Population Pharmacokinetics of Valproic Acid in Patients With Mania: Implication For Individualized Dosing Regimens

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Clinical Therapeutics/Volume 39, Number 6, 2017

Population Pharmacokinetics of Valproic Acid in

Patients with Mania: Implication for Individualized
Dosing Regimens
Janthima Methaneethorn, PhD
Pharmacokinetic Research Unit, Department of Pharmacy Practice, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
and Center of Excellence for Environmental Health and Toxicology, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok,

ABSTRACT can subsequently be used for individualization of

Purpose: This study characterized the population optimum valproic acid maintenance dose. (Clin Ther.
pharmacokinetic properties of valproic acid in pa- 2017;39:1171–1181) & 2017 Elsevier HS Journals,
tients with mania and determined potential factors Inc. All rights reserved.
that affect the pharmacokinetic properties of valproic Key words: bipolar disorder, mania, pharmacoki-
acid in this population. netic properties, population pharmacokinetic model,
Methods: Routine therapeutic drug monitoring of valproate, valproic acid.
valproic acid concentrations, demographic data, and
concomitant medications from 206 hospitalized pa-
tients with mania were retrospectively collected from
Somdet Chaopraya Institute of Psychiatry and
Srithanya Hospital, Thailand. Nonlinear mixed-
Although valproic acid (VPA) is widely used as an
effect modeling was used for data analysis. Covariate
antiepileptic drug in the treatment of generalized and
model building was conducted using stepwise for-
partial seizures, it also exerts activity for treatment of
ward addition and stepwise backward elimination.
bipolar disorder and prevention of migraine attacks.1,2
The final model was evaluated using bootstrap
The drug is characterized as having a narrow therapeutic
analysis and normalized prediction distribution
window and large intersubject pharmacokinetic varia-
error. The results were compared with those previ-
bility. The initial VPA dose of 750 mg/d is generally
ously reported in patients with epilepsy given that
recommended for the treatment of bipolar disorder. The
there is an evidence of a difference in valproic acid
dose is subsequently titrated upward as tolerated to a
clearance between patients with mania and those
maximum dose of 1000 to 2000 mg/d.3 The accepted
with epilepsy.
therapeutic range of VPA for seizure control is 50 to 100
Findings: Valproic acid data were adequately de-
mg/L. However, Hiemke et al4 reported that VPA levels
scribed by a 1-compartment model. Significant pre-
above 120 mg/L are tolerated in acute mania. The
dictors for valproic acid clearance included valproic
therapeutic range of 50 to 125 mg/L is usually
acid dose and weight. The population estimates for
suggested for the treatment of bipolar disorder.1,3,5 Most
valproic acid CL/F and V/F were 0.464 L/h and 23.3
of the drug (95%) is eliminated through hepatic metab-
L, respectively. Valproic acid clearance obtained from
olism. There is a high variability of volume of distribu-
this study did not seem to be significantly different
tion (Vd) of VPA, ranging from 0.1 to 0.5 L/kg.1 Given
from that of patients with epilepsy.
its narrow therapeutic window and large intersubject
Implications: A qualified population pharmacoki-
pharmacokinetic variability, therapeutic drug
netic model for valproic acid in patients with mania
was developed. This model could be used to optimize
Accepted for publication April 12, 2017.
valproic acid therapy in patients with mania. Valproic http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.clinthera.2017.04.005
acid clearance could be predicted from valproic acid 0149-2918/$ - see front matter
dose and weight of patients. This predicted clearance & 2017 Elsevier HS Journals, Inc. All rights reserved.

June 2017 1171

Clinical Therapeutics

monitoring (TDM) and individualized dosing regimens Naresuan University, Somdet Chaopraya Institute of
are important. In clinical settings where only one Psychiatry and Srithanya Hospital. All patients re-
blood sample per patient is usually obtained, it is ceived VPA orally as enteric coated or controlled-
difficult to determine individual pharmacokinetic release dosage forms 1 to 3 times a day with the dose
parameters, and the mean parameters from the range of 250 to 2000 mg/d. According to a routine
reference population will be used for dosing. policy of drug sampling in the hospitals, data on
However, these mean parameters were conducted in trough concentrations at the end of the dosing
white populations, which might be different from interval, before the morning dose, were collected for
Asian populations.6 analysis to minimize diurnal variations in plasma
Several studies have proposed that a population protein binding. All patients had normal kidney and
pharmacokinetic model with Bayesian prediction offers liver functions as well as normal serum albumin levels,
benefits in guiding dosage adjustment. Even though which are defined as serum creatinine o1.5 mg/dL,
several population pharmacokinetic modeling studies of alanine aminotransferase o45 U/L, aspartate amino-
VPA have been reported, all of them were conducted in transferase o45 U/L, and serum albumin levels within
patients with epilepsy. However, there is an evidence the range of 3.5 to 5.0 g/dL.
that VPA clearances in patients with acute mania are
significantly higher than those in patients with epilepsy Drug Analysis
(10.35 vs 7.70 mL/kg/h), which may be accounted for Serum VPA concentrations were measured using
by membrane transport system abnormalities that affect the Homogeneous Enzyme Immunoassay Technique
cellular uptake of the drug and its Vd.7 Moreover, most (Cobas Mira; Roche Diagnostics, Basel, Switzerland)
population pharmacokinetic modeling studies of VPA with a lower limit of quantitation of 1 mg/L. The
conducted using routine TDM data did not address the inter-assay and intra-assay %CV was o10%.
differences in absorption rate constant (Ka) between
extended-release and controlled-release dosage forms. Population Pharmacokinetic Analysis
On the basis of these considerations with the lack of Population pharmacokinetic modeling of VPA was
pharmacokinetic studies describing factors that affect conducted using a nonlinear mixed-effect modeling
pharmacokinetic characteristics of VPA in patients with approach via NONMEM software version 7.3 (ICON
mania, the objectives of this study were to conduct a Development Solutions, San Antonio, Texas). PDx-Pop
population pharmacokinetic modeling study of VPA in version 5.1 (ICON Development Solutions) and Xpose
patients with mania using routine TDM data and to version 4.3.0 (Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden)
identify potential covariates that affect pharmacokinetic were used to generate NONMEM output. Graphical
properties of VPA in this population. The results of this plots were performed using R 2.10.1 (The R Founda-
study can help guiding clinicians in VPA dosage adjust- tion for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria). VPA
ment in patients with mania. pharmacokinetic models were built using a first-order
conditional estimation method with interaction. Crite-
ria for model selection included (1) minimum objective
METHODS function value (MOFV), equivalent to minus twice the
Patient Data log likelihood function; (2) Akaike information criteria,
Data on steady-state serum concentrations of VPA equivalent to MOFV plus 2 times the number of
were collected retrospectively from Thai patients with parameters; (3) a condition number, defined as the
mania exposed to routine monitoring of VPA at ratio of the largest Eigen value to the smallest Eigen
Somdet Chaopraya Institute of Psychiatry and Sritha- value; (4) goodness-of-fit plots; and (5) plausibility and
nya Hospital, Thailand during January 2009 to precision of parameter estimates.
December 2016. Patients with mania were identified Given the sparse sampling strategy of VPA concen-
and recorded in medical records by physicians accord- trations, basic model development was conducted
ing to the International Classification of Diseases, using a 1-compartment pharmacokinetic model with
Tenth Revision (ICD-10) criteria. Patients of all ages first-order absorption and elimination in PREDPP
were eligible to be recruited in this study. The protocol subroutines ADVAN2, TRANS2. Parameterization
of this study was approved by ethics committee of of the model was used with Ka, CL/F, and V/F.

1172 Volume 39 Number 6

J. Methaneethorn

Different types of interindividual variability (IIV; η) of where P is the pharmacokinetic parameter, COV is the
all pharmacokinetic parameters and residual variabil- tested covariate, COVmedian is the median value of
ity (RV; ε), including additive, proportional, and covariate, θ1 is the parameter estimate where the
exponential models, were tested. Model equations covariate is equal to the median value, and θ2 is the
for IIV and RV are described as follows: factor describing the association between the covariate
Additive model: and the parameter.
IIV : Pi ¼ Ppop þ ηi Stepwise forward addition and stepwise backward
elimination approaches were used for statistical anal-
RV : Cij ¼Cpred;ij þεij ysis. The significance levels of 0.05 and 0.001, which
Exponential model: correspond to the difference in MOFV of 3.84 and
10.83, respectively, were used as criteria for statistical
IIV : Pi ¼ Ppop  expðηi Þ
significance for stepwise forward addition and step-
RV : Cij ¼ Cpred;ij  expðεij Þ wise backward elimination, respectively. Importance
of covariates as predictors was determined using a
Proportional model: reduction in IIV, statistical significance of MOFV, and
IIV : Pi ¼ Ppop  ð1 þηi Þ precision of parameter estimates as indicated by
relative SE.
IIV : Cij ¼Cpred;ij  ð1 þ εij Þ
where Pi is the estimated parameter for individual i, Ppop Model Evaluation
is the typical population estimate for the parameter, ηi is The final population pharmacokinetic model of
the deviation of Pi from Ppop, Cij is the jth observed VPA VPA was evaluated for its stability, robustness, and
concentration, Cpred,ij is the model predicted VPA con- predictive ability using goodness-of-fit plots, bootstrap
centration, and εij is the residual random error for analysis, normalized prediction distribution error
individual i and observation j. The η and ε random (NPDE), and a condition number. Plots of population
effects were assumed to be independent and normally predicted versus observed VPA concentrations (PRED
distributed with mean of zero and variance ω2 and σ2 for vs DV), individual predicted versus observed VPA
η and ε, respectively. concentrations (IPRED vs DV), conditional weighted
After the proper basic model was obtained, influences residual versus predicted VPA concentrations
of covariates on pharmacokinetic parameters were (CWRES vs PRED), and conditional weighted residual
evaluated. Correlations among potential covariates were versus time (CWRES vs TIME) were evaluated for
explored through correlation matrix, implemented in the their goodness of fit. Robustness of the model was
R program. Potential covariates to be tested during evaluated by a nonparametric bootstrap analysis
covariate model building included weight, body mass conducted using PDx-Pop. In brief, 1000 bootstrap
index, age, sex, co-medication, and VPA dose. Only co- data sets were generated by resampling with replace-
prescribed medication found in 410% of total patients ment from the original data set. Subsequently, the
were included in the analysis. All the continuous final model was fitted to the generated bootstrap data
covariates were centered at the median values of the sets to obtain the median and 95% CIs of the
population and modeled using linear centered, power, or parameter estimates. These values were then com-
exponential functions, and categorical covariate (sex) pared with those obtained from the original data set.
was modeled using additive function as follows: Predictability of the model was assessed using NPDE.8
Linear centered function : P¼θ1 þ θ2 One thousand Monte Carlo simulations from the final
model were used to compute NPDEs. Under the null
 ðCOV–COVmedian Þ
hypothesis that the final model adequately describes
Power function : P ¼ θ1  ðCOV=COVmedian Þθ2 the simulated dataset, NPDE should follow a normal
distribution with a mean of 0 and a variance of 1.
Exponential function : P ¼ θ1  expðθ2  ðCOV Three tests were used to evaluate the final model: (1) a
COVmedian Þ Wilcoxon signed rank test for the mean; (2) Fisher test
for the variance; and (3) Shapiro-Wilks test for a
Additive function : P ¼ θ1 þθ2  COV normal distribution. Finally, the stability of the final

June 2017 1173

Clinical Therapeutics

model was assessed based on a condition number addition, as indicated by the reduction in MOFV of
generated during the covariance step of model run 43.84. The reduction in MOFV was greatest for the
using the PRINT¼E command. The value of o1000 effect of VPA dose on CL/F. Moreover, weight was
indicates that the model is stable. also found to be a significant predictor on V/F, with a
decrease in MOFV of 6.97. However, inclusion of the
Model Simulation effect of weight on V/F resulted in a relative SE of IIV
One thousand simulated steady-state trough con- estimate of 110%, representing a substantially low
centrations of VPA were conducted using the final precision of the parameter estimate. Thus, the effect of
model for 5 dosing regimens (ie, 125 mg BID, 250 mg weight on V/F was not carried forward to the next
BID, 500 mg BID, 750 mg BID, and 1000 mg BID) to step. This noninformative IIV of V/F could be because
provide information on the effects of these different of the nature of data set containing steady-state VPA
dosing regimens. levels. Therefore, the IIV for V/F was fixed to zero.
The effects of co-prescribed medications were tested
on CL/F. None of them was significant during
RESULTS this step.
Demographic Data During the second step of covariate model building,
A total of 309 VPA concentrations from 206 Thai weight or sex was added to the model that contained
patients with mania were included in this population the effect of VPA dose on CL/F. Both weight and sex
pharmacokinetic analysis. The mean weight, height, were statistically significant predictors. However, in-
and body mass index of the study population were clusion of sex on CL/F resulted in a 95% CI of the
63.2 kg, 162.6 cm, and 24 kg/m2, respectively. The estimate containing zero and no reduction in %CV of
mean age of the patients was 39.3 years (197 patients IIV for CL/F. Therefore, sex was not included as a
aged between 18 and 65 years and 9 patients aged predictor on CL/F, and the full covariate model
465 years). Of all the samples, 48.5% were obtained consisted of the effect of VPA dose and weight on
from females and 51.5% from males. Co-prescribed CL/F. For backward elimination, both VPA dose and
medications in this population included perphenazine, weight were still significant predictors as indicated by
trihexyphenidyl, clonazepam, risperidone, haloperi- the increase in MOFV of 410.84. The effect of
dol, chlorpromazine, and lithium. The characteristics protein-binding saturation was also tested using the
of study population are summarized in Table I. following equations10:
Bm  Cu
Population Pharmacokinetic Model Cb ¼
Kd þ Cu
A 1-compartment model with first-order absorp-
tion and elimination best described VPA data. At-
Ct ¼ Cb þCu
tempt for a 2-compartment model building was not
made given that the available data are sparse. Because where Cb, Cu, and Ct are the bound, unbound, and
most of the collected data were obtained at the end of total valproic acid concentration (in milligrams per
the dosing interval, they provided little information liter), respectively, Bm is the apparent maximum
pertaining to absorption process. Therefore, the Ka concentration of the binding site for valproic acid (in
value was fixed at the previous published values of milligrams per liter), and Kd is the apparent
0.78 h1 and 0.38 h1 for enteric coated and dissociation constant of valproic acid (in milligrams
sustained-release dosage forms, respectively.9 The per liter). Because unbound drug concentrations were
estimated V/F and CL/F of VPA for a basic model not measured, the Bm and Kd were fixed at previously
were 27.8 L and 0.467 L/h, respectively. The IIV was published values of 130 mg/L and 7.8 mg/L,
best described by an exponential association, whereas respectively.11 The model with protein-binding satu-
the RV was best explained by a proportional ration resulted in higher MOFV (2241.018) compared
association. with the model incorporating the effect of dose
For the covariate model, the influence of weight, (MOFV ¼ 2202.699). Moreover, the relative SE of
sex, and dose of VPA was found to be significant on estimated clearance and the IIV of clearance from a
CL/F during the first step of stepwise forward protein-binding saturation model are higher (8.28%

1174 Volume 39 Number 6

J. Methaneethorn

parameters were described as follows:

Table I. Summary of patient demographic
characteristics. CL=FðL=hÞ¼ ½ð0:464  ðdose of VPA=17Þ0:402
Characteristic Finding  ðweight=60Þ0:779   expðηÞ

Weight, mean (SD) 63.2 (13.0) [40.0–107.2] To see the effect of fixed Ka on the final model, the
[range], kg Ka values for both enteric coated and sustain-released
Height, mean (SD) 162.6 (7.4) [147.0–183.0] formulations were varied in the range of 0.1 to
[range], cm 1.0 h1. By changing the Ka values within this range,
Body mass index, 24.0 (4.7) [14.9–37.8] the selection of covariates during forward addition
mean (SD) and backward elimination was not affected. Likewise,
[range], kg/m2 the parameter estimates obtained from the final model
Age, mean (SD), 39.3 (13.1) [18.2–73.1] were not affected by the change of Ka values, as
[range] y indicated by a slightly change in their estimates. The
Age group, no. (%) estimated CL/F, V/F, exponent of dose on CL/F, and
18-65 y 197 (95.6) exponent of weight on CL/F varied from 0.454 to
465 y 9 (4.4) 0.468 L/h, 21.8 to 25.4 L, 0.398 to 0.405, and 0.767
Sex, no. (%) to 0.784, respectively.
Female 100 (48.5)
Male 106 (51.5)
Valproic dose, mean Model Evaluation
(SD) [range] Figure 1 shows goodness-of-fit plots of VPA of
Per day, mg/d 1035.9 (382.7) [250–2000] the final model. Both population- and individual-
Per weight, 16.9 (6.8) [3.3–40.5] predicted VPA concentrations were randomly scat-
mg/kg/d tered along the identity lines, suggesting that the
Concomitant medication, no. (%) model optimally predicts the observed concentra-
Perphenazine 58 (28.2) tions. Moreover, the CWRES were randomly scat-
Trihexyphenidyl 143 (69.4) tered along the zero lines without significant trend,
Clonazepam 58 (28.2) indicating that statistical model is appropriate. The
Risperidone 70 (34.0) final model was repeatedly fitted to 1000 bootstrap
Haloperidol 39 (18.9) datasets. One hundred percent of the bootstrap
Chlorpromazine 59 (28.6) runs were successfully converged. The median para-
Lithium 17 (8.3) meter estimates and 95% CIs obtained from boot-
strap are summarized in Table III. The bootstrap
estimates were reasonably close to those obtained
and 42.8%, respectively), reflecting the imprecision of from the final model with o10% difference, and the
the estimated IIV. In addition, goodness-of-fit plots estimates obtained from the final model were
are subject to a higher bias of model prediction contained within the 95% CIs obtained from
compared with the model with the exponent of weight bootstrap, suggesting that the model is robust. The
on clearance (data not shown). Therefore, the model results of NPDE analysis are presented in Figure 2.
with the effect of dose on clearance was considered The mean and variance of NPDE were 0.08 and
superior to the model with protein-binding saturation 1.03, respectively. The Wilcoxon signed rank test
and was chosen as a final model. Goodness-of-fit plots for a mean, Fisher test for a variance, and Shapiro-
of the final model had no major bias in model Wilks test for a normal distribution were 0.105,
prediction (Figure 1). The results of covariate model 0.330, and 0.202, respectively. The results indicated
building are presented in Table II. The final that the final model has a satisfactory predictive
pharmacokinetic parameter and the IIV and RV ability. Finally, the condition number of the final
estimates are presented in Table III. The associations model was 8.0, indicating that the final model was
between significant covariates and pharmacokinetic stable.

June 2017 1175

Clinical Therapeutics

200 200

Observed concentration (mg/L)

Observed concentration (mg/L)

150 150

100 100

50 50

0 0
0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200

Individual Predicted concentration (mg/L) Predicted concentration (mg/L)

4 4

3 3
Conditional Weighted Residuals

Conditional Weighted Residuals

2 2

1 1

0 0

-1 -1

-2 -2

-3 -3

-4 -4
0 50 100 150 0 50 100 150 200
Population predicted concentration (mg/L) Time (hours)

Figure 1. Goodness of fit plots of valproic acid for the final model. The upper plots are plots of observed
valproic acid concentration versus individual (left) and population (right) predicted valproic acid
concentration for the final model. The lower plots are plots of conditional weighted residuals versus
population predicted valproic acid concentration (left) and versus time (right).

Model Simulation DISCUSSION

The 5th, 50th, and 95th percentiles of simulated TDM of VPA concentration levels for an individual’s
steady-state trough concentrations of VPA are pre- dose titration during treatment of bipolar disorder is
sented in Table IV. The results indicated that dosage recommended by several guidelines given the narrow
regimen of r500 mg BID may result in the trough therapeutic range and the high IIV of the drug. The
concentration below the therapeutic window. accepted therapeutic range of VPA required to treat

1176 Volume 39 Number 6

J. Methaneethorn

Table II. Summary of covariate model development.

Step Covariate MOFV Difference in MOFV

Stepwise forward addition

0 Base model 2327.306 –
1 Weight on CL/F 2304.882 22.42
Sex on CL/F 2322.364 4.94
VPA dose on CL/F* 2269.239 58.07
Perphenazine on CL/F 2330.395 3.089
Trihexyphenidyl on CL/F 2328.035 0.729
Clonazepam on CL/F 2324.255 3.051
Risperidone on CL/F 2328.03 0.724
Haloperidol on CL/F 2327.285 0.021
Chlorpromazine on CL/F 2327.811 0.505
Lithium on CL/F 2328.146 0.84
Weight on V/F 2320.341 6.97
2 VPA dose on CL/F 2269.239 –
VPA dose on CL/F, weight on CL/F† 2202.699 66.54
VPA dose on CL/F, sex on CL/F 2262.096 7.143
Stepwise backward elimination
1 VPA dose on CL/F, weight on CL/F 2202.699 –
VPA dose on CL/F 2308.02 105.30
Weight on CL/F 2269.239 66.54

MOFV ¼ minimum objective function value; VPA ¼ valproic acid.

Initial model for second step.

Full covariate model.

patients with bipolar disorder is 50 to 125 mg/L.1,5,12 with first-order absorption and elimination. The sig-
Model-based simulations for prediction of optimal nificant predictors for CL/F included VPA dose and
dosing schemes for VPA in both adult and pediatric weight. The power relationship was used to describe
patients have been proposed.13–19 However, those were the VPA pharmacokinetic profile. The effect of weight
conducted in patients with epilepsy in whom pharma- with an exponent of 0.779 indicates that the CL/F of
cokinetic parameters of VPA might be different from VPA increases with an increase in weight, which is
those in patients with bipolar disorder. On the basis of expected because there is an association between
this consideration, an effort to elaborate the population weight and organ development and functionality
characteristic that might affect VPA pharmacokinetic responsible for elimination.
properties in this population was made. Mohammadpour et al7 reported significantly higher
Nonlinear mixed-effect modeling was used for VPA clearances in patients with acute mania compared
population pharmacokinetic analysis. Patients in- with patients with epilepsy (0.621 vs 0.462 L/h for
cluded in this study cover a large weight range patients with a mean weight of 60 kg). They proposed
(40–107 kg), which might be of benefit in terms of that this could be because of membrane transport
explaining weight-related pharmacokinetic changes. system abnormalities that affect cellular uptake of the
Moreover, data collected from 2 hospitals could drug and its Vd. Even though, direct comparison could
potentially offset any system deviations between 2 not be made given the difference in study design, the
centers. In this analysis, VPA pharmacokinetic proper- result of this study revealed that the estimated VPA
ties were best described by a 1-compartment model CL/F in patients with mania was 0.464 L/h, which falls

June 2017 1177

Clinical Therapeutics

Table III. Final population pharmacokinetic properties and bootstrap results for VPA.

Parameter Estimate (95% CI) %RSE* %CV† Bootstrap Estimate (95% CI)‡

CL/F, L/h 0.464 (0.449–0.479) 1.65 0.463 (0.448–0.478)

V/F, L 23.3 (6.52–40.1) 36.7 27.5 (12.6–57.6)
Ka, h1
Enteric coated 0.78 (fixed) – 0.78
Sustained release 0.38 (fixed) – 0.38
VPA dose on CL/F (power function) 0.402 (0.305–0.499) 12.3 0.405 (0.319–0.506)
Weight on CL/F (power function) 0.779 (0.605–0.953) 11.4 0.783 (0.603–0.963)
IIV-CL/F 0.037 (0.018–0.056) 26.4 19.1 0.035 (0.018–0.054)
RV (proportional error) 0.027 (0.017–0.036) 18.0 0.163 0.027 (0.019–0.038)

F ¼ bioavailability; IIV ¼ interindividual variability; Ka ¼ first-order absorption rate constant; %RSE ¼ relative SE;
RV ¼ residual variability.
Computed by (SE/mean)  100%.

Computed by (SD/estimate)  100%.

The 95% CIs of bootstrap estimate are the 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles of the bootstrap estimates.

within the range of previous studies conducted in to the age of 12 years and is constant thereafter. This
patients with epilepsy.13,16,18,20,21 The discrepancy could be because of the differentiation of elimination
between the results from this study and those proposed organ functionality in children. Age was also evaluated
by Mohammadpour et al7 could be because of their as a predictor for CL/F in this study. However, a
small sample size of 19 patients with mania with a high significant effect of age on VPA clearance was not
variation of CL/F. The estimated exponent of VPA dose observed, which is expected given that the youngest
was 0.402, indicating that the CL/F of VPA increases patient included in this analysis was 18 years old in
with dose. This finding is also consistent with previous which the elimination organ should be fully developed.
results and could be explained by the concentration- Sex was a significant covariate during the first and
dependent protein-binding characteristic of VPA.19 second steps of covariate model building. Neverthe-
VPA is highly bound to albumin (90%–95%).1,22 less, there was no reduction in %CV of IIV for VPA
Binding of VPA to albumin appears to become satu- clearance, indicating that this predictor is not clin-
rated when the concentrations exceed 50 mg/L.1 ically significant. Moreover, inclusion of sex in the
Therefore, as the VPA dose increases, the CL/F model yielded the 95% CI that contained zero,
increases because more free fraction of VPA is confirming the insignificant effect of sex on VPA
available to hepatic metabolism, resulting in a clearance. Although Birnbaum et al24 reported that
disproportional increase in steady-state concentra- VPA CL/F was 27% lower in female residents, they
tions.22 In addition, the increase in CL/F of VPA with proposed that this could be because of difference in
respect to the increase VPA dose could be attributed to weight between males and females given that their
TDM effect in which patients with high CL/F tend to model did not include the effect of weight on CL/F.
receive a higher VPA dose. To better understand the The effects of several commonly co-prescribed
extent of nonlinearity, the effect of protein-binding medications with VPA, including perphenazine, trihex-
saturation was tested. However, on the basis of the yphenidyl, clonazepam, risperidone, haloperidol, chlor-
standard model evaluation criteria, the model with promazine, and lithium, were assessed. None of them
protein-binding saturation was considered inferior to was significant as a predictor for VPA CL/F. Discrep-
the model with the exponent of VPA dose on CL/F. ancies of the effect of risperidone on VPA concentrations
Takinawa et al23 reported a significant effect of age have been reported. According to a case report by van
on ke of VPA. In that study, ke is linearly increased up Wattum,25 risperidone could potentially increase VPA

1178 Volume 39 Number 6

J. Methaneethorn

2 40

Sample Quantiles




-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
Theoretical Quantiles NPDE









0 50 100 150 200 0 50 100 150 200

Time (hour) PRED (mg/L)

Figure 2. Normalized prediction distribution errors. The upper plots are quantile-quantile plot of NPDE
versus the expected standard normal distribution (left) and histogram of NPDE (right). The lower
plots are plots of NPDE versus time (left) and versus predicted valproic acid concentration (right).

concentration in a 10-year-old boy with mood swings.26 risperidone does not affect the pharmacokinetic
In contrast, Bertoldo27 reported a single case of a 15- properties of VPA. As for the effect of haloperidol, the
year-old girl with VPA concentrations that decreased result of this study is consistent with that reported by
from 80 to 57 mg/L when risperidone was added to the Ishizaki et al29 in that there was no significant effect of
treatment regimen. However, Sund et al28 reported that haloperidol on VPA pharmacokinetic properties. The
no change in VPA concentration was observed when co- authors investigated the effect of haloperidol on VPA
administered with risperidone. As previously mentioned pharmacokinetic properties in 6 patients with
because there is a high IIV in the pharmacokinetic schizophrenia. All patients received VPA 200 mg twice
properties of VPA, the effect of risperidone on VPA daily with and without haloperidol 6 to 10 mg/d. The
pharmacokinetic properties should not be concluded results revealed no significant interaction between VPA
based on data from a small number of patients. The and haloperidol. The influence of chlorpromazine on
result of this study of a large number of patients VPA pharmacokinetic properties was also reported by
confirmed the result reported by Sund et al28 that Ishizaki et al29 in the same study. They found a

June 2017 1179

Clinical Therapeutics

Table IV. Simulated valproic acid trough concentrations at different dosing regimens.

5th Percentile of 1000 50th Percentile of 1000 95th Percentile of 1000

Dosing Simulated Valproic Acid Simulated Valproic Acid Simulated Valproic Acid
Regimen Trough Concentrations, mg/L Trough Concentrations, mg/L Trough Concentrations, mg/L

125 mg BID 8.90 11.86 15.83

250 mg BID 17.81 23.73 31.67
500 mg BID 35.61 47.46 63.34
750 mg BID 53.42 71.19 95.00
1000 mg BID 71.22 94.92 126.67

significant increase in VPA concentration when co- Given these factors, this model together with Bayesian
administered with chlorpromazine. In contrast, the effect estimation, an approach that relies on prior knowl-
of chlorpromazine on VPA CL/F was not significant in edge, could be efficiently used to optimize individu-
this population pharmacokinetic modeling study. A alized VPA dosage adjustment.
study by Yukawa et al21 in 250 Japanese patients aged
0.3 to 32.6 years found that concomitant administration
of clonazepam with VPA resulted in a 17.9% decrease
The author thanks Dr. Orabhorn Suanchang for
in VPA clearance with an unknown mechanism of
accommodating data acquisition and medical record
interaction. In this analysis, the effect of clonazepam
officers at Somdet Chaopraya Institute of Psychiatry
on VPA clearance was almost significant with a
and Srithanya Hospital, Thailand, for provision of
reduction in MOFV of 3.051. The nonsignificant effect
relevant medical records.
could be attributed to the small number of patients
(30%) receiving both drugs concomitantly in this study.
This study has some limitations in that the data were CONFLICTS OF INTEREST
collected retrospectively and the number of samples per The author has indicated that she has no conflicts of
patients was limited. Moreover, given that only trough interest regarding the content of this article.
concentrations were available for population pharma-
cokinetic analysis, the effect of formulations (ie, enteric FUNDING SOURCES
coated and sustained-release dosage forms) could not This study received financial support from Coordinat-
be investigated in this study. Despite these limitations, ing Center for Thai Government Science and Tech-
this study has many strengths, such as the large number nology Scholarship Students (CSTS), National Science
of patients with a wide range of population character- and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA).
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