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Connie Lisa Sutherland


Use positive relationships and supportive interactions

Help children learn using their experience and reasoning to make
appropriate decisions.
Support self-esteem and self-concept.
Use intentional listening to show respect.


Support the use of empathy to solve disagreements and

undesirable behavior.
Discipline using the Constructivist beliefs.
Focus on the cause for the undesireable behavior instead of the
action or behavior.


Recognize and deminish the opportunity for undesireable

Create a safe environment all students can use to learn.
Support social skills and use of individual voice.

To satisfy the constructivist beliefs that I will teach to, I would like to have a
classroom built on guidance, discipline and management. I believe that guiding the
students and keeping track of their physical, intellectual, social and emotional
needs will help create an environment that supports autonomy and prevents
behavioral problems. I believe it is important to teach children the art of empathy
and caring about others to avoid undesirable behavior. After training in Conscious
Discipline, I have learned that discipline is not something you do to a child, it is
something you build inside of them. After they have discipline instilled in them,
they will be able to self-regulate and make better decisions by themselves. I feel
that using this strategy, I will be helping solve life long problems and not just
short-term ones. Classroom management refers to the techniques that a teacher
uses to help students create an environment that will promote learning. I will build
management in my classroom by making it a safe and comfortable space for
students to learn and grow. I believe that it is important for students to be a part of
helping the teacher with the classroom management to ensure that students feel

R e sp o n sib iltie s
E th ic a l


I will use the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct and Statement of
Commitment to ensure that my classroom is culturally appropriate. It is very
important to me that all children, their families, my colleagues and the community
feel that their cultures and feelings are accepted and respected in my classroom. I
believe that it is my responsibility to my students to ensure a developmentally
appropriate classroom. I will strive to involve the students’ families and
communicate with them because they are an important part in the success of the
students. I will be respectful and open to the ideas and thoughts of my fellow
colleagues and surrounding community.

Design of Learning Environment

Family Board File Cabinets

Writing Art
Safe Center Center
Space Center
Read Aloud and bi
Smartboard e
Learning Carpet

Smartboard come
Door Shelf
By using the above classroom design, I offer lots of space for my students to learn
for grades kindergarten through third grade. I have created this sample room to
show all of the different spaces that I will include in my classroom. I have used
tables instead of desks to offer social interaction and collaboration between
students. All of the student tables are located where everyone will still be able to
see the smartboard if instruction is still needed after they leave the carpet. I have
positioned my workspace to where I will be able to see all areas of the classroom. I
have placed the safe space on the quiet side of the classroom so that the students
will have a peaceful place to self-regulate. The more active centers are close to my
desk so that I will be able to be close if the students need help with their work. I
have positioned a welcome shelf and cubbies near the door so that the students will
be greeted when they arrive and be able to put their things away as they enter. I
have left plenty of space for the students to be able to walk freely throughout the
room without colliding into each other.


The safe space will be a tool that the students can use when they feel overwhelmed
and need to have a moment of time alone. I will use some of the Conscious
Discipline strategies to help them learn ways to self-regulate. In the image shown,
there are breathing techniques, charts to help them understand how they are feeling
and a place for family and friend pictures. There will also be a journal for the
students to be able to express their feelings. I will make the space comfortable by
using soft pillows and chairs to promote relaxation.

I will include a welcome shelf to my classroom. According to the teachings of Dr.
Becky Bailey, the creator of conscious discipline, it is important for the teacher to
welcome and greet their students at the door. I will use this in my classroom as a
time for me to assess each student’s mood for the day. I will be able to see if they
are ready to learn or if they are in need of food or even quiet time in the safe space.

By offering the students their own cubbies, they will be able to have a private place
to keep their belongings safe. I will allow students to choose their seats each day,
and the cubbies will allow them to have a space to keep their personal belongings.
There will also be filing space for the students to place their classwork so that they
do not have to keep it on the desk, and it will remain organized and not mixed
together with another student’s work.


I will have a desk to keep my belongings and computer safe. This will also allow
me to have a place to store student files to ensure that they are not accessible to
other students. I will be able to use this space to post attendance and be able to
grade papers. Unlike this picture, I will have my refrigerator where the students
can access it if they need a bottle of water out of it during the day.

C la s s r o o m

C h o ic e s
Assignments: I will allow students to choose which assignment to complete first
and how to complete them. I will post the tasks for the day on the smartboard. The
students will be able to choose which assignment to work on first. I will offer
differentiated learning by allowing students to either turn in their work by using
worksheets, art or computers/iPads. This way, each student will be able to
complete their work using the type of media that they are most comfortable with
Materials: I will have different types of materials in little buckets on each table.
These buckets will be for the entire table to choose from. The students will be able
to choose if they would like to complete their work using pencil, pen, crayons or
markers. I will offer different types of these materials so that the students can
choose what suits them the best.
Centers: I will use equity sticks to allow students to choose which center they
would like to visit or work in first. This will ensure that it is fair and the students
will still get to choose without fighting over who gets to go first. I will also have a
cup at each center for the student to place their equity stick in to show that the
center is being used. If the center is big enough, there will be multiple students
allowed in a center and this will be signified through a number on the cup. After
the student is finished with their center, they will be able to move their equity stick
to another center.
Jobs: I will encourage my students to help keep our classroom organized and clean
by letting them choose jobs that they would like to complete. This will be if the
students finish their classwork early and see something that can be done in the
classroom. I will have a job chart on the wall with the different tasks listed and
pictures of the students. They will be able to move their pictures to the task to
signify that they are choosing to complete that task for the day.
Seating: Since the students have cubbies to keep their personal belongings in, I will
allow students to choose their seats as they come into the classroom.
Greeting: As the students come into the classroom each morning, I will be standing
at the classroom door. The students will look at the welcome shelf and choose the
greeting that they would like for me to give them that morning.


Safe School Classroo
Centers Cubbies
Space Work m
Safe Space: Outside of the safe space, I will have a flip sign that says vacant in
green or occupied in red on each side. If there is a student in the safe space, the
sign will read occupied and know that there is someone in there.
Centers: All centers will have a table and rug to help show students the physical
boundaries of the centers. The classroom library and the media center will have
bean bag chairs for the students to sit in while they read or use the technology
Cubbies: Cubbies will be marked with pictures and the names of the students. This
will help them signify which space is theirs and what is not. The cubbies will be
made out of a cabinet with a big enough space for the students to store their
belongings in while at school.
School work: The students will have a filing shelf that will have numbers on them.
The students will place their school work into the filing folders with the number
that was assigned to them at the first of the year.
Classroom: In various spaces around the room, you will find different rugs, tables
and shelves to signify the boundary of a certain space. I will try to use different
types of boundaries to ensure the room is exciting and interactive.


I will have buckets at each center for certain items. After use, the students will be
able to easily place the correct items in the correct place by matching the images.
In the shelf, I will have an image of the item taped in the spot it should be placed
and on the side of the bucket that will be placed there in the cabinet. I will model
this for all students to be able to understand how the organization process works.
This will ensure that they can clean-up the classroom independently.

Students will be able to work together in
art projects such as group murals to be
hung in the hallway. These will be done
monthly for students to have the chance
to create art with different peers.
Students will be able to work together in
different centers such as the media center. I will
encourage students to listen to audio books
together with their peers. After they listen to the
book together, they will be able to discuss what
they have listened to and what it means to them.
Students will be placed in small groups
at different times during the day. Small
groups will be changed for different
subjects and will allow students to
work and learn with peers that they
might not work with normally.

Students are not assigned certain seats

throughout the day. This will cause the
students to sit and socialize with
different peers each day.

Friendships will be encouraged through classroom collaboration. Students will be

able to harbor friendships by working in collaborative art, media centers, small
groups and at their daily work tables. These four things will give opportunity for
all students to work together which will help them build friendships with all of
their peers.

Students will have opportunities to share by using the materials bucket and taking
turns. The materials buckets will be located on each of the student tables and at the
art center. It will have different materials that the students will need throughout the
day to write, draw and create. We will take turns by using our equity sticks to
choose centers and line leaders.


Library Media


Scienc Math
Centers will be organized with shelves and buckets with images to help
students recognize where the items in that center belong. There will be
comfortable seating in each for the students to be able to focus on the work
that they are doing in that center. Below is a list of materials needed in each
 Library- Books organized in reading levels and categories.
 Media- iPads, puzzles, headphones, computers
 Writing- lined paper, pencils, pens and writing ideas
 Art- paper, pencils, markers, paints, glue, scissors
 Science- magnifying glasses, journals
 Math- counting cubes, pencils, paper, number lines and graphs

 7:30-8:00- Welcome Shelf & Find Seats
 8:00-8:20- Morning Work
 8:20-8:30- Turn in Homework & Restroom Break
 8:30- 9:15- Math
 9:15- 10:00- Language
 10:00- 11:00- Small Groups/ Centers
 11:00- 11:30- Physical Education
 11:30-11:45- Lunch
 11:45- 12:00- Read- Aloud/ Restroom Break
 12:00- 1:00- Science
 1:00- 1:30- Centers
 1:30- 2:15- Writing Workshop
 2:15- 2:20- Restroom Break
 2:20- 2:30- Snack
 2:30- 2:40- Pack up & Dismissal

I believe that this schedule is broken down to ensure students have enough time at
each center and activity to ensure that they do not feel rushed or not have time to
complete their work. This will also be printed on a visual schedule for students to
be able to tell where we are at during our day.

Visual Consistenc
Schedule y

Welcome Time
Back Warnings


I will help students easily transition by using the following strategies:

Visual Scehdule: By using a visual schedule, students will be able to interact with
the scheulde by moving the clip to the time of the day that we are at. By allowing
students to visually see what will be happening next in their day, I will be able to
to an anxiety out of wondering what they will be doing next.

Consistency and Time Warnings: We will try to always keep on a consistent

schedule so that students do not get anxious or confused. I will also give time
warnings while they are in centers so that students will know that it is almost time
for a transition.

Transition Games: I will use transition games to help pass time and keep students
attention so that they do not get bored. While waiting for transitions, we will play
line games like quick multiplication or adding, spelling, and vocabulary. This will
keep the students’ attention while they are also practicing their learning.
Welcome Back: Just like with the morning greeting, I will welcome my students
back into my classroom by using our welcome shelf that has the greetings pictured
on them. The students will be able to choose their greeting.


1 Kind and Firm

2 Belonging and Significance
3 Effective Long-Term
4 Social and Life Skills
5 Capable

At the first of the year, I will create classroom rules with my students. I will first
explain to them the teachings of Positive Discipline by Jan Nelson. This will help
them understand what I am looking for in my classroom and hopefully spark their
imagination with rules they would like to add. By using Jan Nelson’s Positive
Discipline, the students will learn social skills that will teach them empathy and
how their actions affect others. It is important to me that I model respect for my
students so that they will learn how to respect me and feel that they are equally
heard, just as I am. I feel that it is important for students to help me create the rules
so that they are heard and will also understand what is expected of them. By using
the positive discipline, the students will have a sense of belonging, respect and
accomplishment that will last them throughout their entire lives, not just in my
classroom. I want to build discipline inside of them so that they might become
better peers, students and people.
I will orient my students daily by going over our five main goals for rules. Each
month, we will talk in depth about what our rules mean and think back on why we
chose those rules and why they are important. After the winter break, I will go
back over our complete classroom management and remind the students where
everything goes in our classroom and how to complete our schedule. This will
ensure that the students always have a working knowledge of what our classroom
management plan is and why we use it.



To ensure that my students value one another, we will go by alphabetic order each
week to pick our “Star Student.” The white board located at the smartboard
learning carpet will be used for this purpose. On this board, we will have the
student’s name listed, five good qualities this person possesses (given by the other
students), and three things the student thinks makes them special. This will help the
students think good thoughts about their peers and also teach the child to think of
themselves as someone special. This board will change each week until we have
gone through everyone in the room. I will then go back through the students, but
instead of listing things about themselves, they will choose someone outside of our
classroom for us to highlight such as a police officer, doctor, principal, janitor, etc.
At the end of each week, I will post my favorite assignment from each student on
their “Wow Work” square. This will be displayed for the following week so that all
students can share and celebrate with each other their hard work.




To involve parents into my classroom management plan and to ensure that I offer
them a chance to share their own with me, I will offer the following:
1. Welcome Night- This will be the night that students and parents come to
meet me for the first time. I will have my classroom management plan
printed for them along with my contact information listed.
2. Guardian Survey- The guardian survey will be handed out on the first day of
school to ensure that I have given the parents time to read over my
classroom management plan. This survey will have questions asking the
guardians how they feel about the plan and if there are anything that
conflicts with their home plans or if they feel that they need to speak to me.
The student will be asked to return this survey so that I can read the input
given from the guardians.
3. Teacher Website- I will have a teacher website that will include news of all
things happening in our classroom. This website will include information
about myself, our classroom management plan, class newsletters, schedules,
parent resources and many other things. Parents will be able to contact me
through this website. Parents will also be able to volunteer to help with
classroom things and sign-up for remind me text messages.
I will also be willing to meet parents, have zoom calls or even phone calls to
discuss anything that the parent would like to discuss. This management plan will
be sent home after each nine weeks to ensure that the parents remember what is
expected of their child while in the classroom.

Bailey, B. (2019, January 24). Greetings. Retrieved November 24, 2020, from

Brooks, P. H. (2014). 11 Ways to Encourage Friendship Skills and Social Play. Retrieved

November 24, 2020, from


Fields, M. V., Meritt, P. A., & Fields, D. (2018). Constructive guidance and discipline: Birth to age eight.

NY NY: Pearson.

K. (2020, June 03). 83 Best Classroom Organization Ideas. Retrieved November 24, 2020, from

Nelson, J. (2020, October 13). About Positive Discipline. Retrieved November 24, 2020, from

Usher, K. (2019, April 10). Differentiating by Offering Choices. Retrieved November 24, 2020,


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