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By Alexus Cornejo
Edu 201 1001-1002
15 November 2020

For this lesson plan I decided to go with the fifth grade.


My plans begin with a whole group activity then moves to individual work and lastly ends
with small group work.

My lesson plan will be about math.


(5)1.24 use models and drawings to identify, compare, add, and subtract fractions with like
denominators and to solve problems [NS/PS 1.5.9]

The objective for this lesson is to use images of common fractions, a song about how to
solve fractions, and physical activity to help student identity, add, and subtract fractions.

• The materials needed are:

1. A laptop connected to a projector and speaker
2. Flash drive with my song about fractions
3. Jump Rope
4. Laminated paper with a picture of an outline of a pie and cut out laminated paper pie
slices with double sided tape on the back
5. Scratch paper

The lesson will begin with placing a jump rope on an open a part of the classroom. Then have the student get out of their seats.
Split the students into two groups. Explain to them this is going to be a silent game. Explain that the top part of the jump rope
will be the numerator and the bottom half of the jump rope will be the denominator. In this activity the students will be making
the fractions. So start with one group and call out a fraction.The first group will have to figure out how to form the fraction
without talking. For example say you have two groups of 15 so when you call out a fraction that allows for 15 student like 4/11 or
6/9. Have the first group figure it out and then move to the next and then just rotate off. This will help students have a hard time
sitting in their seats. After practicing the students can return to their seats. Now is when you can play a song about fractions.This
song can be found on a flash drive.This will help set the foundation for the next part of the lesson. It goes over how to add and
subtract fractions. In my class I want to try and appeal to every student's learning styles. So I wrote a song that will be helpful for
the students to memorize how to do fractions that will appeal to auditory learners.Now it is time to pass out the pie outline and
pie pieces to the students. Pies already look like fractions so this will be helpful visually to students. It will be good for students to
be able to physically touch something rather than writing everything down. For this assignment students will work individually
with their paper pies. You will call out fractions that can fit on to the pie. Go around the room and make sure that the students
are getting the correct answer.After having them practice and make sure they understand it by themselves tell them to find a
partner at their table and pass out Scratch paper. Call out two fractions and have the students either add or subtract it together
and make sure each students puts it on their pie. Then have them work out the problem on the scratch paper. Encourage them to
create their own problems while you go around the room and check. . This will give students that need more time if they are
struggling and it will keep the students that have a better understanding entertained while you look around the classroom. Th is is
the end of the fraction lesson it is now time to have the students clean up and hand in the paper and pies. Makes sure to have
them write their names on the scratch paper.

I will use alternative assessment which " directly measure student performance through
'real-life task'"(398).As the students work on the assignment I will walk around the room
and take notes to see who is grasping the idea. Pies are real life fractions so if they can
solve questions it relates to a real-life task. I will also review the scratch paper they turn in
at the end of the lesson to make sure they were working on the assignment and give credit
that way as well.

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