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University of Puerto Rico at Ponce

DATE: August 28​th​, 2020

TO: Professor Lecompte
FROM: Fabiola Martínez Cruz
SUBJECT: Trip Report on seminar “Avances en el control de los mosquitos que transmiten el
dengue en Puerto Rico sin uso de insecticidas”

“Unidad de Control de Vectores de Puerto Rico” and “EcoExploratorio, Museo de

ciencias de Puerto Rico” presented an online synchronic webinar on August 28​th​, 2020 from
11:00am to 12:00pm about how to control mosquitoes without the use of insecticides through the
Zoom video conference platform (or “EcoExploratorios” Facebook and YouTube page). The
presentations intentions were to connect scientist with the community. “EcoExploratorio”
brought Dr. Roberto Barrera, an entomologist in Public Health, to present the seminar. Barrera
mentioned how the community could help decrease the reproduction of these insects.

Aedes aegypti in Puerto Rico

● Transmits Dengue, Chikungunya, Zika, and can even carry the Yellow Urban Fever.
o Originally from Africa; one of the three most important species in PR.
o Created a resistance against insecticides.
o Spread viruses by contaminating themselves and later biting a healthy person.
o They live only three weeks once they are adults.
o They locate their eggs over the line of water or places near water.

Information to control the growing population of mosquitoes

● Look and Eliminate- apply control where one believes that the mosquitoes are located.
o Reduction of containers that may become a breeding place for the mosquitoes.
o Use of insecticides and larvicides in containers filled with the mosquito’s eggs.
● . Attract and Eliminate- use substances that allure into traps and eliminate mosquitoes.
o Glue traps- traps that contain insecticides.
o Ovitraps- containers that have sugared hay that has been poisoned with insecticides.
● Self-dissemination- male adult mosquitoes that have been contaminated (using bacteria or
fungi) or that have been modified (genetically modified) are freed, these mosquitoes will
contaminate their own population.

How to decrease mosquitoes in the community and the environment:

● Attach screens to windows and doors so mosquitoes cannot enter.
● Install or turn on the air conditioner in the room.
● Build devices that will shut doors that are left opened.
● Recycle and pick up old/unused car tires.
● Clean backyards and fields every two months.
● Repair septic wells and the water meters that are sometimes located on sidewalks.
● Fix any place that can lead or tends to the accumulate water when it rains.
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