Dynamic Tracing With Dtrace

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Dynamic Tracing with DTrace

Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


After completing this lesson, you should be able to:

• Describe the purpose of DTrace
• Enable DTrace on Oracle Linux
• Describe and view DTrace providers and probes
• Use the D programming language to enable probes and
corresponding actions
• Use built-in D variables
• Use built-in D functions
• Create D scripts to explore your system

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DTrace: Introduction

• DTrace is a performance analysis and troubleshooting tool.

• It has been available in the Oracle Solaris operating
system since 2005, and was ported to Oracle Linux.
• DTrace allows dynamic tracing by defining probe points
• Probes and actions at probe points are defined by
commands and scripts written in the D language.
– Probes are made available through providers.
• The current list of DTrace Oracle Linux providers is as
– dtrace, syscall, profile, sdt, sched, io, and proc

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Reasons to Use DTrace on Linux

• Many tracing and profiling tools exist for Linux, for varying
use cases:
– Inconsistent syntax, scripting languages, and output formats
– Lack of integration of both kernel and application tracing in a
single tool
• DTrace provides an integrated solution.
• Administrators and developers know DTrace from Oracle
• Existing D scripts can be used.
• Customers ask for it.

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Enabling DTrace

• DTrace on Linux is available through the Unbreakable

Enterprise Kernel on x86_64.
– RPMs are available on ULN channel
– Reboot the server after installing the RPMs.
• The DTrace kernel modules are installed in
– /lib/modules/`uname –r`/kernel/drivers/dtrace
– Use the modprobe command to load the kernel modules.
• Release notes located in /usr/share/doc/dtrace*.
• Additional resources include:
– Oracle Linux 6 Dynamic Tracing Guide
– Forum for DTrace on Oracle Linux

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DTrace Probes

• Instrumentation points are called probes.

• Each probe is associated with an action.
• Actions determine what data to record when a probe fires.
– Any argument to the function
– Any global variable in the kernel
– A nanosecond timestamp of when the function was called
– A stack trace to indicate what code called this function
• A probe:
– Is made available by a provider
– Identifies the instrumented function (for function-bound
probes) and, in most cases, the containing module
– Has a name
– Has a unique integer identifier

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DTrace Providers

• A probe is defined and implemented by a provider.

• A provider is a kernel module that enables its probes to
trace data.
• The following providers are available:
– dtrace, syscall, sched, sdt, io, proc, and profile
• To list all probes for all providers:
# dtrace -l
1 dtrace BEGIN
2 dtrace END

• Each line of output identifies a specific probe in the

following form:
9-9 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
dtrace Provider

• The dtrace provider enables pre-processing, post-

processing, and D program error-processing capabilities.
• To list all probes for the dtrace provider:
# dtrace –l –P dtrace
1 dtrace BEGIN
2 dtrace END
3 dtrace ERROR

• Three probes are provided by the dtrace provider:

– dtrace:::BEGIN – Fires each time you start a new tracing
– dtrace:::END – Fires after all other probes
– dtrace:::ERROR – Fires when a runtime error occurs in
executing a clause for a probe

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syscall Provider

• The syscall provider dynamically instruments the entry

and return of every system call.
• A majority of the probes are provided by syscall.
• To list all probes for the syscall provider:
# dtrace –l –P syscall
4 syscall read entry
5 syscall read return
6 syscall write entry
7 syscall write return
8 syscall open entry
9 syscall open return
10 syscall close entry
11 syscall close return

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sched Provider

• The sched provider makes available all probes related to

CPU scheduling.
• Probes provided by sched allow you to trace key
scheduling events.
• To list all probes for the sched provider:
# dtrace –l –P sched
596 sched vmlinux yield_to surrender
597 sched vmlinux update_process_times tick
598 sched vmlinux try_to_wake_up wakeup
599 sched vmlinux sys_sched_yield surrender
604 sched vmlinux set_user_nice change-pri
609 sched vmlinux finish_task_switch on-cpu
610 sched vmlinux enqueue_task enqueue

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sdt Provider

• The sdt (Statically Defined Tracing) provider allows

programmers to insert explicit probes in their applications.
• To list all probes for the sdt provider:
# dtrace –l –P sdt
600 sdt vmlinux sys_init_module init_module
601 sdt vmlinux sys_delete_module delete_module
603 sdt vmlinux signal_fault signal_fault
607 sdt vmlinux oom_kill_process oom_kill_process
621 sdt vmlinux check_hung_task check_hung_task
630 sdt vmlinux _handle_sysrq –handle_sysrq

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io Provider

• The io provider makes available all probes related to

device input and output (I/O).
• To list all probes for the io provider:
# dtrace –l –P io
602 io vmlinux submit_bh start
611 io vmlinux end_bio_bh_io_sync done
622 io vmlinux __wait_on_buffer wait-start
623 io vmlinux __wait_on_buffer wait-done

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proc Provider

• The proc provider makes available all probes pertaining to

the following activities:
– Process creation and termination
– LWP creation and termination
– Executing new program images
– Sending and handling signals
• To list all probes for the proc provider:
# dtrace –l –P proc
605 proc vmlinux schedule_tail start
606 proc vmlinux schedule_tail lwp-start
608 proc vmlinux get_signal_to_deliver signal-handle
612 proc vmlinux do_sigtimedwait signal-clear
613 proc vmlinux do_fork lwp-create

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profile Provider

• The profile provider provides dynamic probes that fire

at specific time intervals.
• You can use profile probes to sample an aspect of
system state and provide periodic output or take periodic
• To list all probes for the profile provider:
# dtrace –l –P profile
631 profile tick-1
632 profile tick-10
633 profile tick-100
634 profile tick-500
635 profile tick-1000
636 profile tick-5000

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Enabling Probes

• Use the dtrace command without the -l option.

• You can specify probes to enable by provider (-P), by
name (-n), by function (-f), and by module (-m).
• To enable all probes provided by the syscall provider:
# dtrace -P syscall
• To enable the BEGIN probe in the dtrace provider:
# dtrace -n dtrace:::BEGIN
• To enable probes in the syscall provider whose function
name begins with “open”:
# dtrace -n syscall::open*:
• To enable every probe in the vmlinux module:
# dtrace -m vmlinux

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DTrace Actions

• DTrace actions are taken when a probe fires.

• The default action indicates only that a probe fired.
– No other data is recorded.
• Actions are programmable in the D language.
– Surround actions in braces {}.
– Surround probe and associated action in double quotes “ ”.
• The following example uses the trace() function as the
# dtrace –n ‘syscall:::entry {trace(timestamp)}’
dtrace: description ‘syscall:::entry’ matched 296 probes
0 6 write:entry 173635407378228

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Built-In D Variables

• errno – Current errno value for system calls

• execname – Name of the current process’ executable file
• pid – Process ID of the current process
• tid – Thread ID of the current thread
• timestamp – The time since boot in nanoseconds
• probeprov – Provider field of the current probe
• probemod – Module field of the current probe
• probefunc – Function field of the current probe
• probename – Name field of the current probe
• curpsinfo – Process state information for the current thread
• curthread – Internal kernel thread structure for the current

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trace() Built-in Function

• trace(pid) – Traces the current process ID

• trace(execname) – Traces the name of the current
• trace(curthread->t_pri) – Traces the t_pri field
of the current thread
• trace(probefunc) – Traces the function name of the
• trace(timestamp / 1000) – Traces the timestamp
variable divided by 1000
• trace(“hello, world”) – Traces the string “hello,
• trace(`max_pfn) – Traces the max_pfn system

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DTrace Examples

• Display commands executing on the system:

# dtrace -n ‘proc:::exec {trace(stringof(arg0));}’
• Display new processes with arguments:
# dtrace -n ‘proc:::exec-success {trace(curpsinfo->

• Display files opened by processes using printf():

# dtrace -n ‘syscall::open*:entry {printf(“%s %s”,

• Display the number of system calls using aggregations:

# dtrace -n ‘syscall:::entry {@num[probefunc] =

– With aggregation, totals appear after you press Ctrl + C.

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DTrace Examples

• Display the number of write() system calls and the

number of read() system calls invoked by processes:
# dtrace -n ‘syscall::write:entry,syscall::read:entry
{@[strjoin(probefunc,“() calls”)] = count();}’

• Display disk size by process:

# dtrace -n ‘io:::start {printf("%d %s %d",

• Display the number of read() system calls, excluding

those initiated by the dtrace process:
# dtrace -n ‘syscall::read:entry /execname != "dtrace"/
{@reads[execname, fds[arg0].fi_pathname] = count();}’

– This example uses a predicate.

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D Scripts

• Example of a simple D script:

# cat hello.d
trace(“hello, world”);

• Use the dtrace –s <script> command to execute:

# dtrace –s hello.d
dtrace: script ‘hello.d’ matched 1 probe
0 1 :BEGIN hello, world

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D Scripts

• Use the dtrace –q –s <script> command to execute

the script in “quiet” mode:
# dtrace –qs hello.d
hello, world
• Alternatively, you can create executable DTrace interpreter
files by beginning the script with the following line:
#!/usr/sbin/dtrace –s
trace(“hello, world”);
• Give the script execute permission and you can run the
script by entering its name on the command line.

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Using Predicates in a D Script

Example of predicates in a D script:

# cat countdown.d
i = 5;
/i > 0/
/i == 0/

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D Script Example

The following script includes the use of an array:

# cat rwtime.d
/pid == $1/
ts[probefunc] = timestamp;
/pid == $1 && ts[probefunc] != 0/
printf(“%d nsecs”, timestamp – ts[probefunc]);

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D Script Example

• The -C option invokes the C preprocessor:

#S dtrace -C –s activity.d
• Use D pragmas to enable DTrace options:
#pragma D option quiet
• Clause-local variables reuse storage for each D program
clause that relates to a probe.
– This is similar to automatic variables in C, C++, or Java.
– Use this-> notation to assign and reference.
this->pid = ((struct task_struct *)arg0)->pid;
time[this->pid] = timestamp;
p_pid[this->pid] = pid;
p_name[this->pid] = execname;
p_exec[this->pid] = "";

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Which of the following statements are true?

a. DTrace providers are categories of probes.
b. DTrace probes are tracing or instrumentation points that
enable you to record data at various points of interest.
c. Oracle makes DTrace available through the ULN.
d. DTrace for Oracle Linux is being ported to Oracle Solaris.

9 - 35 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


Which of the following statements are true?

a. DTrace probes are uniquely identified by using the
provider:module:function:name format.
b. dtrace probes are used to initialize state before tracing
begins, to process state after tracing has completed, and
to handle unexpected execution errors by other probes.
c. The syscall probes are available for the entry to every
system call and for the return from every system call.
d. Other providers include sched, sdt, io, proc, profile,
and fbt.

9 - 36 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


Which of the following statements are true?

a. DTrace probes can be enabled by provider (-P), by name
(-n), by function (-f), by module (-m), and by label (-l).
b. Use the D programming language to specify probes of
interest and to bind actions to those probes.
c. The following example uses the correct D programming
language syntax:
# dtrace –n ‘syscall:::entry
d. The trace() built-in function takes a D expression as an
argument and traces the result to the directed buffer.

9 - 37 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


Which of the following statements are true?

a. DTrace provides several built-in functions for aggregating
data that individual probes gather.
b. The name of the aggregation is prefixed with the @ symbol.
c. DTrace predicates provide the ability to conditionally trace
data and modify control flow.
d. A predicate expression is enclosed in %% characters.

9 - 38 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.


In this lesson, you should have learned how to:

• Enable DTrace on Oracle Linux
• View DTrace providers and probes
• Use the D programming language to enable probes and
corresponding actions
• Use built-in D variables
• Use built-in D functions
• Create D scripts to explore your system

9 - 39 Copyright © 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Practice 9: Overview

This practice covers the following topics:

• Installing DTrace packages
• Enabling DTrace modules
• Using DTrace from the command line to list providers and
• Using DTrace from the command line to enable probes
and actions
• Creating and running D scripts

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