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When looking at the responses from the students, I saw many trends in the data. Most students
said they consider math their favorite subject (which shocked me) and considered English as
their least favorite. They all said that they would rather be learning in person and miss out on
different learning opportunities being online. One of the key responses I wanted to highlight is
that the students motivation mostly came from interactive activities. Almost all of the responses
said that is what keeps them engaged and motivated and recommended that for future online
learning techniques. Also, all of their memorable learning experiences was linked to an
interactive lesson/activity. When reading the article “Successfully Taking Offline Classes
Online”, the author states “Teachers must break up the learning activities into smaller parts and
give students time to self-pace through those activities” (Tucker, 2020). This is extremely
important with online learning because students end up listening to teachers lecture for 60
minutes without any student engagement. This leads to students not paying attention or having
opportunities to interact with the lesson to better understand it. I got responses that mentioned
that it seems like they have too much work and extra homework assignments since going online
as well. With this, students feel even more overwhelmed because if they do not understand the
material and are just given “busy work” to keep completing, then how will they be able to
succeed? From the article “Taking Action on Adolescent Literacy Chapter 1” the author states
“For students with poor academic literacy skills, this lack of embedded and explicit literacy
support results in a downward spiral that can lead to academic failure” (Irvin & Meltzer & Dukes,
2007)”. This idea makes me think of the reason why teachers need to be aware of student
differences, whether that be culturally, academically, etc. The experiences that the students
have had in and out of education will shape their learning and some students may have stronger
skills than others. It is necessary, as educators, to provide multiple means of instruction for
students learning at different levels in order to focus on their individual successes.


Irvin, J. L., Meltzer, J., & Dukes, M. S. (2007). Taking action on adolescent literacy an
implementation guide for school leaders. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision
and Curriculum Development.

Tucker, C. R. (2020). Successfully Taking Offline Classes Online. Retrieved September 18,
2020, from

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