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Scholarly Article Name (Heidi will do reference list)

1. Meghan: Using Visual Journaling in Individual Counseling: A Case Example.

2. Sarah: Health status, sexual activity and satisfaction among older people in Britain: A mixed
methods study
3. Elley: Planning to Practice: Action and Coping Plans Increase Days of Meditation Practiced
4. Crystal: The Opposite of Treatment: A qualitative study of how patients diagnosed with psychosis
experience music therapy.
5. Israel Gordillo Cortes: Aerobic exercise, ball sports, dancing, and weightlifting as moderators of the
relationship between stress and depressive symptoms
6. Matika Effect of Art Production on Negative Mood and Anxiety for Adults in Treatment for Substance
7. Heidi: Essential oil of lavender in anxiety disorders: Ready for prime time?
8. Alyssa: Craft as context in therapeutic change.

2. Topic List
1. Heidi: Lavender Oils for anxiety (teaching & interactive)
2. Meghan: Bullet Journaling (teaching & interactive)
3. Sarah: Healthy Relationships; Game
4. Izzy: Exercising therapy (Teach & interactive)
5. Matika: Art Therapy (Teach & interactive)
6. Elley: Meditation (Teach & interactive)
7. Alyssa: Crafting for Therapeutic Change
8. Crystal: Music Therapy (teach & interact)
After reflecting on your clinical performance today, what areas do you feel you need to continue to work on?

Everyone needs to obtain their article before class today. Allow more opportunities to work on the project


MEMBERS OF GROUP: Each student should type in a different color so that your instructor can see your contribution to this



AGE / DEVELOPMENTAL LEVEL / NUMBER OF CLIENT IN GROUP: Adult/at least 8th grade educational level/13
patients (May need a few more copies for students)

RATIONALE FOR TOPIC CHOICE (Why topic chosen / and how does it impact the health of this age group):
Healthy copying has been shown to benefit the wellbeing of all people. There are multiple non-pharmacological ways to cope with life
stressors. Currently the inpatients at our clinical site do not have outside group therapy sessions. We thought it would be beneficial for
us to teach them healthy coping strategies given Covid-19 has paused all outside visitors.

What previous learning / knowledge do students have on this topic?

Coping is a skill that is necessary for people to live a healthy and functional life. There are many ways for people to cope both positive
and negative. Here are some negative coping skills most of us can relate to…

● Criticizing yourself
● Reckless behaviors
● Chewing on your fingernails
● Becoming aggressive or violent (hitting someone, throwing or kicking something, etc.)
● Eating too much or too little, or drinking too much coffee
● Smoking or chewing tobacco
● Drinking alcohol in excess and/or using illicit drugs
● Yelling at our spouse, loved one, children and/or friends
● Avoiding friends and/or family

This leads us into our teaching project which will include teaching the patients better coping skills. It is our hope that each of our
individual topics may appeal to one of the patients, and they may take away the knowledge of how to cope better.

How will you set up your physical environment for learning?

When we arrived at clinical, there were no afternoon groups because of visitor restrictions due to Covid-19. With the situation extremely
unfortunate for the patients we took this as an opportunity to teach them coping skills that they may be missing from group therapy.
Each of us were able to demonstrate our own contributions to coping to the patients after they finished dinner.
SPECIFIC OBJECTIVES: The client will… (see directions for writing objectives in paper directions)
1. The client will participate in future group activities to decrease the stress and cope with their life situations.
2. The Clinic will be able to appraise their life situation and determine the areas that they will need to change to better themselves
3. The client will employ strategies for reflection on coping to adjust their specific needs for coping.
4. The client will transferee knowledge, skills, and behaviors acquired through formal and informal learning and life experiences to
new situations.


Heidi: Provide samples of lavender and peppermint oil on a cotton ball to the patients that attend our teaching project.

Elley: Meditation activity. Work through hand out on how to practice mindfulness meditation.

Matika: Drawing activity to show the patients that you don’t have to be a professional to draw.

Izzy: Exercise activity: Jumping jacks and lunges.

Crystal: YouTube video on the benefits of music therapy

Meghan: Instructions on how to do bullet journaling.

Alyssa: Explain the benefit of crafting.

Sarah: Introduction and conclusion, thinking exercise


● Self-Care worksheet
● Encourage teach back
● Trivia questions
● Drawing activity
● Exercise activity (lunges and jumping jacks)
● Lavender relaxation
● Meditation cards

EVALUATION OF AUDIENCE LEARNING: We will know that the audience has learned because they will be
able to…
1. Demonstrate their newly learned coping mechanisms to the nurse (ie. teach back).
2. Construct a framework for lifelong learning and self-development to be able to best cope through stressful situations.
3. Assume accountability and responsibility for one's' own actions when deciding what coping mechanism works best of them
4. Advocate for self in order to foster Autonomy


1. I believe I was able to determine if the clients understood my teaching by using the teach back method of asking multiple simple
questions after giving my presentation. The clients worked together and were able to correctly answer all three of my questions.
I think for next time we would make a print out of all the questions with multiple choice answers in order to make it easier for the
clients to read and answer. I think the teach back technique was the best way for the group to determine learning in this
situation. Overall I think the group did great!
2. I think we worked really well as a group and individually. We all participated and encouraged each other in developing a
cohesive teaching project. I chose to teach about essential oils because I was unfamiliar with the benefits. I was able to teach
myself different ways to cope as well as the patients. With the current circumstances surrounded by the Covid pandemic we
were not able to spend much time working on our project in person. We utilize Skype and a shared document on google drive to
communicate and add to our project.
3. I think we worked very cohesively as a group with our own ideas in order to be able to teach a class. We were asked individually
to present our given topics in a group format. We all were equally responsible for participating in the group, both through the
use of Google docs, Skype, and/or BlackBoard. Overall, I think that our presentation was a success and the participants
enjoyed it, and stated they did learn something.
4. I believe we worked well as a group. We were able to collaborate and create our presentation that I feel provided the patients
with a lot of useful information about coping. We utilized Skype, BlackBoard collaborate, and GoogleDocs in order to work
together. I feel that everyone put in effort and we had a lot of fun even working together. I am very pleased with the final
outcome of the project and our ability to work together.
5. I believe we used great team work communication to accomplish this teaching project. We all collaborated and encouraged each
other to succeed. The patients as well as us learned from each other about our teaching project topics on coping strategies to
help relieve stress. I’m very pleased with the overall presentation. The patients were very engaged in the topics of the
6. The project had an excellent outcome. All of the topics flowed cohesively. I feel as if the project was beneficial to the clients and
staff that attended. The clients actively participated and were enthusiastic throughout all of the teaching. Patients at a mental
health facility will have different types of stressful events going on and this project should be helpful with coping. My project
allowed everyone to have the opportunity to explore self-expression through artwork.


Use this as a guide to write up your teaching project episode plan to follow on the day you present at the school. Just as nurses write care
plans, teachers make a teaching plan to follow so they remain organized and focused. All members of the group should be knowledgeable
of the Lesson Plan. Remember: “Good Planning” = “Good Projects.” This is due to your instructor as directed.

Estimated Activity Teaching Developmen Evaluation

Time & Description /Learning tal Theory Technique
Name of Principle(s)
Objectives: Provide a Constructivism: Operant After the
Discuss Heidi lavender the idea that conditioning presentation
coping in soaked cotton people are is a method the patients
relation to 10 ball for a responsible for of learning were able to
calming effect that occurs use the oils
essential oils, minutes creating their
and provide a through for
specifically own
peppermint rewards and therapeutic
Lavender Oil oil-soaked understanding punishments purposes.
cotton ball for of the world and for behavior. They patients
The client enhancing using what they The patient asked and
will employ mood. know based on can make answered
strategies previous the questions
for reflection experiences in distinction related to
on coping to between a anxiety relief
the group to the process of
adjust their behavior an and the
ask linking new
specific individual future use of
needs for questions information to
makes an non-
coping. and express these
association pharmacologi
their experiences. between a cal treatment.
The client knowledge People use behavior
will of essential experiences and and a
participate in oil. new information consequenc
future group to construct e.
activities to their own
decrease the
stress and
cope with
their life Learning: is
situations. about the
things from
themselves and
learning from


Objectives Estimated Activity Description Teaching /Learning Developmental Evaluation Technique

Time & Principle(s) Theory

Name of

I am going to give Humanism: Piaget’s formal After the presentation the patients
teaching on the focuses on the operational stage is were able to demonstrate the ability
1. benefits of bullet- individual as the about achieving a to use journaling as an effective way
The client point journaling by subject and more abstract and to manage stress and cope. The
will be able giving a asserts that
idealistic way of clients were able to identify types of
to share (1) presentation on learning is a
Meghan viewing self, and bullet points they can use in order to
type of the topic, giving natural process
examples on a that helps a issues. Bullet point express themselves in an artistic
situation they journaling uses this and organized manor.
white board, person reach self-
would use by providing an
providing an actualization.
bullet-point artistic way of
opportunity to also Connectivism:
journaling. journal, and developed with the organizing thoughts
discussing ways digital and and reasoning
journaling can be technology age, within one’s self.
used as an adapting to
2. effective and advanced in these
The client healthy coping arenas. Suggests
will tool. that people no
demonstrate longer stop
the use of learning after
formal education
and thus continue
journaling by
to gain knowledge
creating their
from other
own sample. avenues, such as
job skills,
3. experience and
The client assess to
will be able information with
to identify new tools in
(3) technology.
commonly Pragmatism:
used symbols emphasis
used in facilitating
learning through
promoting various
activities rather
than by using
methods of
The client
will be able Behaviorism: A
to identify view in which
(3) benefits behavior can be
of bullet- explained by
point external factors
and behavioral
conditions can be
journaling. used as a
universal learning


Estimated Activity Teaching /Learning Developmental Theory Evaluation Technique

Time & Description Principle(s)

Name of
Objective Discuss the Cognitivism: All developmental theories are The patients will be able
importance/benef learning theory involved with personal and to evaluate their personal
Discuss positive Sarah its of healthy developed by Jean professional relationships. and professional
adult (5-10 relationships to Piget in which an With that being said, Erick relationships to better be
relationships to min) foster an individual develops Erkson’s developmental able to cope with life
foster better environment for cognitive pathways theories seem to be most stressors.
coping through better coping. in understanding fitting for this topic. The
life events. and physical individuals we taught were
response to young adults, which would be
The client will expericices. In this in the intimacy versus
be able to theory, students isolation state-- in which the
evaluate their learn most individual need to form loving,
relationships in effectively through intimate relationships with
the future reading text and other individuals, or face
lecture instruction. isolation.
The client will Pedagogy-- where
be able to use the teacher directs
the information all the learning;
they learned Andragogy is
today to form where the learner
better directed teaching.


Estimated Activity Description Teaching /Learning Developmental Theory Evaluation Technique

Time & Principle(s)
Name of

Objectives I will be explaining Humanism: focuses Young adulthood I will be evaluating

1. Describe what the use of on the individual as (18-25 years) : everyone’s learning
meditation is mindfulness the subject and Intimacy versus of my topic by using
(specifically Elley- meditation. Using asserts that learning isolation. a teach back
mindfulness). 10-15 mindfulness is a natural process Adulthood (26-64 technique game
2. Describe the minutes. meditation can be that helps a person years) : Generativity (jeopardy).
preferred a healthy coping reach self- versus stagnation.
environment and mechanism in actualization. Old Age (65-death) :
time frame to order to help Sensory Theory: Integrity versus
practice focus the attention Suggests that despair.
meditation. away from stress learning occurs when
3. Discuss the and a crowded the senses of sight,
benefits of mind to your hearing, ouch, smell
mediation. senses to bring and/or aste are
4. Discuss how the focus to the stimulated.
meditation now.
correlates with
the ability to
Estimated Activity Teaching Developmental Evaluation
Time & Description /Learning Theory Technique
Name of

Objectives I will turn the Cognitive This project only 1. Able to

1. Attempt to Matika word cat into psychology involved the verbalize
participate a drawing of relates to art adult population. thoughts/e
without any 10 mins a cat. I will therapy Young xpress
preconceived give because of the Adulthood to positive
notion, this would instruction creative Middle feelings
interfere with and slowly process Adulthood. 2. Have
results. draw object involved. increased
so others Attention. focus/follo
2. Clients will can follow Perception, wed
express concepts along. and memory is direction
through art which Afterwards I used to create 3. State if
is difficult to will allow the Visual Art. their mood
express with clients to improved
words. freely draw after
3. Clients will whatever activity
verbalize the they would 4.
mood they are enjoy. Participate
experiencing d in
before session/gai
participation. This ned
gives something to personal
compare insight and
afterwards. develop
4.The client will new coping
look at artwork skills
after completion
and verbalize how
it makes them

Estimated Activity Teaching Developmental Evaluation

Time & Description /Learning Theory Technique
Name of

Objectives Showed a Technology: Relating to Piaget The

Crystal video on the The video Cognitive patients
1. Discuss benefits of showed how Developmental shared
the music technology is Theory : their
Infant emits sound
importanc 10-12 therapy. used for music relationshi
and reacts to
e of music minutes Asked therapy. p with
changes in sound
therapy to questions Music (sensorimotor music and
achieve and Therapy: stage), sounds begin expressed
the needs observed the Teaches the to acquire how music
of an patient's benefits of commonly shared therapy
individual, responses. reducing meaning (symbolic benefits
improving stress and stage), child is able them with
motor managing to voice a set of different
function, depression. organized sounds to emotions.
social one another
skills, (concrete
operational stage)
and the child is able
to analyze a music
on, self composition and is
expression able to invent
,and certain patterns of
personal music (formal
growth operational stage).
2. Discuss

Objectives Estimated Activity Teaching /Learning Developmental Theory Evaluation

Time &
Description Principle(s) Technique

~Client will attend Art Art activities such Learning about Throughout our lives Asking questions
Therapy group and as physical crafts crafting in different we have done crafts in at the end of
demonstrate a creative Alyssa like using glue, ways: various ways, one of presentation to
outlet: self-expression making faux 1. Craft as an the earliest stages is check
(10 mins) stained glass art, activity preschool or understanding
~Client will have
yarn, pompoms, 2. The kindergarten, making and knowledge of
improved mood after
participating in Art or noodle crafts. therapeutic projects. That is the topic with clients.
Therapy, make sure to nature of craft age of 4-5. Throughout
assess mood before going Explained that 3. Craft in our lifetime we are
to the group: or other these are the
therapeutic crafting and using
measurable change i.e. different activities
change different creative
physiological, that clients
participate in when outlets at least up until
they go to Art we graduate high
development, perception, Therapy Group. school. Crafting is an
cognition, behavior, activity that does not
emotions, communication, single one person out,
interpersonal, and it is available to anyone
creativity. and everyone, there is
no right or wrong way
~Client will be able to to craft, it is an art
understand the benefits of form of complete free
crafting by the end of

Estimate Activity Teaching Developmental Evaluation Technique

d Time Description /Learning Theory
& Principle(s)

Name of
Objectives Exercise Constructivis Erkson’s After the presentation
Izzy activities like, m: the idea developmental the patients were
The client will be swimming, that people theory is the one I able to discuss
able to (10 running, weight are chose for this topic. different exercise
demonstrate Minutes lifting aerobic responsible The patients we techniques to help
different ways to t) exercise can for creating taught were young relieve stress. The
exercise to help help manage their own adults ages from patients answered
relieve stress by stress. understanding 19-40 which would questions related to
the end of the of the world be in the intimacy anxiety relief and the
presentation and using versus isolation future use of non-
what they state-- in which the pharmacological
The client will know based individual needs treatment such as
have improved on previous to form loving, aerobic exercise to
mood after experiences in intimate help manage stress.
participating in the process of relationships with
an hour of linking new other individuals,
aerobic exercise. information to or face isolation.
The client will experiences.
participate in
future group
exercise programs
to decrease stress
and cope with their
life situations

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