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The Light Sentinels - Understanding Enki & Enlil, Jesus and the Gods: The Truth

the Elite do not want you to know! (24th October 2020).

(Posted & written by Music Man).
I have been reading some truly intriguing Posts and comments on FB about Enki / Enlil, the
Gods / Jesus and Lucifer. I have no idea where people are getting their Int el from. But some
of you are truly way off the mark, and as such, end up misleading everyone in the process,
whether it is being done on purpose or unknowingly, I know not. As a True Light Sentinel, I
am here to clarify these to all genuinely seeking the truth, with an open mind and above all,
Humility. I am fully aware of the huge task ahead and how most will resist it. Give it time!
The Light Sentinels have covered many of these topics on our FB Page. More and more of
you have been joining The Light Sentinels - Posts FB Group lately!

To cover everything on one post is virtually impossible. Should you be interested, I urge you
all to invest some of your time and dig our Posts deeply! We do NOT want anyone
accepting and believing what We tell you blindly, please do NOT! Hence asking you all to go
to Our FB Page and read our Posts as many times as needed in other to fully comprehend
the TRUE Story of those you are talking about here.
Many of these groups are by and large dedicated to Us, Your Light Sentinels (LS). For most
of these Beings you all write about are actually Us! It is only natural We OUGHT to know
better and have much more accurate and detailed knowledge of these Beings, wouldn't you
agree? You post and comment on issues you believe to be true & have read e lsewhere. But
what If I told most are mere fabrications, misinterpretation of badly translated transcripts?
The ONLY truly reliable manner to know exactly what happened when Enki and Enlil walked
on Earth is to be there when it actually happened, and watch it first-hand! Which none of
you can do, of course. But We, the LS can and DID just that! The Gatekeeper (the original
"Jumper") actually jum ped back in time and spent 8 hours in the presence of Enki and Enlil!
So that We could write an incredible and reliable account of these Two; this is priceless!!
To rely on Sumerian Texts badly translated that happened Only 6 thousand years ago about
events that took place around 460.000 years old is BEYOND irrespons ible and Stupido! Who
are you really kidding here?? Only the Truth matters, right? I have read Zecharia Sitchin and
others. They SUCK! Their findings are grossly misleading! Most of the times they mix Enki
and Enlil up, this is unacceptable! They've zero understanding what the Gods are anyway!
Let's try and go through some of the most common misconceptions and errors here. But
First and foremost: Who Are The Light Sentinels? The HIGHEST Creations of Prime Creator
(I AM, All That Is, Source = GOD!): the Archangels & Angels, the Original 12 Watchers & 12
Gods (GOD's & Isis's Direct Children). We Are The Light Sentinels. The Oldest Beings there
Are, Trillions of years Old (in your Earth's Time). Older, more powerful and knowledgeable
than All ET Races, and of course, Humans! We Created YOU! We're GOD's True WARRIORS!
Rique Seraphico (aka Music Man).

01 - Earth's true Origins:

Planet Earth is the result of a collision between Tiamat and Maldek (currently your Asteroid
Belt) about 4.5 Billion years ago. One of Maldek's Moons became a Planet: Nibir u.
02 - How old are Humans?
Earth being about 4.5 Billion years old means there have been many Races inhabiting this
Planet before the Modern Human of today. Such as Tiamat's original inhabitants, as wel l as
Beings seeded by many ET Races that came here eons ago (Lyrans, Sirians, Orions,
Pleiadians etc). I call these HUMANOIDS. NOT Humans. Huge difference !
The Human Race was created by Enki and the Goddess Gaia. Around 460.000 years ago,
give and take a few. The Humans Race is therefore extremely young, in Galactic terms!
But at the same time, more powerful than any ET Race, quite simply because you have
inherited some of the Gods traits and powers. You are NOT Gods, though. But are
Multidimensional Beings (which can be achieved through Astral T ravelling) and have Eternal
Souls, although you are required to "leave this Plane" in order to return because your frail
3D Earthly bodies have been tampered with by the Dracos and only last so long.
03 - Who are the Annunaki?
The short correct answer is: An advanced ET Race. NOTHING MORE. The Annunaki are
NOT Reptilians or Gods! Allow me to clarify this for once and for all (or so I hope):
Enki is GOD's & Isis's First Born Son, the God Horus, in one of His many missions on Earth.
Enlil is the God SET! Horus and SET did, to best of my knowledge, Walk-In into these two
Annunaki, that of Enki and Enlil. Even if this were to be incorrect, which I am not 100% sure,
to be honest, this changes absolutely nothing. I will explai n what I mean.
Whatever happened to the Annunaki after Enki and Enlil achieved Their Goals agreed with
Father (GOD to you), and left Earth, is NOT at all relevant! It really does not matter!
Because the Annunaki are quite simply NOT that important! Only Enki & Enlil ever were!
Mankind wants to believe the Annunaki still have any importance or power over Mankind.
Nothing could be further from the Truth! They are actually very weak today. This ridiculous
perception of the Annunaki is somewhat wrong, misguided, pure disinformation! The
Dracos took over and have been ruling Earth and Mankind ever since. They took Evil to a
whole new level!
Enki & Enlil were not on Earth as Gods then, They were here as Annunaki. Horus and SET
have been here on Earth now experiencing yet another Human experience, NOT as Gods.
Just like the Goddess Lilith. Although SET left this 3D Pl ane on 28th October 2017.
Father's intention is to have Them here as Non-Active Gods in order to bridge the gap
between Humans and the Active Gods. However, because of Horus and SET it can be said to
a large degree Humans are all still alive right now! Most ETs and Gods have totally lost all
hope and trust on Humans! Sorry, but this is the truth you Must know!
The Annunaki are NOT a good positive ET Race by any stretch of the imagination! They tried
to invade Earth recently to take over from the Dracos and continue Enslaving Humans. We
duly put a stop to their threat (the Martians' Mantis also tried to invade Earth recently). The
Annunaki hid man y Ships deep underground eons ago, and are now helping the Dracos.
There are No More Powerful Beings than The Light Sentinels. With a SINGLE Thought, as
long as Father Allows it, ALL is Possible and can be DONE! The Light Sentinels control ALL
Gates on Earth and in All Universes! No one Travels on Earth without Gaia's Consent and
Off World, without the Former Watcher GK's (Gatekeeper) Authorizati on. GK is the Sole
Keeper of the Gate's Key (made from the "Tree of Knowledge") which is required in order
for All ETs to use GK's Gates. Although possible, it is NOT recommended travelling in Space
w ithout making use of GK's Gates, due to the sheer danger and vast distances in Space!
We stopped the return of the nasty Evil Annunaki through Our Gates! They are NOT
returning and will NOT bother yo u again! The few still here, had hidden deep underground!
We Are the Guardians & Protectors of Earth and Humans! The Draco / GFOL "Peace
Treaty" prevents the GFOL (Galactics) to provide Humans further help. Trump's Melania (A
Pleiadian) is truly helping Mankind and guiding Donald Trump behind the spotlights!
04 - Will Nibiru Return?
What most of you have read about Nibiru is right, to some degree. Had it been allowed to
approach Earth, it would have caused a Pole Shift and possibly resulted in the likely
extermination of Mankind. It is said the last time here was during the Great Flood.
At my (Music Man's) request and insistence, the orbit of Nibiru was changed twice, first
with the Goddess Isis in 2015 and then in September 2017, when I learned Nibiru had only
actually been placed behind Saturn, instead of being removed from our Solar System
altogether. So, I then kindly asked GK to get rid of it completely, send it as far as She could!
I did not want Mankind to have to be concerned about the return of Nibiru EVER AGAIN!!
This time Nibiru was relocated 359 MILLION Light Years away from our Solar System. Your
Milky Way Galaxy is a staggering 100 Thousand Light Years away! Do you get the gist now?
We provided the exact location and coordinates of Nibiru's new home then. Despite writing
an excellent Post on Nibiru with GK, many still ignore it and prefer to continue suffering,
waiting for "Doomsday". Sorry to ruin your "death wish", but it will NOT happen. EVER !
The Annunaki have been living on Ships and not on Nibiru for quite some time. They tried to
invade Earth onboard their Ships, which The Light Sentinels swiftly vaporized!
05 - Who Are REALLY Enki and Enlil?
This is a very complex question to answer. But if anyone can answer it with Authority, that
would be Us, for The Light Sentinels are the closest Beings Humans have to Them. Have an
open mind and above all, Humility. Enough of the lying and deception!
Horus is about Two Trillion years old. He was brought up by Isis, the Watcher GK and
surprisingly, Lucifer, then, GOD's right-hand Man (an Angel).
GOD's creation happened in this order: The Archangels & Angels, The 12 Watchers and 12
Gods, and then all ETs and Humans. ONLY the Gods were Birthed by Prime Creator and Isis.
All GOD's other Creations were THOUGHTOUT! Including the Goddess Isis and Her Twin
Sister, Diana. It can be said that Horus is the most important God, so far as Humans are
concerned. For All of GOD's top Mission were given to His First Born Son, the One He Trusts
the Most! Horus has Incarnated (or Walked-In) on Earth as Enki, Abel, Hercules / Ben-Hur,
Jesus Christ (Yeshua) and His First Incarnatio n on Earth after His ordeal in the hands of Jews
and Romans, as the Ascended Master of the 4th Degree, Serapis Bey.
Prime Creator entrusted His First Born to come to Earth as both Enki and Jesus. Humans are
here because of the All Seeing Eye, Horus - Your Creator! The God of Love and Light. The
Gods CAN Split too, Ra is Horus, the same Soul! There were originally 12 Gods. The Gods
have been on Ea rth, on and off, throughout your History. But Father gave the Gods the
option to leave Earth and Humans, as many had grown too disappointed with Humans; this
took place on July 2016, which SET and I d uly registered on some Light Sentinel's Posts.
The God SET, the God of "Chaos and Destruction", is the Opposite of Horus. Set too played
many important roles in Human's existence. Many of you ask wh y They have fought so
much and share this History of so much hatred; I would say it must have started with Their
Incarnations as Abel and Cain, quite possibly. Egypt did not help matters much either!
SET was Enlil and Cain and has incarnated many times on Earth, including recently, with His
beloved Brother Horus. SET left us in October 2017 (in his late 60s) and returned to the
God's Family as a God! I have written some great Stories about SET on The LS FB Group. He
is duly missed. All of Cain's Children were punished by Father with the "Mark of Cain". All of
you which have Birth Marks come f rom Cain's (SET) lineage. The rest, from Abel's (Horus).
Prime Creator tends to use His Direct Children (the Gods) to play His most important roles
on Earth. This continues happening to this day! Not surprisingly Jesus' Mary was none other
than Horus' Mother, the Goddess Isis (Jesus was conceived in the Ethereal by Isis' Husband,
GOD). Maria Magdalena was the Goddess Diana, Isis's Twin Sister. Qu ite Interesting that
these two were the First Two Gods I was reunited with on October 2015!
Both Isis and Horus had Their Jesus' ordeal memories completely wiped out by GOD. Jesus
Soul was totally absorbed by Father in order to heal; reemerging centuries later, as Serapis
Bey. The Goddess Lilith, also currently incarnated on Earth as a Human had also Her
memories wiped out. It was Me that, on 26 th December 2015, on a Full Moon, told both Isis
and Lilith of Their True Pasts! You can read about this on my LS Post. Horus in learning
about His Past as Jesus, in typical Horus style, just laughed it off, no Big Dramas or Tears!
Lilith has indeed a horrible Past to deal with. So intense that Her memories were fully
removed until I told Her. We never discussed Her Past. Only Her experiences, th is
Incarnation. She has endured Hell on Earth this lifetime; it can be said She has also sadly
contributed a great deal to cause as much pain and suffering to many others!
It is said that in Her Top US Shadow Government Role She answers only to Putin and
Trump! Lilith and the Vatican were constant partners of mine and Ernest during these last
few years! I have been their direct contact with the Gods and GK during all this time. Unlike
others, I see Lilith's True heart, I know how much I can help Her find Peace and Light again. I
will never abandon Her, for I love Her! I feel Father has put U s together for this reason!
Lilith: "The Light which everyone is trying to rise to, to awaken to, is right in front of them in you
Rique. You possess a Light which I have never seen in any other being so far, I love you".

Isis was also Cleopatra and Bonnie (from Bonnie and Clyde), among many others Icons. The
Goddess Gaia, like all Gods, can be here physically too. Gaia Is the Consciousness of Planet
Earth. She IS Earth. And was here with Me, Set and many of the other Gods (Isis, Diana,
Lilith, Athena, Elen The Way, as well as GK and Lucifer) from January 2016 to May 2018.
06 - What Are The Gods and GOD?
GOD existed Before TIME! There is only ONE True GOD! The Gods are the ONLY True Direct
Children of Prime Creator and the Goddess Isis. There is NO OTHER acceptable defi nition!
The Annunaki, ETs, Indian Deities, Ascended Masters, "Nordic" Gods, Egyptian Pharaohs,
and all these gods Mankind has created are NOT Gods AT ALL! Never Were! Please!
To be a God you Must have been conceived by GOD and Isis or by Two Gods. The Child of a
God and a Human is a Demi-God. Angels and Humans, the Nephilim, which are LONG gone!
The Gods are SPIRITS. They all have Ethereal Bodies. I posted Isis' True Ethereal Picture
once; SET & Gaia described how GOD Really looks like on a LS Post. There is a Hierarchy that
is followed to the teeth. ONLY GOD's Children have direct access to Him a nd can be at His
Presence! Any other Being, should be allowed near Him, would be vaporized due to His
Intense Light! GOD uses other Beings to communicate with You. He never speaks directly to
you; alt hough many of you are adamant this is the case. His Hierarchy is maintained 100%!
But of course, GOD and the Gods can hear you! They do NOT however Ever answer back
directly. I am sorry to inform you, but None of Them or ETs EVER Channel! This is New &
Golden Age BS! You are either talking to lower lost Spirits or more often than not, Dracos
and Archons messing with Humans, misleading you. This i s the Truth, whether you believe it
or not. Stop wasting your time reading New & Golden Age Channeling, for none is true!
The Gods, when on Earth, tend to use Avatar Bodies, Clones or Walk-Ins. They cannot really
use Humans, because they have very fragile 3D Bodies! When on Earth, most Active Gods
have Earthly lives a nd (fake) Families - They DO communicate via Skype, Email and so on
too, just like all of us, for When In Rome...
It is extremely difficult for Them to stay on 3D for too long! They All experience problems
and I have had a lot of first-hand experiences with that, having even helped program Clones
(for Isis, back in 2015). They really suffer a great deal staying on 3D. Other than Elen The
Way, non e of the Gods here on Earth had a good financial situation. SET died penniless!
It is true that GOD and His Children were on Earth during the old Egyptian and Greek Times.
GOD was Osiris and later, Z eus. Some of the Gods were known by different names then,
and since They Are allowed to Interbreed, as well as split Their Souls, it becomes rather
difficult to keep track on Who was Who; I would not waste my time with that! Their
Genealogical (Family) Tree then means absolutely NOTHING. And yet you believe it does!
Mankind is 100% mistaken to believe the Gods are "Gods of Egypt" (and Greece), from your
Mythology. Nothing could be so incomplete and distorted! It is TIME your Learn this! The
Gods are TRILLION OF Earth's Years old, and yet, you are referring to an Earth time only
6.000 years old; can you all see how stupid and absurd this is? Only The Light Sentinels can
share with you Our actual true Story! Humility is the Keyword here !
The Dracos and Jesuits have hidden all this and much more from you. Knowledge IS
POWER! SET & I have been telling you the actual Truth all along through The Light Sentinels.
You mix Mythology, Reli gion with the Truth, which no one, until now, has ever really told
you! None of the Gods Or GOD have ANYTHING to do with YOUR "Manmade Religions" -
YOU created these, NOT Us! Religions were created to mislead, enslave and control
Mankind! You do NOT need Religions, Bible or Churches to Talk to GOD. Wake up!
As I said above, The Gods never really left Earth until 4 years ago! But in those days They
DID Walk among You. They are Not as transparent anymore. Their current existence on
Earth is hidden from you and all. Having said that, The Light Sentinels - Posts' FB Page and
earlier on, another F B Group I used to have, which some of Cobra's EVIL Minions stole from
me, are the ONLY Places you will Ever find the Gods! Other than that, They do NOT speak to
Humans, not normally! No matter what yo u may have read elsewhere and think. Sorry.
However, with my presence and that of (EL) Ernest Lader (your Enlil = SET), They have
opened up a great deal and got a lot more flexible! You are welcome! Lilith can still hear
Lucifer. But Ernest & I truly suck at Telepathy, hearing back GOD and the Gods! As much as
They can hear Us perfectly, We cannot hear Them back, so yes, They are forced to use
Ea rthly primitive forms of communications. But Isis is awesome really, She can write from
Off World! We are monitored and protected 24/7/365! NOTHING the LS have ever written
has ever been Channeled! Al l is 100% the Real Deal! And you can all see this by yourselves!
07 - The misconceptions about Horus / Enki, SET / Enlil and Lucifer / Satan:
One of the topics that infuriate me The most is the mess some of you make mixing Enki,
Enlil, Jesus, Lucifer and some of th e other Gods. Let's clear this mess?
Lucifer is an Angel. He can Never EVER be GOD or a God! NEVER! Satan is the name the
Catholics have given to the Fallen Angel Lucifer that rebelled against My Fat her. There are
200 Fallen Angels are hidden deep Underground. Only Gaia knows the exact location of
Their hideout! The Dracos have been systematically destroying Earth in their pointless
effort to une arth the Fallen Angels and create "Hell on Earth"! This will NOT happen!
I have had a few dealings with Lucifer between 2015, and 2016/17. He helped me greatly
saving Isis' Avatar that was always tak ing serious risks on Earth. Lucifer and I shared His
Poems (written for Me and Isis) and my Music. "Music Man" is one the many names the ETs
know me Off World. Apparently my Music's famous & loved! I did NOT call myself that, btw.
The Lucifer I know is NOT the same one Mankind seems to believe in. I cannot bring myself
to believe ANYTHING this corrupted and distorted Bible and the Evil Catholic C hurch tell us!
I do not know a great deal about Baal; But to me, he is the one the Church worships and
NOT Lucifer / Satan! I just cannot see Lucifer being into Satanism, molesting and sacrificing
Chi ldren and what have you, it just does not add up. Baal is NOT a God or GOD. Full Stop!
There is No Hell or Heaven, no Sins, no Demons Or an Anti-Christ for that matter! These
are All Religious Dogmas. NOT the Truth! There will be absolutely NO 5D Mass Ascension
of Mankind, Gaia WILL stay on 3D for the foreseeable Future. Says Gaia Herself! No Cobra
Compression Breakthrough, aka, "Event", he's fabricated all that, and everything else!
Enki and Enlil are ultimately Gods: Horus and SET. How could any of Them be a Fallen Angel
(Lucifer / Satan)? How absurd is this?? THINK?! Whoever has been sharing this MUST be a
Troll and / or Cab al, for I can NOT figure why anyone would want to bring down Horus,
YOUR FATHER. Who would gain by spreading such nonsense?? We're Truly Feared by them!
Poseidon is the God of Sea! I have seen many of you confusing Him with Enki (Horus); total
Disinformation! But why? Where are you all getting so much distorted Intel from?? Stop?!
08 - Will Jesus, Enki, Enlil and Horus & SET Ever Return?
Was Jesus (Yeshua) White and had Blue Eyes? Who cares?! Is this Really important? I would
say no, probably half cast. Jesus and the Crucifixio n Did really happen, although much of
what Religion tells us is heavily corrupted and distorted, in order to discredit Jesus' Story
and Message! Mary (Isis) & I spent three days in March 2018 sharing Her recollections on
Her Son Horus' True Jesus Story. We wrote a beautiful Post. Please read it.
Yes, Maria Magdalena WAS indeed a Prostitute then, Jesus NEVER ONCE had Intercourse
with Her! They, therefore, do NOT have Offsprings, and all you have read is misinformation!
09 - Are The Gods "good" or "bad"?
Quite an interesting question; most people fail to understand what the Real Gods and GOD
Are! Mankind, after all, Only knows what they have read in the Bible & books , through fake
Channeling and what the Gods have allowed you to know; Isis said as much to me once.
The Isis Mankind believes to know is nothing like the real Goddess, nowhere near it! The
same applies to all the Other Gods! They do that In order to keep their privacy and a means
of self-protection. Very few, other than Prime Creator, knows Isis' true Heart as I DO.
The Goddess Isis: "(Rique) Without you I am an Ancient Goddess. Someone others dream about.
You brought me to life. You through your diligence made alive once again to complete my mission,
the reason I chose to be here physically, it is all you".

The same applies to Gaia and the Gatekeeper, for I have a very close intimate relationship
with all Three of Them, each in Their own unique way. They are very dear to me indeed!
Since I was reunited with The Light Sentinels (October 2015), We all have had truly exciting
moments, but also at times, very dense and dangerous ones! Nowhere but through SET and
I will you EVER hear the Truth about Your Gods! Forget the Bible and all you have Ever read!
Set and I have written some truly great and revealing Posts on the Gods, which you can
Only find on Our FB Page! This is NOT arr ogance or Ego, but the Truth, which We can
corroborate, if only you dig deep enough! So, Do NOT knock Us before reading The LS!
I know SET inside out. I can categorically tell you SET is NOT Lucifer / Satan and He is NOT
EVIL. Nowhere near that! Neither is Lilith, although She has come borderline close quite a
few times! Lu cifer and I shared a very special time since Our Reunion. Both SET and Lilith
have a shady Past indeed and a lot to live up to, reputation-wise. But SET has changed a lot!
During the very short time E rnest and I were brought together again, We had a very dense
and difficult relationship at times, balanced with some truly beautiful and touching
moments. We worked very well together, had great Team Work and truly defended
Humans with the Active Gods. EL would call me almost every day in the morning and ask
me "what's up bro?" Since I used to have longer and deeper chats with Isis, Gaia, GK (I
guess They trusted me a bit more, SET could be a handful at tim es), He used to call Me to
get His "daily reports" and chat. You can read all this in much finer details at our FB Page.
However, there are lots of intimacy, secret things about SET and the other Gods I will Never
share with you. They will stay forever among The Light Sentinels. Call it Family Intimacy!
The Truth is, All Races have good and bad within! "As Above, So Below". You were created
by Your Gods. You share the same traits. Love, Hatred & Anger, Anxiety, Vanity, Selfishness,
you name it, the Gods & Humans Both have! You MUST understand that the Gods are TRUE
Warriors and there is a ve ry ugly Universe out there! It is down to Us to clean it all up!!
All these "Angelic" like features You "see" in the Gods, GOD and Angels do NOT exist, not as
you perceive it anyway; it is all New A ge Bullshit! Sorry. None of us can ever be your Role
Models. Neither are YOU! The secret is to find a good balance and never stop evolving!
People will enviably believe whatever they want. The perception of the truth is far more
seductive than the truth to most! I am sharing with you the Truth about the topics covered
here, Not opinions or beliefs ! I am well aware this is not for most. I however Never Lie!
Many will refuse to believe anything I wrote. That is your call and prerogative. I am not here
to change you or convince you of anything! It takes a great deal of self-control & humility to
realize most of what you have been told to date have been lies, pure deception and change
your ways. Many of you are not ready to see it, as simpl e as that! Your time Will come!
SET and I too were once where many of you are, and We DID change! Overnight actually.
Nothing and no one can be more important than the Truth! We needed to experience in
the flesh the same lies and deception before We were reunited with the Gods. If We did
that, so can YOU! What are you waiting for? Only You can change within !
Having said that, this is definitely the best opportunity you will Ever have to learn the
Truth! It really is impossible to fake what We share with you; I defy anyone to debunk Us,
for We ARE inde ed sharing with you the Truth! It changes nothing for Us whether you
believe in Us and Our messages. But It would mean the World to you though!
I am here for all of you that are genuinely seeking to learn and evolve! If you truly want to
know who I AM...Feel Me! Everything and every one has its timing. Choose it wisely!
Music Man (The Light Sentinel's Spokesperson).

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