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Emtenan Khoj



Summary of Learning

After reading, learning, and applying what I am studying about public health, I feel more

confident talking about different topics and discussions in public health. I have been learning about

public health history, theory and models, surveillance and data Sources, government and public

health system, as well as public health law and polices. Then we dived more into community health

assessment, public health financing, and evidenced based practice. All of these topics have been new

to my knowledge and I am proud of what I have learned and I am thrilled to know more about public

health. Working on developing an e-portfolio has been a great experience for me. First, I took an

assessment to evaluate my knowledge and to be able to explore my weaknesses and strengths in

public health. The results of the assessment showed that I need to increase my knowledge and skills

in 4 different domains. These domains are:

 Public Health Sciences Skills

 Analytical/ Assessment Skills

 Leadership and System Thinking Skills

 Policy Development/ Program Learning Skills

I have been reading more about these 4 domains and I expanded my knowledge through

reading, watching videos, working on assignments, and taking more time to find my areas of
interest in all of the domains. Other factors have helped me to grow my knowledge and skills

such as attending classes and taking notes. Here are the main artifacts for each of the domains:

Public Health Sciences Skills:

- Thursday Folder- Public Health Policy 

- A Day in Your Life With Public Health (YouTube Video)

Analytical/ Assessment Skills:

- Data Collection and Reporting (Article, CDC)

- Qualitative and Quantitative Data (YouTube Video)

Leadership and System Thinking Skills:

- Thursday Folder- Governmental Public Health Systems 

- System Thinking and Complexity in Health (YouTube Video)

Policy Development/ Program Learning Skills:

- US Healthcare Trends and Contradictions in 2019 (Article, AH&DB)

- Public Health Law and Ethics (YouTube Video)

I have gained other skills and gains in two more domains which are: communication skills and

cultural competency skills. I am able to communicate efficiently with public health agents and

organizations since that I have the skills and knowledge in this area. Also, many of videos I watched

have talked about cultural competencies and that was a great resource for me as a student. I plan to

advance my knowledge in the area of nutrition and public health to be able to implement what I am

learning and help the community to have a healthy lifestyle. I am interested in designing more

educational programs about chronic diseases and possible ways to prevent these health issues in the

public. I believe that working in the field of public health can make a huge impact on people’s lives

and can encourage a healthy and happy life for everyone.

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