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Teacher Candidate: Christopher Nguyen Date: 10/25/2020

Mentor Teacher: Denise Campbell

A Guide for Planning and Reflecting on Teaching
Big Idea/
Essential Questions
The Big Idea: develop the language students use to describe the
Big Idea has enduring value beyond the classroom, and involves “doing” emotional high point of stories. Students will be shown a short
the discipline. video on mythology and develop their thoughts and ideas on how
Essential Questions are open-ended, thought-provoking, and spark the characters felt, assisted by an emotion chart.
discussion and debate. Essential questions call for analysis, inference,
evaluation, prediction. Essential questions require support and justification Essential Question: Will students be able to increase their
-- not just a single “correct” answer. vocabulary on emotionally descriptive prompts through the
assistance of visual aids?
Main Learning Outcome/Objective

Objectives describe something that students will be able to do after the Students will be able to select and assess word choice in regards to
class is over—not just a teaching activity to be completed in class. emotionally important sections of stories or poems.
Objectives relate to a set of examples (e.g. “explain how plants get their
food”), not just a single example (e.g. “explain how an oak tree gets its Students will be able to share their ideas, thoughts, and findings in
food a public way and parse through the information that others have
Objectives connect to Big Ideas.
Key Content Standards CSS.ELA-Literacy.L.9-10.6: […] demonstrate independence in
gathering vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or, phrase important to comprehension or expression.
Evaluate a speaker's point of view, reasoning, and use of evidence
and rhetoric, identifying any fallacious reasoning or exaggerated or
distorted evidence.
Key ELD Standards A.2: Interacting with others in written English in various
communicative forms.
B.6: Reading closely literary and informational texts and
viewing multimedia to determine how meaning is conveyed
explicitly and implicitly through language.

C.12: Selecting and applying varied and precise vocabulary and

other language resources to effectively convey ideas.
Anticipated student conceptions and evidence of prior learning

What prior knowledge and learning do students bring to this lesson? What Students will be familiar with the reasons why the Odyssey is given
do you know about students’ existing conceptions regarding the Big Idea to veterans to cope with PTSD. Students will have some familiarity
and learning objective? What evidence do you have? with the Emotion Chart as I have used it in prior lessons.

Teacher actions/activity: Lesson resources:
Teacher will read a poem with the students in the class related to the Odyssey. Students
will underline or highlight important, emotional descriptors and give them a rating of 1, 2, Google Classroom
Introduction or 3 (as per the chart) for each line. Laptops
10 minutes Emotion Chart

Student Grouping: Students can work in pairs to analyze the poem and discuss the Sources of evidence of student
connections to the article understanding/ student

Marked poems
Cognitive Task: Lesson resources:
After analyzing and comparing relevant information in the poem, students will write
responses analyzing the word choice of the poem. Students will be able to make their own Google Classroom
alterations to the poem, changing word choice based on the emotional chart. Padlet
Emotion Chart
Students will post their ideas into a Padlet for students to review and view the work of other
students. Students will be expected to link the information to an article that
40 minutes Differentiation: Sources of evidence of student
 Modifications/supports for struggling learners: Students will be given a chart to understanding/ student
assist them to find words that would be useful for the writing assignment. learning:
 Modifications/supports for advanced learners: Students will be able find specific
emotions outside of the chart or improve the emotions relevant to the poem. Students will change the poem
and their writing, injecting
Formative Assessment/evidence of student learning: words from emotion chart
 Padlet
 Quickwrite

Lesson resources:
The teacher will go over information with students, showing different sticky notes to
different students. Google Classroom Exit Ticket
15 minutes Students will go through the Padlet information and write an exit ticket based conferring Sources of evidence for student
what words stood out to them and how they will be able to use this language to describe understanding/ student
emotional situations in the Odyssey. learning:

Formative Assessment/evidence of student learning: Google Classroom Exit Ticket

 Exit Ticket

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