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Task: Discuss briefly “Necessity is the mother of all invention”.

The need for something which does not exist in the world encourages people to find the
way and solutions for getting these things. This kind of human effort is called an invention. In
psychology, need is said to be the driving factor for all men. Need influences our actions,
emotions and motivations. The tremendous urge in man to lead better lives drives him to make
inventions. The cycle has been going on since the Stone Age. Man is never satisfied with what
he has. He always aspires to have more. This need urges man to invent new things and discover
more. Thus, invention is driven by necessity and is a product of man’s ever-increasing desires.
The best example for this phrase was during ancient times. Man used to live in caves and
hunt animals for survival. They barely wore any clothes and ate raw meat. Gradually, they
realized that life was getting too uncomfortable in the bone-cracking temperatures. They were
scared of freezing to death. This overwhelming need for survival led man to invent fire. As time
passed by, the man felt the need to have something that would reduce their labour and make their
lives easier. Another example is that when the man realized that the wheel made transportation
easy, slowly they began building tools and instruments that helped them do their jobs more
efficiently. The first machine was built out of the necessity to overcome their difficulty felt
during work. The invention of houses also rests on need. The man felt the need to live together
as a civilization. They found it easier to live in cities which had more facilities. Inventing ways
to build houses, streets and roads arose out of man’s need for security. Hence, I believe that
necessity has always been the cause of new inventions since then. Though some of the inventions
are harmful or bad still, we cannot deny the fact that each invention has caused humanity to
progress and prosper.

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