Health September 18

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Lesson Plan

Health 9
September 18, 2020
General Learning Outcome(s)
 Students will make responsible and informed choices to maintain health and to promote safety for
self and others
 Student’s will develop effective interpersonal skills that demonstrate responsibility, respect and
caring in order to establish and maintain healthy interactions.
 Students will make responsible and informed choices to maintain health and to promote safety for
self and others
Specific Learning Outcome(s):
 Analyze and develop strategies to reduce the effects of stereotyping on body image. E.g., health risks of
altering natural body shape/size to meet media ideal
 Identify appropriate strategies to foster positive feelings/ attitudes
 Assess the quality and reliability of health information provided be different sources.
Students will:
 Understand the negative and positive impacts of social media on self-esteem and the brain
 Whiteboard markers
 Booklet for students
 Chrome books
Introduction (5 minutes)
 Ice Break Activity: Described below
 On students desks there will be a brief questionnaire.
 Students will fill out the questionnaire to benefit.
 This is how we will introduce the lesson
 During this lesson we will be learning about the impacts of social media on our health. (mental, physical &
Body (35 minutes)

 After students fill out the questionnaire, they will be asked to put their masks on and discuss with 2 others
what they put on their questionnaire.
 How has social media affected your own life?
 After the group discussion we will have each group write up one thing they talked about in their groups
 Students will then watch the following video to get a sense of what social media does to the brain and how it
can impact your life.
 Social Media is changing your brain:
o During the video students will be watching and not taking notes. Ensure this is told to the students
prior to watching the video.
 At the end of the video ask students to fill out the work sheet
 Students will be given 5 minutes to do this, at the end of five minutes we will go through it as a class by first
asking what students think it is then going through the response to the questions.
Conclusion (5 minutes)
 In the last five minutes of class students will be given a sticky note to write one thing they might have
learned about social media and its impact or how it may impact their own self-esteem.
 As students finish their sticky note we will put them into a container to review for next health class.

Pros of the lesson Things to work on _

Lesson Plan
Health 9
September 18, 2020

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