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ePortfolio Post #5: My Civic Action Plan Matrix

Instructions: Complete the 4 goal Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant Timebound

statements below. Then, check if What exactly How will I know I've What are the Is it meaningful
you’ve met the criteria for the goal needs to be succeeded? resources to me?
to be “SMART.” When it’s accomplished? needed to Am I willing to
complete, include this matrix in achieve the goal? commit to
your ePortfolio #5. Is the goal a achieving this
reasonable goal?
stretch for me?
At 1 week after completing this Do some research When I have found Time to do said It is meaningful x
class, I will on climate a better research, laptop, to me because
change and see understanding of internet in doing so, I
what I can do. climate change as resources. can live more
an individual. sustainably.
At 4 weeks after completing this Do some more Once I have Cellphone or It is meaningful x
class, I will research on the reached out to other way of because in
Clean Water them and reaching out, I doing this, I can
Action and implement some of may not be able achieve my goal
possibly reach out their strategies into to participate in of being a
to them once my life. many things casual climate
more. because of the activist.
At 8 weeks after completing this Talk to other When others I need a good It is meaningful x
class, I will about climate around me have a understanding of to me, as I have
change, sign better climate change always been
petitions, donate, understanding of and what to do, someone who
and share climate change and and I need the wanted to live
informative I am able to passion to keep sustainably and
pieces. discuss plans of implementing the actively.
action. activism in my
life. It is a
reasonable goal.
At 12 weeks after completing this Become an I implement climate It is reasonable, As long as I can x
class, I will recognizable activism in my life, I as anybody could make some sort
climate activist. live sustainably and do this if they of difference, it
speak out about it. cared. is meaningful.

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