअ अअअअअअ अअअ
4. अअअअ अअअअअअअअअअअ अअ अअ अअअ अअ,

अअ अअअअअअ अअ अअअअ अअअ

अअअअअअ अअ अअअअ अअ अअअअ,
अअअअ अअअअ अअअअअ अअअ
अअअ अअअअअअअ अअअअ, अअअअ अअअ,
अअअअअअअअअअ अअअअअअ अअअ
5. अअअअअअअअअअ अअ अअअअअअअ अअ,

अअ अअअअ अअअ अअअअअ अअअ

अअअअअअअअ अअ अअअअअ अअअ अअ,
अअअअ अअअअअअ अअअअअअ अअअ
अअअ अअअअअअअ अअअअ, अअअअ अअअ,
अअअअअअअअअअ अअअअअअ अअअ
6. अअअअअअ अअ अअअ अअअअअअ अअ,

अअअअअअअअअ अअ अअअअ अअअ

अअअ अअ अअअअ अअ अअ,
अअअअअ अअअअअ अअअ अअअअ अअअ
अअअ अअअअअअअ अअअअ, अअअअ अअअ,
अअअअअअअअअअ अअअअअअ अअअ
7. अअअअ-अअअअ अअ अअअअ अअ अअ,

अअ अअअ अअ अअअअअ अअअअअ अअअ

अअअअअअ अअअअअअअअअअ अअ अअअअअ,
अअ अअ अअ अअ अअअअअअ अअअ
अअअ अअअअअअअ अअअअ, अअअअ अअअ,
अअअअअअअअअअ अअअअअअ अअअ
Now, English Translation:
1. Enduring his sufferings silently,

Which creates favours

Taking sorrow to the heart,
The same mighty human in life,
Is called Vanquisher.
2. Watching other’s sufferings

Infinite tears flow-

And adopts his own sufferings
The same might human in life,
Is called Vanquisher.
3. In the darkness of injustice,

Lights the lamp of justice quickly

Exploited, mistreated, victims
And one who gives fundamental rights,
The same mighty human in life,
Is called Vanquisher.
4. Control your senses, breathe

The mind is seemingly restrained

Fighting own demons
Makes life easy.
The same mighty human in life,
Is called Vanquisher.
5. In the altar of patriotism,

Who offers his life,

For his very own
The same mighty human in life,
Is called Vanquisher.
6. The martyrs

Join the eye of death

Become recognised,
Which, on the skull of time;
Destiny writes itself
The same mighty human in life,
Is called Vanquisher.
7. Serves his parents

And earns virtue

Thoughts of Vasudhaira Kutumbakam,
So he adopts it too
The same mighty human in life,
Is called Vanquisher.

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