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Running Head: Reflection 2

Reflection 2

Module two has taught me a lot about creating my lesson plans in a more

impactful way for all of my students. Week five and six specifically taught me the most

when it comes to creating formative assessments and objectives in the B-D-A format.

Week five was all about creating formative assessments for the diverse learners

in our classroom that can help measure the level of understand in our specific content

“lingo”. For an example formative assessment, I chose Padlet. In Padlet, students would

write three summaries that would vary in length. It will showcase the student's ability to

know the most important details for the shortest summary, and then expand accordingly

for the lengths. I would use this formative assessment tool after a day that I had just

lectured, given notes, or taught them any new information. I would have my students

complete this as their “homework” assignment because of the time it would take up in

class, and I would offer a written alternative for any students who might have

experienced internet issues at home, or simply prefer to write out their work.

Week six taught me a new way to write my objectives. B-D-A, or before, during,

and after, is a way to set up the way you create a content and language specific

objective. So often, objectives are written in a teacher language that goes above

students and parents heads, and sometimes does not even make all that much sense to

the teacher themself. With the B-D-A method, an objective is now written in a

disjestable way for anyone who reads it. Not only is it easier to understand and follow,

the B-D-A objective format ensures that the teacher is hitting all of the necessary points

in creating a lesson plan that provides the students with a deeper learning, and a

comprehensive literacy understanding.


Overall, this module really increased my skills in lesson planning. From start

(objective writing) to a single day lesson end (formative assessment) I have gained the

knowledge on how to create a deeper learning environment for my students, and how to

lead my students to the literacy process that is my ultimate goal.I have already found

ways that I can include it all in my future lesson planning, and I know I will be a better

teacher for it!



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Spires, H., Kerkhoff, S., & Graham, A. (2016). Disciplinary Literacy and Inquiry:

Teaching for Deeper Content Learning. ​Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy,

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Sorry to interrupt. (n.d.). Retrieved October 11, 2020, from

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